Presentations, Publications, Factsheets



Meristotheca senegalensis

Structure, Exploitation, State of the Art (April 2022)

Ndeye Coumba Bousso, a PhD student in the CLIMALG-SN project at the University of Dakar is working on adding value to macroalgae.

She has gathered information on Mersitotheca senegalensis in the linked presentations. The red alga Meristotheca senegalensis is a valuable source of iodine and carrageenan and, is extracted from wild stocks in Senegal, while there is growing interest in cultivating it for food use as well.



State of the art

Pictures of Field Missions on Map

Internationale Konferenz von CLIMALG-SN in Dakar

Program and videorecordings of the conference

The International Conference “Seaweed for blue economies, biodiversity and ecosystem services- and opportunity at sub-regional level” on 6. and 7.December 2022  in Dakar looked back on the project CLIMALG-SN, presented results of the work and promoted exchange with initiatives on seaweed in Senegal and the neighbouring countries. The program can be found here and three recordings (Zoom-Videos) of the presentation can be found  under the following links Conference_6.12.2022_10am-12am, Conference_6.12.2022_2pm-5pm and the round table discussions on the second day Conference_Roundtable_7.12.2022_ 8:30-12:10.

The conference proceedings-prepared in January were stolen with their computer and are now in re-editing, coming soon.


