Summer semester 2024

General remarks

General lecture period summer semester 2024: 15.04.2024 to 12.07.2024 (with winter semester 2023/2024, 2nd exam period: 02.04. - 13.04.2024 (link CAU) - In accordance with the CAU's examination procedure regulations, there are no courses in bachelor's and master's degree programs during the examination periods (few exceptions for first semester students)).

More information at M. Sc. Biological Oceanography - information for students on OLAT.

Exam dates summer semester 2024: here (OLAT)

There is no general registration for courses - only for the exams at the end of the semester during registration phases (s.b.).

Notes on how to use the online tool can be found here:

If you have questions about the examination administration procedures in general (registration periods, examination periods, etc.) you may find answers in the Examination procedures section. If you are still unclear about anything you can contact the relevant Examination Office at any time.

Complete examination schedule SS 2024 (link to CAU).


Typical examination procedure:     

  1. Examination registration: You register for the examinations that you would like to take in the next examination period or that are assigned to the next examination period (s.b. Examination Organisation Online (CAU)). In case of registration problems contact the Examination Office Biology.

    During the registration period for the 1st examination period please register for all the written or oral examinations you would like to take in the 1st examination period (or around and assigned to the 1st examination period), but also for the examinations that you have already taken or started (e.g. seminar papers) during the lecture period (including before the registration period), as well as for examinations (e.g. assignments) that are to be taken during the lecture-free period.

    Note: For examinations taken before the registration period, examination attendance is considered as binding registration. You must also register for these examinations during the registration period, however, so that your academic achievements can be recorded in the system at a later stage.

  2. Checking admission: Two days before the start of the examination period, you check whether you have been granted admission to the examinations you have registered for.
  3. Examination attendance: You take the examinations during the examination period.
  4. Checking results: You check the results entered by the examiners.

Examination Organisation Online (CAU)

Access to the online tool in the CAU-Portal:

The online tool has the following functions:

  • Registering for examinations / Cancelling registrations
  • Information on registered examinations (checking admissions. Information on examination dates, times and rooms)
  • Information on examination results

Notes on how to use the online tool can be found here:

You need your stu-ID to use the Studierenden-Online-Funktion online tool. Detailed information on the stu-ID and stu-e-mail address can be found at the Computing Centre StudiNet.

If you have questions about the examination administration procedures in general (registration periods, examination periods, etc.) you may find answers in the Examination procedures section. If you are still unclear about anything you can contact the Examination Office Biology at any time.

Registration period first exam phase summer semester: 03.06.2024 - 30.06.2024

First exam period summer semester: 15.07.2024 - 27.07.2024

Registration period second exam period summer semester: 26.08.2024 - 22.09.2024

Second exam period winter semester: 07.10.2024 - 19.10.2024 

Complete schedule see CAU website and here (link to CAU).

Keep in mind - it's your responsibility not to miss any fixed dates and/or deadlines.

Practical courses, practical exercises and some seminars have compulsory attendance (FPO).

Make sure that you sign the attendance list every course day!

Framework of courses:

  1. All of the five first semester modules are compulsory.
  2. Passed core modules of the first semester (MNF-bioc-101 and MNF-bioc-102) are important for the understanding for the advanced modules of the second semester in summer (e.g. MNF-bioc-201 and MNF-bioc-202).
  3. Passed exams of ALL compulsory modules of first and second semester are the  indispensable prerequisite for the exam of the core module of third semester in winter (MNF-bioc-301).
  4. A short presentation of your planned master's thesis ("proposal day") and a passed exam at the end of MNF-bioc-301 is the prerequisite to register your thesis (MNF-bioc-401) at the examination office.

For details concerning exams, prerequisites etc. look at the exam regulations in Biological Oceanography (p. 10-13).

Forms concerning exam withdrawal for good cause, medical certificate etc. (forms).

General regulations concerning examinations can be found here.

Considerations concerning using first or second exam phase (CAU).

Exams are generally scheduled only for the semester where the modules are taught.

  • There are no exams for winter semester modules MNF-bioc-1xx and MNF-bioc-3xx in summer semester.
  • There are no exams for summer semester modules MNF-bioc-2xx in winter semester.

