The restoration of seagrass meadows is one of the CDR measures with the lowest technological hurdles. Photo: Jan Dierking, GEOMAR
An interdisciplinary research team has developed a clear evaluation matrix
A woman sits at a table and smiles at the camera
Humboldt Fellow Professor Dr Maren Wellenreuther enriches marine ecology research at GEOMAR
A cruise ship is moored on the quay
Helmholtz Innovation Platform and HX Hurtigruten Expeditions Try New Approaches in Ocean Observation
A group of people during a field trip
MarDATA project week develops digital innovations for Cabo Verde


Annette-Barthelt-Preis 2024

Annette Barthelt Prize honours outstanding theses

Two young marine scientists receive grants for their research

Deployment of a plankton net from research vessel ALKOR during a fisheries biology expedition in the Baltic Sea.

Towards a healthier Baltic Sea

GEOMAR statement on the new Baltic Sea protection plan

Die Kieler Geographin Silja Klepp (m.) war kürzlich als Dozentin im WASCAL-Masterprogramm „Klimawandel und Meereswissenschaften“ an der Universidade Técnica do Altantico (UTA) im kapverdischen Mindelo. Die 13 Studierenden der aktuellen Kohorte erfuhren mehr über das Thema Umweltgerechtigkeit.

Communicating global environmental justice at eye level

Kiel’s human geographer Silja Klepp taught in Cabo Verde as part of the WASCAL programme for West African master's students

Harbour Seal Kielius

On the death of harbour seal Kielius

The GEOMAR Aquarium mourns the loss of its most prominent inhabitant

Mesokosmen an der Kieler Förde

Storing carbon dioxide with the help of the ocean – but safely

GEOMAR research provides important information for political decisions

The mesocosms are set up at the pier in front of the Kiel Aquarium for the experiment in the context of the Ocean AlkAlign project.

The ocean as ally in climate protection: How does ocean alkalinity enhancement affect marine life?

Multi-week experiment of the international research project Ocean Alk-Align starts in Kiel

Ice sample with sediment. Photo: Marcus Gutjahr, GEOMAR

Kiel researchers gain new knowledge on ice loss in the Antarctic

At the first call of the German research icebreaker POLARSTERN in Australia, chief scientist Dr. Marcus Gutjahr from GEOMAR hands over to Professor Dr. Sebastian Krastel from Kiel University

sail drone

Improving the European ocean observing and forecasting system

Legacy Report of the EuroSea project unveils transformative impact

Posidonia oceanica

Use it or lose it: How seagrasses conquered the sea

Gene analyses revealing the capacity of marine flowering plants to exist under changing environmental conditions provide clues for the conservation and sustainable use of important ecosystems

Storm tide on the Elbe. The joint project ElbeXtreme investigates the effects of extreme events on ecosystem services in the Elbe estuary. Photo: Maike Nicolai, GEOMAR

Understanding extreme marine events and natural hazards in Europe

GEOMAR coordinates two joint projects of the now launched third research mission of the German Marine Research Alliance and participates in two others