Project Search (ongoing projects)

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Search result (52 hits)

Submarine Carbon Dioxide Storage in Geological Formations of the German North Sea

August, 2021 - July, 2024

Funding body: BMBF

Contact: Klaus Wallmann

CO2 removal by alkalinity enhancement: potential, benefits and risks

August, 2021 - July, 2024

Funding body: BMBF

Contact: Andreas Oschlies

Searching for solutions for Carbon-sequestration in coastal ecosystems

August, 2021 - July, 2024

Funding body: BMBF

Contact: Klaus Wallmann

Ocean artificial upwelling

October, 2021 - July, 2024

Funding body: BMBF

Contact: Ulf Riebesell

Potential und Risiken mesopelagischer Fischerei; eine erste kohlenstoffbasierte Bewertung

January, 2021 - December, 2023

Funding body: BMBF

Contact: Julia Getzlaff

Oceans under Stress – Towards Marine Carbon Observation 2.0: Socialization, Networking, Perfection and Extension

January, 2021 - December, 2023

Funding body: BMBF

Contact: Arne Körtzinger

CONcepts for conventional MArine Munition Remediation in the German North and Baltic Sea (CONMAR)

December, 2021 - November, 2024

Funding body: BMBF

Contact: Jens Greinert

iSeal: Integrierte sozial-ökologische Netzwerkanalyse für die transdisziplinäre Entwicklung von Indikatoren zur Reduktion anthropogener Stressoren; Zukunft Wattenmeer - Vorhersagen zur Kohlenstoffspeicherung und -zirkulation anhand von Mesokosmen­Ökosystemen

December, 2021 - November, 2024

Funding body: BMBF

Contact: Marco Scotti

SpaCeParti: Coastal Fishery, Biodiversity, Spatial Use and Climate Change: A Participative Approach to navigate the Western Baltic Sea into a Sustainable Future

December, 2021 - November, 2024

Funding body: BMBF

Contact: Thorsten B.H. Reusch

The interplay of hydrothermal and tectonic processes at (ultra)slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges

January, 2021 - December, 2023

Funding body: DFG

Contact: Lars Rüpke

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