Scientist (m/f/d) in Past Hydrothermal Activity in the frame of the ERC Synergy-Grant "T-SECTOR"

Deadline: 01st September 2024

GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel is a foundation under public law jointly financed by the Federal Republic of Germany (90%) and the State of Schleswig-Holstein (10%). It is one of the internationally leading institutions in the field of marine research.

Through our research and our commitment to the transfer of knowledge and technology, we contribute significantly to the preservation of the function and protection of the ocean for future generations.

The research unit “Paleo-Oceanography“ of research division 1 “Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics” is offering the permanent position of a

Scientist (m/f/d)

in Past Hydrothermal Activity

in the frame of the ERC Synergy-Grant "T-SECTOR"

Available from January 1st 2025.

Project Description

For the understanding of the Earth system a quantification of climate-solid Earth feedbacks is required. The global glacial/interglacial climatic changes of the past 1,5 million years led to the periodic waxing and waning of continental ice sheets and caused a vast mass transfer between the continents (ice load) and the oceans resulting in sea level changes of up to 140 m. Mid ocean ridges (MOR) where 80% of Earth’s volcanism occurs, are sensitive to such pressure changes, but their response to glacial cycles is largely unknown. Models of MOR response to sea level fluctuations predict changes in hydrothermal activity but comprehensive time series have so far not been accessible.

Carbonate-rich sediments of the MORs provide an archive of hydrothermal activity (radiogenic and stable isotope compositions of the authigenic seawater-derived sediment phases (in particular of Pb) and trace metal contents) that can be sampled by gravity coring. Through closely spaced new cores from MOR sections in the Pacific Ocean to be taken during upcoming expeditions, high-resolution time series of changes in hydrothermal activity of the past 1,5 million years can be achieved and directly linked to the climate record.

Job Description / Duties

The successful candidate will be part of the international team of researchers of the ERC Synergy Grant „T-SECTOR“. She:He will participate in the recovery of sediment cores and their sampling during the planned seagoing expeditions, carry out the element and isotope geochemical measurements in the laboratories of GEOMAR, and interpret them in terms of past changes in hydrothermal activity. For the interpretation of the data she:he will closely collaborate with the partners of the project, in particular the stratigraphers. In addition, she:he will play a key role in the planning of and preparations for the expeditions. Further tasks include the scientific interpretation of the data, their presentation at national and international conferences as well as their publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals. The successful candidate will regularly communicate with the other team members and will contribute to the management of the project and the curation of the data.



  • A PhD in geosciences or a closely related field is required.
  • A research profile in paleo-oceanography/geochemistry proven through publications in peer reviewed scientific journals is necessary.
  • Experience in the measurement of radiogenic or stable isotope and element compositions of sediments or waters via MC-ICPMS and their interpretation is required.
  • We expect experience and willingness to participate in sea-going expeditions.
  • We expect excellent English language skills (written and spoken).


  • Experience in the investigation of hydrothermal activity is desired.
  • International academic networking is desirable.

This is a full-time position for a duration of 4 years and 6 months. The position cannot be split. Flexible work time models are possible.

The salary depends on qualification and can be up to the class 13 TVöD-Bund of the German tariff for public employees.

GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel seeks to increase the proportion of female scientists and explicitly encourages qualified female academics to apply. GEOMAR is an equal opportunity employer and encourages scientists with disabilities to apply. Qualified disabled applicants will receive preference in the application process.

Please send your application including a letter of motivation, CV and contact details of 3 referees for this post not later than September  1st 2024 under the following link:

Online application

As soon as the selection procedure will be finished, all your application data will be removed according to data protection regulation.

For further information regarding the position and research unit please contact Prof. Dr. Martin Frank (mfrank(at)

However, we will answer all your questions if you send us an e-mail to bewerbung(at) In doing so, please refer to the above keyword “Frank – ERC T- SECTOR P.H.A.

For further information on GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel or the Helmholtz Association, please visit or

GEOMAR is committed to an objective and non-discriminatory personnel selection. Our job advertisements address all people. We expressly renounce the submission of application photos.