
The professors and senior scientists of the department of marine geodynamics teach at Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. Their lectures are part of the undergraduate course Physics of the Earth System and the graduate courses Master of Geophysics and Master of Marine Geosciences. More information is available at https://www.ifg.uni-kiel.de/en/studies. We offer MSc and BSc thesis supervision. Please get in touch if you would like to learn more about possible thesis projects. Either check with the most appropriate researcher or with Heidrun Kopp (hkopp(at)geomar.de) or Christian Berndt (cberndt(at)geomar.de).


Informationssystem der Universität Kiel © Config eG 
Semester: SS 2024 
Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie
Grasweg 9a, 24118 Kiel, Tel. +49 431 880-1334, Fax +49 431 880-1352

Scherließ, ReginaT 202App. 1330Fax: 1352rscherliess@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Büro (vormittags)
Gummels, DenissaT 203App. 1334Fax: 1352dgummels@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Pensionierte Professoren
Müller, Bernd W.T 28App. 1333, Tel +49 431 549848Fax: 1352bwmueller@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen
Baltz, NiklasT 106App. 1342Fax: 1352nbaltz@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Hasenberg, BjarneT 316App. 1363Fax: 1352bhasenberg@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Jacobsen, Ann-ChristinT 02.209App. 1814Fax: 1352ajacobsen@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Jüptner, AngelikaT 318App. 1368Fax: 1352ajueptner@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Kühnl, CordT 313App. 1350Fax: 1352ckuehnl@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Lösing, HilkeT 209App. 1814Fax: 1352hloesing@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Roth, FriederikeT 316App. 1363Fax: 1352froth@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Schembera, JanaT 316App. 1363Fax: 1352jschembera@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Seidel, KirstenT 317App. 1367Fax: 1352kseidel@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Trenkel, MarieT 310-313App. 1350Fax: 1352mtrenkel@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Vahidian, Mohammad MehdiT 03.314App. 1867Fax: 1352mvahidian@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Valentin, LenaT 314/315App. 1365Fax: 1352lvalentin@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Wostry, MelvinT 314/315App. 1365Fax: 1352mwostry@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen (Drittmittel)
Neustock, Anna Kristina LuiseT 316App. 1363Fax: 1352aneustock@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Rahtk, ChristopherT 314/315App. 1365Fax: 1352crahtk@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Römer, Antonaroemer@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Schaab, StefanT 01.106App. 1342Fax: 1352sschaab@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Schmidt, Anna-KatharinaT 314/315App. 1365Fax: 1352aschmidt@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Waltz, FrederikT 209App. 1814Fax: 1352fwaltz@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Technisches Personal
Diekjobst, SimoneT 207App. 1345
Mobil: 0151-23267202
Fax: 1352sdiekjobst@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Göttsche, HannaT 201App. 1366
Mobil: 0151-23267202
Fax: 1352hgoettsche@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Greve, MarenT 201App. 1366Fax: 1352mgreve@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Jankovic, DubravkaT 207App. 1345Fax: 1352djankovic@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Krehl, ReginaT 201App. 1366
Mobil: 0151-23267202
Fax: 1352rkrehl@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Muhs, Ann-KathrinT 207App. 1345
Mobil: 0151-23267202
Fax: 1352amuhs@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Aldaiekh, NedalT 1App. 1343Fax: 1352naldaiekh@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Bode, AnjaC A 205App. 5308Fax: 1352studienberatung@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Kaltefleiter, IlkaC A 205App. 5308Fax: 1352studienberatung@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Aldaiekh, NedalT 1App. 1343Fax: 1352naldaiekh@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
Weitere Personeneinträge
Majid, ZeredeschtT 106App. 1342Fax: 1352zmajid@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de
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