Arvind Singh
Postdoctoral Fellow
Ph.D., Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India (2011)
Telephone: +49 431 600-4510
Düsternbrooker Weg 20
24105 Kiel, Germany
Research Interests
Education and Employment
Professional Activities
• Member, NF-POGO Alumni Network for Oceans (NANO)
• Member, Integrated Marine Postdoc-Network (IMAP), 'The Future Ocean' Kiel
• Reviewer of manuscripts for PLOS ONE, Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR)-Oceans, Limnology and Oceanography, Deep Sea-Research, frontiers in MARINE SCIENCE, Biology Letters, Journal of Coastal Research, Advances in Polar Science, Oceanologia and Current Science; Editor for NANO Newsletters.
1. Kumar, A., and A. Singh (2015), Long Range Global Transport of Dust and Characterization of Dust, Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards, accepted.
2. Singh, A., and R. Ramesh (2015), Environmental controls on New and Primary Production in the Northern Indian Ocean, Progress in Oceanography, 131, 138-145, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2014.12.006
3. Singh, A., N. Gandhi, R. Ramesh, and S. Prakash (2015), Role of Cyclonic Eddy in enhancing Primary and New production in the Bay of Bengal, Journal of Sea Research, 97, 5-13, doi:10.1016/j.seares.2014.12.002
4. Singh, A., A. Mohiuddin, R. Ramesh, and S. Raghav (2014), Estimating the Loss of Himalayan Glaciers under Global Warming Using the δ18O-Salinity Relation in the Bay of Bengal, Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett.,
5. Singh, A., K. Harding, H. R. V. Reddy, and A. Godhe (2014), An assessment of Dinophysis blooms in the coastal Arabian Sea, Harmful Algae, 34, 29-35.
6. Singh, A., R. Ramesh, and A. Godhe (2014), Inter- and intra-specific carbon and nitrogen assimilation by cultured dinoflagellate and diatom species in an isotopic enrichment culture experiment, Curr. Sci., 106 (6), 867-870.
7. Singh, A., M. W. Lomas, and N. R. Bates (2013), Revisiting N2 fixation in the North Atlantic Ocean: Significance of deviations from the Redfield Ratio, atmospheric deposition and climate variability, Deep-Sea Res., Part II, 93, 148-158.
8. Singh, A., N. Gandhi, and R. Ramesh (2012), Contribution of atmospheric nitrogen deposition to new production in the nitrogen limited photic zone of the northern Indian Ocean, J. Geophys. Res.,117, C06004, doi:10.1029/2011JC007737.
9. Gandhi, N., A. Singh, S. Prakash, R. Ramesh, Mini Raman, M. S. Sheshshayee, and S. Shetye (2011), First direct N2 fixation measurements during a Trichodesmium bloom in the eastern Arabian Sea, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 25, GB4014, doi:10.1029/2010GB003970.
10. Thirumalai, K., A. Singh, and R. Ramesh (2011), A MATLABTM code to perform weighted linear regression with (correlated or uncorrelated) errors in bivariate data, J. of the Geological Society of India, 77, 377-380.
11. Singh, A., and R. Ramesh (2011), Contribution of riverine dissolved inorganic nitrogen flux to new production in the coastal northern Indian Ocean - an assessment, International J. of Oceanography, vol 2011, doi: 10.1155/2011/983561
12. Singh, A., R. A. Jani, and R. Ramesh (2010), Spatiotemporal variations of the δ18O-salinity relation in the northern Indian Ocean, Deep-Sea Res., Part I, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2010.08.002.
13. Gandhi, N., A. Singh, R. Ramesh, and M. S. Sheshshayee (2010), Nitrogen sources for new production in the NE Indian Ocean, Advances in Geosci., 24, 55-67.
14. Ramesh, R., and A. Singh (2010), Isotopic fractionation in open systems: application to organic matter decomposition in ocean and land, Curr. Sci., 98(3), 406-411.