Notes on the use of images from the public photo library
All images provided by GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR) in the photo library are subject to copyright and the licences granted by GEOMAR. The rights of use specified in the metadata (metadata in the media library) must be observed. Separate contractual agreements must be made with the authors for all purposes that go beyond the rights of use granted. This applies in particular to all commercial purposes.
Licence CC-BY 4.0: GEOMAR publishes images for general use under the Creative Commons Lizenz CC-BY 4.0. However, this licence does not cancel the trademark protection (see below). Images with this licence bear the following note:
Instruction: Release under CC-BY
Copyright notice: GEOMAR, first name last name (CC-BY 4.0)
Terms of use: The Creative Commons licence does not extend to the GEOMAR logo and its components or other elements of the GEOMAR corporate identity. The GEOMAR logo - also on research infrastructures - may not be used without the permission of GEOMAR.