FB3 Seminars
FB3 Marine Ecology Seminar
Summer 2025
Location: Location varies weekly due to scheduling conflicts with seminar rooms. Please see the location description in the table below.
Time: Usually Thursdays 1:15 pm. In some cases special times are used. See table below.
Contact: Christopher Monk cmonk(a)geomar.de or David Ngugi dngugi(at)geomar.de :
Date | Speaker | topic | Institution | Format | Time | Location |
10/04/2025 | | | 1:15 p.m. | Large conference room 5 -1.214 | ||
24/04/2025 | seminarroom tba | |||||
08/05/2025 | Large conference room 5 -1.214 | |||||
15/05/2025 | Manuel Aranda | | 8A-002 – Hörsaal Ostufer / Lecture Hall East | |||
22/05/2025 | Large conference room 5 -1.214 | |||||
06/06/2025 | Gabriele Procaccini | Seagrass genomics | Large conference room 5 -1.214 | |||
12/06/2025 | Large conference room 5 -1.214 | |||||
19/06/2025 | Tony Gutierrez | Large conference room 5 -1.214 | ||||
26/06/2025 |
| Large conference room 5 -1.214 | ||||
03/072025 | Large conference room 5 -1.214 | |||||
10/07/2025 | Martin Tresguerres | Large conference room 5 -1.214 | ||||
17/07/2025 | Jan Bruwer | Large conference room 5 -1.214 |
Winter 2024/2025
Location: Location varies weekly due to scheduling conflicts with seminar rooms. Please see the location description in the table below.
Time: Usually Thursdays 1:15 pm. In some cases special times are used. See table below.
Contact: Christopher Monk cmonk(a)geomar.de or David Ngugi dngugi(at)geomar.de :
Date | Speaker | Topic | Institution | Format | Time | Location |
10/10/2024 | Dr. Pierre de Wit | The importance of within-species biodiversity in management of a Skagerrak under change | University of Gothenburg | In person | 1:15 p.m | Large conference room 5 - 1.214 |
15/10/2024 | Dr. Martin Thiel | Monitoring Coastal Habitats with Professional Scientists and with Volunteers – Opportunities and Challenges | Facultad Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Catolica del Norte | In person | 10:00a.m. | 8A-002 - Hörsaal Ostufer / Lecture Hall East |
24/10/2024 | | | | | | Large conference room 5 - 1.214 |
04/11/2024 | Dr. Brian Leung | Modeling, understanding and predicting biodiversity patterns | McGill University, Montreal | in person | 1:15 p.m. | Large conference room 5 - 1.214 |
07/11/2024 | Dr. Ulisses Rocha | His seminar will deal with the application of AI and machine learning on big metagenomic data from the terrestrial as well as marine realm. | Helmholtz Young Investigator group leader at UFZ Leipzig | in person | 1:15 p.m. | 8A-002 - Hörsaal Ostufer / Lecture Hall East |
14/11/2024 | Prof. Dr. Alexander Wacker | unfortunately has to be canceled | University of Greifswald | in person | 1:15 p.m | 8A-002 – Hörsaal Ostufer / Lecture Hall East |
21/11/2024 | Dr. Shuyang Ma | Climate-induced variability in fishery stocks recruitment and productivity in the Northeast Atlantic | Institute of Marine Research, Norway | In person | 1:15p.m. | tba |
28/11/2024 | | NO seminar! | | | . | tba |
05/12/2024 | Dr. Bettina Thalinger | From fish in troubled waters to the wake of the whales: using environmental DNA in applied aquatic ecology | University of Innsbruck (Austria) | In person | 1:15 p.m. | 8A-002 - Hörsaal Ostufer / Lecture Hall East |
12/12/2024 | Dr. Mia Bengtsson | Seagrass meadow microbiomes and their role in plant health and ecosystem restoration | University of Greifswald | In person | 1:15p.m. | Large conference room 5 - 1.214 |
19/12/2024 | | NO SEMINAR | | | | Large conference room 5 - 1.214 |
10/01/2025 | Dr. Silvia Rova | "Understanding the spatial distribution, sustainability and public perceptions of multiple ecosystem services in the Venice lagoon, Italy." | Ca' Foscari Universtity Venice | In Person | 10:15 a.m. | EV Seminar room "Aquarium" 5-1.501 |
16/01/2025 | Philipp Braunhart | "AI in Scientific Practice: Understanding and Applying Large Language Models (LLMs) for Research, Writing, and Beyond" | Ingenio AI GmbH | In person | 1:15p.m. | Large conference room 5 - 1.214 |
23/01/2025 | Prof. Dr. Luis Botana | "The potential of marine compounds as drug leads." | University of Santiago | in person | 1:15p.m. | Large conference room 5 - 1.214 |
30/01/2025 | Manuel Liebeke | Sweet spots in the sea - chemical interactions within the seagrass rhizosphere | Institute for Human Nutrition and Food Science, Kiel University - Germany | In person | 1:15 p.m. | Large conference room 5 - 1.214 |
06/02/2025 | Hans-Peter Grossart | Long-term monitoring of microbial communities and their activities and functions in aquatic ecosystems | IGB, Berlin | in person | 1:15 p.m | Large conference room 5 - 1.214 |
13/02/2025 | Marco Fusi | Role of gill-associated bacteria in the terrestrial adaptation ofmangrove crabs | Dove Marine Laboratory School of Natural and Environmental Sciences Newcastle University | via zoom | 1:15 p.m. | 8A-002 - Hörsaal / Lecture Hall |
Summer 2024
Location: Location varies weekly due to scheduling conflicts with seminar rooms. Please see the location description in the table below.