Examination Schedule (lecturers and students tasks (link to CAU)


Timetables and course lists

General: Courses (lectures, seminars, practicals etc.) summer semester 2024

MSc. Biological Oceanography - second semester - lecture plan summer semester 2024 (click on "Stundenplan" for a complete time table).  All seven different possible practical parts in three blocks of MNF-bioc-202 are shown which looks heavily loaded - but you have to choose only two resp. three non overlapping parts.

Details: More detailed information concerning single courses and modules can be found on OLAT in general, resp. M. Sc. Biological Oceanography - information for students or via our module list, with links to the resp. module information on OLAT.

As you can take many optional modules outside of our curriculum (CAU-wide choices) these are not included in the example lists and timetables.

Block courses in summer 2024: 

  • MNF-bioc-264 (S. Garthe, Büsum): September/October 2024
  • MNF-bioc-271 (B. Schneider, Kiel): 21.05.2024 - 24.05.2024
  • MNF-bioc-280 (K. Heubel, FTZ): 26.08.2024 - 06.09.2024 at FTZ Büsum.
  • MNF-bioc-301 (F. Mittermayer, ALKOR cruise MNF-bioc-301): 18.08.2024 - 30.08.2024
  • MNF-bioc-368 (F. Weinberger, Aaland-Island (Finland) - Marine station Husö): 07.09.2024 - 22.09.2024

  • For optional modules within Biological Oceanography look at the module list.
  • Generally: for imported courses (e.g. Introduction to Physical Oceanography) and and courses outside of M. Sc. Biological Oceanography please always contact the person in charge of the module you are attending and the corresponding exam office.
  • For a selection of courses outside of our curriculum look here (optional courses outside of Biological Oceanography).

Summer semester 2024

Informationssystem der Universität Kiel © Config eG 
Semester: SS 2024 


Projektleitung:Prof. Dr. Jan Hinrich Behrmann, D. Phil.
Beteiligte:M.Sc. Geologie Sandra Meissl
Stichwörter:fabric genesis;sediments;Ursa basin; Brazos-Trinity basin;Gulf of Mexico
Laufzeit:1.8.2006 - 31.7.2008
Inhalt und Ziele:Fabric genesis, strength and physical properties of young sediments, Ursa and Brazos-Trinity basins, Gulf of Mexico. A follow-up laboratory study of IODP Expedition 308.
Kontakt:Behrmann, Jan Hinrich
Telefon +49 431 600-2272, E-Mail:

NEXT- Natural and experimental faulting of rocks, Nankai Accretionary Prism. Follow-up work to IODP Expeditions 315 and 316

Projektleitung:Prof. Dr. Jan Hinrich Behrmann, D. Phil., Dr. rer. nat. Michael Stipp, Dr. Yujin Kitamura
Beteiligte:Dipl.-Geol. Kai Schumann
Stichwörter:Sedimentdeformation, Silt- und Tonstein, Akkretionskeil, Nankai Graben, Shimanto-Gürtel, Bozo-Akkretionskeil, Subduktionszone, NanTroSeize, IODP-Bohrung, seismogene Zone, frontale Überschiebung, aktive Tektonik, Erdbebenentstehung, seismischer Bruch, Ges
Laufzeit:1.9.2009 - 31.8.2012
Inhalt und Ziele:Gegenwärtig ist das Nankai-Akkretionsprisma vor Japan Schauplatz eines sehr ambitionierten Forschungsvorhabens, des NanTroSeize-Projekts. Ziel ist, grundlegende Erkenntnisse über Bruchprozesse und Erdbebenentstehung in einem Profil von flacheren Bohrungen und tieferen Riser-Bohrungen zu gewinnen. Die IODP-Expeditionen 315 und 316 untersuchten die oberflächennahen, frontalen Überschiebungen und die Gesteine über einer der großen aktiven Zweigstörungen vor und über der seismogenen Zone. Wir formulieren die Hypothese, dass die beobachtete Aufteilung der Deformation im Nankai-Akkretionsprisma grundlegend mit der möglichen Fähigkeit der Gesteine zusammenhängt, seismische Brüche und daraus resultierende Tsunamis zu erzeugen. Können Bruchvorgänge im Akkretionsprisma nach einem großen seismischen Ereignis dramatische Versätze am Meeresboden erzeugen, oder sind die Gesteine eher fähig zum langsamen Kriechen, stabilen Gleiten, Entfestigung durch Verformung, und der daraus resultierenden Verteilung der Deformation in große Volumina? Wir planen, dieser Frage mit einer Reihe von Deformationsexperimenten nachzugehen. Diese erbringen Erkenntnisse zur Festigkeit, den Spannungspfaden und der Entwicklung von Porendrucken in Silt- und Tonsteinen aus dem Kernmaterial. Zusätzliche Proben aus zwei wichtigen Analogfällen, dem Shimanto-Belt und dem Bozo-Akkretionskeil werden Aufschluss über die Verformungsmechanik in den Teilen des Nankai-Akkretionsprisma bringen, der nicht erbohrt wurde. Der Vergleich der natürlichen Mikrostrukturen und Gefüge mit den experimentell erzeugten hilft, die Ergebisse zum Verständnis der natürlichen Deformation einzusetzen.
Kontakt:Stipp, Michael
Telefon +49 431 600-2279, Fax +49 431 600-2922, E-Mail:

