FB3 Seminars

FB3 Marine Ecology Seminar

Summer 2025

Location: Location varies weekly due to scheduling conflicts with seminar rooms. Please see the location description in the table below.

Time:   Usually Thursdays 1:15 pm. In some cases special times are used. See table below.

Contact: Christopher Monk  cmonk(a)geomar.de or David Ngugi dngugi(at)geomar.de :

Date Speaker topic Institution Format Time Location





1:15 p.m.

Large conference room 5 -1.214



seminarroom tba



Large conference room 5 -1.214


Manuel Aranda




8A-002 – Hörsaal Ostufer / Lecture Hall East



Large conference room 5 -1.214


Gabriele Procaccini

Seagrass genomics


Large conference room 5 -1.214


Large conference room 5 -1.214


Tony Gutierrez


Large conference room 5 -1.214




Large conference room 5 -1.214



Large conference room 5 -1.214


Martin Tresguerres


Large conference room 5 -1.214


Jan Bruwer


Large conference room 5 -1.214




Winter 2024/2025

Location: Location varies weekly due to scheduling conflicts with seminar rooms. Please see the location description in the table below.

Time:   Usually Thursdays 1:15 pm. In some cases special times are used. See table below.

Contact: Christopher Monk  cmonk(a)geomar.de or David Ngugi dngugi(at)geomar.de :

Date Speaker Topic Institution Format Time Location


Dr. Pierre de Wit

The importance of within-species biodiversity in management of a Skagerrak under change

University of Gothenburg

In person

1:15 p.m

Large conference room 5 - 1.214


Dr. Martin Thiel

Monitoring Coastal Habitats with Professional Scientists and with Volunteers – Opportunities and Challenges

Facultad Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Catolica del Norte

In person



8A-002 - Hörsaal Ostufer / Lecture Hall East







Large conference room 5 - 1.214


Dr. Brian Leung

Modeling, understanding and predicting biodiversity patterns

McGill University, Montreal

in person

1:15 p.m.

Large conference room 5 - 1.214


Dr. Ulisses Rocha

His seminar will deal with the application of AI and machine learning on big metagenomic data from the terrestrial as well as marine realm. Helmholtz Young Investigator group leader at UFZ Leipzig in person 1:15 p.m. 8A-002 - Hörsaal Ostufer / Lecture Hall East


Prof. Dr. Alexander Wacker

unfortunately has to be canceled

University of Greifswald

in person

1:15 p.m 

8A-002 – Hörsaal Ostufer / Lecture Hall East


Dr. Shuyang Ma

Climate-induced variability in fishery stocks recruitment and productivity in the Northeast Atlantic

Institute of Marine Research, Norway

In person






NO seminar!






Dr. Bettina Thalinger

From fish in troubled waters to the wake of the whales: using environmental DNA in applied aquatic ecology

University of Innsbruck (Austria) 

In person

1:15 p.m.

8A-002 - Hörsaal Ostufer / Lecture Hall East


Dr. Mia Bengtsson

Seagrass meadow microbiomes and their role in plant health and ecosystem restoration

University of Greifswald

In person



Large conference room 5 - 1.214







Large conference room 5 - 1.214


Dr. Silvia Rova

"Understanding the spatial distribution, sustainability and public perceptions of multiple ecosystem services in the Venice lagoon, Italy."

Ca' Foscari Universtity Venice

In Person

10:15 a.m.

EV Seminar room "Aquarium" 5-1.501


Philipp Braunhart

"AI in Scientific Practice: Understanding and Applying Large Language Models (LLMs) for Research, Writing, and Beyond"

Ingenio AI GmbH

In person



Large conference room 5 - 1.214


Prof. Dr. Luis Botana

"The potential of marine compounds as drug leads."

University of Santiago

in person



Large conference room 5 - 1.214


Manuel Liebeke

Sweet spots in the sea - chemical interactions within the seagrass rhizosphere

Institute for Human Nutrition and Food Science, Kiel University - Germany

In person

1:15 p.m.

Large conference room 5 - 1.214


Hans-Peter Grossart

Long-term monitoring of microbial communities and their activities and functions in aquatic ecosystems

IGB, Berlin

in person

1:15 p.m

Large conference room 5 - 1.214


Marco Fusi

Role of gill-associated bacteria in the terrestrial adaptation ofmangrove crabs

Dove Marine Laboratory School of Natural and Environmental Sciences Newcastle University

via zoom 1:15 p.m.