Time: Usually Thursdays 1:15 pm. In some cases special times are used. See table below.
Contact: Reid Brennan: rbrennan@geomar.de
Date | Speaker | topic | Institution | Format | Time | Location |
April 25, 2024 | Dr. Martina H. Stiasny | The energetic cost of constant osmoregulation - development of small-spotted catshark embryos under ocean acidification | University of Southampton | In person | 1:15 p.m | Large lecture hall, Bld 8A |
May 2, 2024 | Dr. Vikram Shende | Searching for Therapeutics and Toxins: Investigating The Biosynthesis of Marine Natural Products | Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego | Online | 16:00 | Online- link sent via email or by request |
May 9, 2024 | No seminar | Ascension Day | | | | |
May 16, 2024 | Dr. Harald Gruber-Vodicka | Intracellular aquatic Rickettsiales as globally important nutritional symbionts | Kiel University | In person | 3:00 pm | Large lecture hall, Bld 8A |
May 23, 2024 | Sebastian Fraune | Nematostella vectensis: a marine model for understanding microbiome-mediated adaptation | Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf | In person | 1:15 p.m | 5-1.213 |
May 30, 2024 | Dr. Fabrice Telatchea | Comparative biology of the early life stages of fish: patterns, processes and effects of abiotic factors | University of Lorraine | In person | 1:15 p.m | Large lecture hall, Bld 8A |
June 6, 2024 | Dr. Maren Wellenreuther | Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics: Lessons from Flies to Fish | Auckland University | In person | 1:15 p.m. | Large lecture hall, Bld 8A |
June 10, 2024 | Dr. Lisa Komoroske | Integrating Across Biological Levels to Inform Marine Conservation | University of Massachusetts Amherst | In person | 11:30am | 5-1.213 |
June 13, 2024 | Dr. Anke Kremp | Predicting the future from signatures of the past: Using living sediment archives and ancient DNA to understand responses of marine primary producers to environmental change. | Leibniz-Institut for Baltic Sea Research | In person | 1:15 p.m. | Large lecture hall, Bld 8A |
June 20, 2024 | Dr. Gloria Reithmaier | Alkalinity enhancement in blue carbon ecosystems | University of Gothenburg | In person | 1:15 p.m | 5-1.213 |
June 27, 2024 | No seminar | - | - | - | - | - |
July 3, 2024 | Dr. Daniel Liesner | The kelp experimental system: unique approaches to studying thermal plasticity and sexual development | MPI Tuebingen | In person | 1:15 p.m | Large lecture hall, Bld 8A |
July 4, 2024 | Dr. Louis Graf | - | Sorbonne Université | In person | 1:15 p.m | Large lecture hall, Bld 8A |
July 8, 2024 | Dr. Melissa Pespeni | Resistance and resilience: Understanding sea star wasting disease and adaptation to variable environments in the sea | University of Vermont | In person | 11:30 | 5-1.213 |
July 9, 2024 | Dr. Brent Lockwood | Developmental physiological insights into how embryos survive in a variable environment | University of Vermont | In person | 1:15 p.m | 5-1.213 |
Winter 2023
Date | Speaker | topic | institution | format | Time |
November 2, 2023 | Karina Zitta | Crinoid arm regrowth to improve regenerative repair in mammals | UKSH | In person | 1:15 p.m |
November 9, 2023 | Darrin Schultz | Ctenophores phylogenomics | University of Vienna | In person | 1:15 p.m |
November 16, 2023 | Hagen Buck Meadow | Pathways of carbon sequestration by marine carbohydrates | MPI Bremen | On-line | 4:00 p.m |
November 23, 2023 | Sean Ehlman | Developmental plasticity of behavior | Humboldt University of Berlin | In person | 1:15 p.m |
November 30, 2023 | Easton White | Extreme events and marine ecosystems | University of New Hampshire | On-line | 1:15 p.m |
December 7, 2023 | Philip Held | Hydroacoustics | CAU | In person | 1:15 p.m |
Holiday break |
January 11, 2024 | Katie Lotterhos | Promises and pitfalls of genomic forecasting | Northeastern University | On-line | 3:00 p.m |
January 18, 2024 | Alice Dennis | Ecophysiology and geographic range in the snail Melampus | University of Namur | In person | 1:15 p.m |
January 25, 2024 | Rebekah Oomen | genomic prediction of resilience, adaptation | University of New Brunswick | In person | 1:15 p.m |
February 1, 2024 | TBD |
February 8, 2024 | Fabrice Teletchea | fish ecology | University of Lorraine | In person |