Informationssystem der Universität Kiel © Config eG 
Semester: SS 2023 

infCN-01a: Computer Networks (infCN-01a) (080064)

Prof. Dr. Olaf Landsiedel

Vorlesung, 3 SWS, ECTS-Studium, ECTS-Credits: 7
Praesenzveranstaltung, Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Di, Fr 12:15 - 13:45, CAP2 - Hörsaal H
vom 9.4.2023 bis zum 9.7.2023
1. Prüfungstermin (Klausur am Ende der Vorlesungszeit eines Semesters): 11.7.2023, 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr, Raum OS75 - Hörsaal 1; 11.7.2023, 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr, Raum OS75 - Hans-Heinrich-Driftmann-Hörsaal (ehem. Hörsaal 3); 11.7.2023, 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr, Raum OS40 - Norbert-Gansel-Hörsaal
2. Prüfungstermin (Klausur zu Beginn der Vorlesungszeit des Folgesemesters): 20.10.2023, 11:00 - 15:00 Uhr, Raum CAP2 - Frederik-Paulsen-Hörsaal
Klausureinsicht: 21.7.2023, 13:30 - 16:30 Uhr, Raum LMS8 - R.EG.016 (40); 8.11.2023, 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr, Raum LMS8 - R.EG.017 (40)
Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: Note that for the exam and exam reviews, the room bookings are commonly longer than the actual exam and review durations (to allow us to set up and prepare the rooms beforehand). Please see elearn for the actual start and end times of exams and exam reviews. We will teach the lecture alternating in one week on both slots (4 hours a week) and the other week only once (2 hours). Hinweis: Die Vorlesung findet alternierend 4-stündig und 2-stündig pro Woche statt.

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Courses in system aspects of computer science and programming skills, preferably in Python

Exam: Written exam of 120 minutes, the exam grade is the overall grade of the module. We will offer the exam in both the exam-periods after the lecture. Exams will be in English and potentially also in German. Exercise results are not part of the final grade.
Admission to the exam: To be admitted to the exam, students are allowed to fail at most two of the homework series and at most two of the tests (quiz) series. We consider a homework set or quiz set passed when the student achieves 50 or more percent of the points available. The teachers can lower the thresholds for admission upon individual requests.
Exam admissions stay valid also for future terms. Individual, passed homework sets or quizzes apply only for the current term and are not transferable to future terms.

Lehr- und Lernmethoden:
Lectures (in English) Exercises (in English and potentially some groups in part in German) Self-study

Das Modul kann auch im Wahlbereich 2 des Bachelorstudiengangs Physik belegt werden. Die Vorkenntnisse, welche in den Informatikmodulen des Wahbereichs 1 erworben wurden sind ebenfalls geeignet um dieses Modul zu belegen.

Introduction to the basic principles of computer networks and especially the Internet protocol stack. The module consists of lectures and exercises.

Be familiar with layered communication architectures (OSI and TCP/IP).
Know the client/server model and key application layer protocols.
Know sockets programming and how to implement client/server programs.
Understand the concepts of reliable data transfer and how TCP implements these concepts.
Know the principles of congestion control and trade-offs in fairness and efficiency.
Know the principles of routing and the semantics and syntax of IP.
Understand the basics of error detection including parity, checksums, and CRC.
Be familiarizes with current topics such as wireless networking, security and/or other topics.

ISO-OSI reference model, layered protocol stacks
Network and transport layer protocols (IP, UDP, TCP)
Topologies, addressing, switching,
Client/server-paradigm und applications
Application layer protocols: email, www
Security in networks and applications
selected further topics, for example, wireless networking

Empfohlene Literatur
J.F. Kurose, K.W. Ross: Computer Networking: a Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, 8th Edition, Pearson, Print ISBN: 9780136681557, 0136681557, eText ISBN: 9780135928523, 0135928524
Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Nick Feamster, David J. Wetherall: Computer Networks, 6th Edition, Pearson, Print ISBN: 9780136764052, eText ISBN: 9780135407875

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 210
www: https://www.ds.informatik.uni-kiel.de/en/teaching/computer-networks

Zugeordnete Lehrveranstaltungen
UE: Exercise: Computer Networks (080057)
Dozentinnen/Dozenten: Dr.-Ing. Christoph Starke, Dr.-Ing. Sandro Esquivel, M. Sc. Maximilian Kasperowski
Zeit und Ort: Mi 12:15 - 13:45, LMS8 - R.EG.016 (40); Do 10:15 - 11:45, LMS2 - R.Ü3, LMS2 - R.Ü1; Do 12:15 - 13:45, CAP3 - Hörsaal 1; Fr 8:15 - 9:45, 10:15 - 11:45, OS40 - R.13 (60); Einzeltermin am 17.5.2023 12:15 - 13:45, CAP2 - Hörsaal F
UE: Übung: Betreutes Arbeiten (080267)
Dozentinnen/Dozenten: Dr.-Ing. Sandro Esquivel, Dr. Pamela Fleischmann, Dr.-Ing. Claudius Zelenka
Zeit und Ort: Fr 14:00 - 17:00, LMS8 - R.EG.016 (40), LMS8 - R.EG.017 (40)

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