8A-002 - Hörsaal  / Lecture Hall


Summer 2024

Location: Location varies weekly due to scheduling conflicts with seminar rooms. Please see the location description in the table below.

Time:   Usually Thursdays 1:15 pm. In some cases special times are used. See table below.

Contact: Reid Brennan: rbrennan@geomar.de

Date Speaker topic Institution Format Time Location

April 25, 2024

Dr. Martina H. Stiasny

The energetic cost of constant osmoregulation - development of small-spotted catshark embryos under ocean acidification

University of Southampton

In person

1:15 p.m

Large lecture hall, Bld 8A

May 2, 2024

Dr. Vikram Shende

Searching for Therapeutics and Toxins: Investigating The Biosynthesis of Marine Natural Products

Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego



Online- link sent via email or by request

May 9, 2024

No seminar

Ascension Day





May 16, 2024

Dr. Harald Gruber-Vodicka

Intracellular aquatic Rickettsiales as globally important nutritional symbionts

Kiel University

In person

3:00 pm

Large lecture hall, Bld 8A

May 23, 2024

Sebastian Fraune Nematostella vectensis: a marine model for understanding microbiome-mediated adaptation

Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf

In person

1:15 p.m 


May 30, 2024

Dr. Fabrice Telatchea

Comparative biology of the early life stages of fish: patterns, processes and effects of abiotic factors

University of Lorraine

In person

1:15 p.m

Large lecture hall, Bld 8A

June 6, 2024

Dr. Maren Wellenreuther

 Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics: Lessons from Flies to Fish

Auckland University

In person

1:15 p.m.

Large lecture hall, Bld 8A

June 10, 2024

Dr. Lisa Komoroske

 Integrating Across Biological Levels to Inform Marine Conservation

University of Massachusetts Amherst

In person

11:30am 5-1.213

June 13, 2024

Dr. Anke Kremp

Predicting the future from signatures of the past: Using living sediment archives and ancient DNA to understand responses of marine primary producers to environmental change.

Leibniz-Institut for Baltic Sea Research

In person

1:15 p.m.

Large lecture hall, Bld 8A

June 20, 2024

Dr. Gloria Reithmaier

Alkalinity enhancement in blue carbon ecosystems

University of Gothenburg

In person

1:15 p.m


June 27, 2024

No seminar






July 3, 2024

Dr. Daniel Liesner

The kelp experimental system: unique approaches to studying thermal plasticity and sexual development

MPI Tuebingen

In person

1:15 p.m

Large lecture hall, Bld 8A

July 4, 2024

 Dr. Louis Graf


Sorbonne Université

In person

1:15 p.m

Large lecture hall, Bld 8A

July 8, 2024

Dr. Melissa Pespeni

Resistance and resilience: Understanding sea star wasting disease and adaptation to variable environments in the sea

University of Vermont

In person



July 9, 2024

Dr. Brent Lockwood

Developmental physiological insights into how embryos survive in a variable environment

University of Vermont

In person

1:15 p.m





Winter 2023

Date Speaker topic institution format Time

November 2, 2023

Karina Zitta

Crinoid arm regrowth to improve regenerative repair in mammals


In person

1:15 p.m

November 9, 2023

Darrin Schultz

Ctenophores phylogenomics

University of Vienna

In person

1:15 p.m

November 16, 2023

Hagen Buck Meadow

Pathways of carbon sequestration by marine carbohydrates

MPI Bremen


4:00 p.m

November 23, 2023

Sean Ehlman

Developmental plasticity of behavior

Humboldt University of Berlin

In person

1:15 p.m

November 30, 2023

Easton White

Extreme events and marine ecosystems

University of New Hampshire


1:15 p.m

December 7, 2023

Philip Held



In person

1:15 p.m

Holiday break






January 11, 2024

Katie Lotterhos

Promises and pitfalls of genomic forecasting

Northeastern University


3:00 p.m

January 18, 2024

Alice Dennis

Ecophysiology and geographic range in the snail Melampus

University of Namur

In person

1:15 p.m

January 25, 2024

Rebekah Oomen

genomic prediction of resilience, adaptation

University of New Brunswick

In person

1:15 p.m

February 1, 2024






February 8, 2024

Fabrice Teletchea

fish ecology

University of Lorraine

In person