Kiel Week: Open Ship on the ALKOR on Friday 28 June 2024

Discover knowledge on board the ALKOR

We warmly invite you to visit the research vessel ALKOR on Friday, 28 June 2024, from 10:00 to 17:00 at the GEOMAR pier on the Kiellinie. Experience exciting insights and discoveries about marine research on board. 

  • Information and experiment station on plastic waste on our beaches, GAME GEOMAR
  • Discover marine animals and plants directly from the Kiel Fjord 
  • Guided tours to the Kiel benthocosms,
    Registration and start in front of the ALKOR 12:00 | 14:00 | 16:00 
  • The all-rounder of the Baltic Sea: seagrass
  • The " vacuum cleaners" of the seas: marine sponges and their fascinating symbiotic communities in the ocean.
  • Tiny but important: plankton in the ocean. Small marine species on a grand scale under the microscope.
  • What is really happening at the surface of the oceans? Presentation of the DFG research group BASS (Biogeochemical processes and ocean/atmosphere exchange processes in marine surface layers)
  • Bombs, mines and grenades: Munitions in the sea and their dangers (MEKUN)

We look forward to your visit and to bringing you closer to the fascinating world of marine research.

Open Ship programme on RV ALKOR (PDF)

More about Kiel Week:


[Translate to English:] Open Ship ALKOR
Animals from the Kiel Fjord under the binoculars

Animals from the Kiel Fjord under the binoculars

Frank Melzner explains the experiments in the mesocosms to visitors

Frank Melzner explains the experiments in the mesocosms to visitors

Research vessel ALKOR at the GEOAMR Pier