Ships and Technology

On their expeditions with various research vessels, marine researchers use a wide variety of equipment to collect samples and information to answer physical, chemical, biological and geological questions. Autonomous underwater vehicles and measuring instruments roam the ocean and send data to the shore, where they are processed in real time. Moorings continuously record changes at key locations in the middle of the ocean. GEOMAR brings together expertise from different scientific and technical fields to keep equipment for marine research at the state-of-the-art and to develop innovations.



News about Ships and Technology


Long-term measurements for climate research

“WARD Tropics” Expedition studies ocean currents in the tropical Atlantic

A research vessel with a black hull, white superstructure and red funnel

Data Collection for Tsunami Early Warning Systems

Expedition MSM132 Investigates Volcanic Hazards in the Aegean

 A multiple water sampler is heaved aboard a research vessel at sunset

From Africa to Australia: Tracking the Isotopes

Expedition SO308 Investigates Trace Elements and Isotopes in the Indian Ocean