Ice floes on blue water in a fjord. Mountains in the background.
MERIAN expedition MSM130 investigates meltwater runoff from Greenland glaciers, the loss of Arctic sea ice and the interfaces of ice, ocean and…
Meer und Himmel nach dem Sonnenuntergang
Current study involving GEOMAR calls for aquatic oxygen loss to be recognised as another Planetary Boundary
Research network DynaSym investigates relationships in plankton communities
Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier trägt sich bei seinem Besuch am GEOMAR ins Gästebuch ein. Rechts: GEOMAR-Direktorin Professorin Dr. Katja Matthes, links Daniel Günther, Ministerpräsident des Landes Schleswig-Holstein, und Frank Spiekermann, Verwaltungsdirektor des GEOMAR.
The head of state learnt about outstanding research and school programmes


Two zooplankton species

Adapting to hypoxia: Zooplankton influence the efficiency of the biological carbon pump in the Humboldt Current off Peru

New study sheds light on the role of ecological adaptations in the marine carbon cycle

A red deep-sea jellyfish

Deep-sea mining and warming trigger stress in a midwater jellyfish

New study led by GEOMAR provides insight into the effects of sediment plumes

A yellow robot dog stands in front of a building with the word "GEOMAR" on it, with two men in blue jackets behind it.

Artificial Intelligence - from research to application

Schleswig-Holstein funds AI projects of GEOMAR researchers and local companies

A crab lifts its claw

Non-native diversity mirrors Earth’s biodiversity

New Study Reveals Huge Potential for Future Waves of Invasive Species

Professor Dr David Thieltges, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research and University of Groningen, was awarded the 29th Petersen Excellence Professorship of the Prof. Dr. Werner Petersen Foundation. Photo: Thomas Eisenkrätzer. GEOMAR

Double faces with an important function for ocean health

Parasites in marine food webs are Professor Dr David Thieltges’ research focus who today receives the 29th Petersen Excellence Professorship

A man gives a lecture on a stage.

New impulses for interdisciplinary ocean observing and forecasting

53 international partners met for the final symposium of EuroSea

Forschungsschiff METEOR

German Marine Research Alliance welcomes the construction of the new METEOR IV

New research vessel METEOR IV takes over for METEOR and POSEIDON in the German research fleet

Professorin Dr. Katrin Meissner

Petersen Excellence Professorship honors expert in climate history

At the same time, the Petersen Innovation Transfer Award for pioneering products and processes will be presented for the third time.

 "Dumbo" octopus of the species Cirrotheutis muelleri c

Miles down for lunch

Deep-sea imagery and observations reveal novel octopus feeding behaviour

Light test in the laboratory in Spain.

Setting off for new waters on the way to a master's degree

Students study the effects of light pollution on marine life in ten different countries for their theses