Informationssystem der Universität Kiel © Config eG 
Semester: SS 2023 

International Law of the Sea (020067)

Prof. Dr. Nele Matz-Lück

Vorlesung, 2 SWS, benoteter Schein
für ERASMUS-/Austauschstudierende geeignet, Unterrichtssprache Englisch, 2. Klausurtermin nur für IPIR Studierende
Zeit und Ort: Do 10:15 - 11:45, CAP3 - Hörsaal 2
vom 20.4.2023 bis zum 6.7.2023
1. Prüfungstermin (Klausur am Ende der Vorlesungszeit eines Semesters): 20.7.2023, 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr, Raum CAP3 - Hörsaal 2
2. Prüfungstermin (Klausur zu Beginn der Vorlesungszeit des Folgesemesters): 19.10.2023, 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr, Raum WR400 - R.03.70
Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: 2. Prüfungstermin nur für IPIR-Studierende!

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
The lecture is directed to law students, particularly those participating in the Schwerpunktbereich 6: Völker- und Europarecht, and requires a basic knowledge of public international law. Optimally, students have already participated in the lectures Völkerrecht I and Int. Environmental Law which have been offered in the winter-term 2021/22. The course is open to students participating in level 4 of the Law Faculty’s Fachspezifische Fremdsprachenausbildung (FFA). They will be given the opportunity either to obtain a certificate of regular attendance or to pass an examination, thus enabling them to fulfil the requirements for the FFA certificate. Students from other faculties, e.g. students enrolled in the master programme Internationale Politik und Internationales Recht, are welcome to attend the lecture.
The lecture and the end-of-the-term examination will be held in English. For further information please register on OLAT

The second exam is for IPIR students only.

Please register on Open OLAT for this course: https://lms.uni-kiel.de/auth/RepositoryEntry/5289214216/Infos/0

The lecture serves as an introduction to the international law of the sea. The oceans are subject to various uses – navigation, oil and gas exploitation, fishing – and pressures – overexploitation, destruction of habitats, pollution from various sources, acidification – which threaten their vital functions. Finding a balance between different legitimate uses and environmental protection is the overarching aim of legal instruments dealing with the law of the sea. The lecture largely leans onto the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea for explaining the division of the seas into different maritime zones (internal waters, territorial sea, archipelagic waters, contiguous zone, Exclusive Economic Zone, continental shelf, high seas, “the Area”) and, particularly, the degree to which States exercise jurisdictional rights within these zones. As far as rights and obligations of States are concerned, the lecture inter alia deals with navigation, the protection of the marine environment, and marine scientific research. The lecture introduces to dispute settlement related to questions of the law of the sea and gives examples for its practical relevance.

Empfohlene Literatur
The syllabus and a reading list will be made public at the beginning of the lecture.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 70

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