GEOMAR Library

GEOMAR Library

The main tasks of the GEOMAR Library consist in the high-quality literature and information supply of the employees. It offers special services for the scientific publishing process and a link to the research data management. The library provides information on current developments in copyright law and the transformation from the subscription model to open access publishing.

The GEOMAR Library is open to the public and all residents of Kiel and its surrounding areas.

Most Recent News

DEAL Elsevier

GEOMAR participates in the new DEAL contract with Elsevier. From 2024, members of GEOMAR can use the open access publication options for their articles in Elsevier journals as part of DEAL. In addition, GEOMAR will continue to participate in the new DEAL contracts with Wiley and Springer Nature from 2024. The open access publication option with these publishers is guaranteed without transition.


We moved the library to our new building! The new address:

GEOMAR Library
Wischhofstr. 1-3, Bldg. 5
24148 Kiel

The telephone numbers and the personal email addresses remain the same.
The new email address for the library is now: bibliothek(at)!


The GEOMAR Library signed a Read & Publish Agreement between HGF and the American Chemical Society (ACS).

All GEOMAR staff can now read ACS publications for free.

As a corresponding author from GEOMAR you can choose to publish open access without paying for it (the costs are covered by the library).

What you need to do is:

  • Use a GEOMAR email extension address and select GEOMAR as your affiliation (drop-down box)
  • Confirm that the institutional affiliation stated in the body of the manuscript is the corresponding author’s affiliation.

Once your article is accepted you will need to go through the Journal Publish Agreement to publish open access. Select “Yes I wish to publish Open Access” and complete the JPA signing process.

The Library will be notified of your funding request and you will receive confirmation once the request has been approved.

New GEOMAR Open Access Publication Fund set up!

We are pleased to inform you that the GEOMAR Library has been successful in acquiring funding to support Open Access publications for the period 2022-2024 as part of the DFG funding program "Open Access Publikationskosten".

Together with additional funding from GEOMAR and the GEOMAR Library GEOMAR corresponding authors are offered financial support for quality-assured Open Access publications.

Starting with invoices dated 2022, GEOMAR corresponding authors can apply for financial support for open access publishing.

Detailed information on the Open Access Publication fund and other publication charges can be found on the intranet:



Hot Spots

Project participation

  • MaNIDA (Marine Network for Integrated Data Access)
  • ORCID (Persistant digital identifier for authors)


  • GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    D-24148 Kiel
    Tel.: +49-431 600-0
    Fax: +49-431 600-2805
    E-mail: info(at)