Submarine landslides and associated tsunami risk: Combining observations and an integrated modeling approach

Projektleitung:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Krastel-Gudegast, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Horst Sterr, Prof. Dr. Jan Hinrich Behrmann, D. Phil.
Beteiligte:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Robert Weiss
Förderer:DFG (Future Ocean)
Texas A&M University
Stichwörter:Submarine landslides;tsunami risk;submarine mass wasting;geological hazard;integrated modeling approach
Laufzeit:1.1.2010 - 31.7.2011
Inhalt und Ziele:Submarine mass wasting is a global phenomena occurring at active and passive continental margins. Submarine landslides represent a major geological hazard because they have the potential to destroy offshore infrastructure and trigger tsunamis. To assess the tsunami-genetic potential of a slide based on acoustic and sedimentological/ geotechnical data alone is problematic because the slide kinematic is difficult to reconstruct. Most modeling approaches focus on the characteristics of the generated tsunami waves, but usually do not combine the free-surface wave with a free development of the slide at the bottom. In addition, several modeling approaches lack the link to observed data in the field. In the framework of this start-up project we plan to employ an integrated model that combines the simulation of landslides and related tsunamis, and compare model results to measured slide geometries. If a specific model run produces a terminal slide geometry that is similar to the observed slide geometry, we assume that we selected realistic parameters for the slide, which then in turn allows assessing the height of the associated tsunami. We consider this approach as the most promising quantitative possibility to assess the tsunami risk related to mass wasting.
Kontakt:Krastel-Gudegast, Sebastian
Telefon +49 431 880-3914, Fax +49 431 880-4432, E-Mail:

UnivIS ist ein Produkt der Config eG, Röttenbach
  • PD Dr. Frank Melzner
    Curriculum Coordinator
    Hohenbergstrasse 2
    Room 13
    Phone: +49 (0)431 600-4274
    E-mail: fmelzner(at)

    Dr. Jörg Süling
    Study Coordinator
    Hohenbergstr. 2
    Room 006
    Phone: +49 (0)431 600-4454 / -4508
    E-mail: jsueling(at)
    Consultation Tuesday 2-3 pm and Thursday 8-9 pm - currently via zoom

    Annegret Stuhr
    Room 323
    Phone: +49 431 600-4028
    Email: astuhr(at)

  • OLAT is the central online learning platform of CAU. On OLAT you always find recent material for lectures, seminars etc. 

  • Exam registration: If you encounter exam registration problems please contact exam office biology (Office Examination Board (web)).

    Generally: for imported courses and courses outside of M. Sc. Biological Oceanography please always contact the person in charge of the module you are attending and the corresponding exam office.


    Students service

  • Chairman of Examination Board

    Prof. Dr. Thorsten Reusch
    Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
    Düsternbrooker Weg 20
    24105 Kiel
    Room: A 31
    Phone: +49 431 600-4550
    E-Mail: treusch(at)

    Office Examination Board (web)

    Marianne Lange  Tel. 0431/880-3724 (Raum E 50)
    Ines Wetzel   Tel. 0431/880-4157 (Raum E 51)

    Prüfungsamt Biologie
    Am Botanischen Garten 7
    24118 Kiel
    FAX 0431/880-5704


  • Next application period: March 1 to April 15, 2025!

    More information at "how to aply"