
The professors and senior scientists of the department of marine geodynamics teach at Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. Their lectures are part of the undergraduate course Physics of the Earth System and the graduate courses Master of Geophysics and Master of Marine Geosciences. More information is available at https://www.ifg.uni-kiel.de/en/studies. We offer MSc and BSc thesis supervision. Please get in touch if you would like to learn more about possible thesis projects. Either check with the most appropriate researcher or with Heidrun Kopp (hkopp(at)geomar.de) or Christian Berndt (cberndt(at)geomar.de).


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Semester: SS 2024 

MA Seminar in Climate and Energy Policy ST 2023- Topic: : Climate policy in times of fossil energy crisis (VWLerCEPSem-02a) - IfW (030161) (030161)

Prof. Dr. Sonja Peterson, Prof. Dr. Wilfried Rickels

Seminar, 2 SWS, Schein, ECTS-Studium
Praesenzveranstaltung, Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Blockveranstaltung 14.6.2024 9:00 - 15.6.2024 16:00, Raum n.V.
Vorbesprechung: 12.2.2024, 10:00 - 11:00 Uhr, Raum Online-Veranstaltung
Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: at the IfW (Kiellinie 66) conference room (A-S25). Individual presentations will be scheduled such that potentially parallel courses on these days can be attended.

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Module Code: VWLerCEPSem-02a
Module Number: 3049502
Exam Number: 3049510
Exam type according to FPO: Seminar contribution (Seminarbeitrag)
Specific exam type in summer term 2024:

The number of ECTS Credits as well as the admission to the examination for this module is determined by the information regarding this module in the FPO (Examination Regulations) of your program (possibly only in the Appendix of the German version). If this module is not explicitly listed in your FPO, please check at the beginning of the semester about admission options. Typically, admission to the examination of this module is not possible in this case. An overview for all programs which can choose modules of the Institute of Economics can also be found here: Nebenfach Volkswirtschaftslehre – Handbuch für Exportmodule (Minor in Economics - Handbook of Export Modules). You can also check in advance in QIS whether you can find this module listed there in the overview for exam registration, with the exam number mentioned in univis. Registration to the exam is only possible during the registration period. If you still have questions after reviewing these documents, please contact your student advisor (Studienfachberater).

The registration for seminars of the Institute of Economics takes place in the previous semester via the Olat course "Seminar Registration MA-VWL" . Before the start of the seminar you either take part in the Seminar Preparation Course (4 hours, offered by the ZBW) or in the Module "Research and Scientific Writing" (VWLswScWr-02a). This prepares you for scientific work in economics and is therefore a prerequisite for a successful participation in the seminar.

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Wilfried Rickels (Kiel University, wilfried.rickels@ifw-kiel.de) and Prof. Dr. Sonja Peterson Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel), sonja.peterson@ifw-kiel.de

Content: Currently, the fossil energy-crisis following the Russian attack on Ukraine is dominating the debates related to energy markets. Yet, the urgency to decarbonize somewhere around the middle of the century has not reduced and the targets of the Paris climate agreement remain as important as before. The question still is, which policy instruments should be chosen to achieve these targets effectively, if possible at minimal costs and keeping also distributional issues and the social consequences of these policies in mind. Economists typically agree that carbon pricing should play a central role but needs to be accompanied by additional supportive policies e.g. to foster technological development. With the fossil energy crisis new topics related to the design of energy markets, social justice and role of specific technologies come more relevant as well. The seminar aims at discussing different specific topics in this context. Two students are assigned to each topic, each student writes an individual term paper, both students present jointly.

Preparatory Meeting: 12.2.2024 10:00 – 11:00. Zoom

Date and location of seminar: June Friday 14 - Saturday 15, 2024, 9:00 - 16:00 at the IfW (Kiellinie 66, 24105 Kiel; the exact schedule will be determined depending on the final number of attendees)

Procedure, Deadlines, and Grading
  • Two meetings with supervisor prior to the seminar (one prior to May 13th, one after feedback on preliminary version of paper)
  • Preliminary version of the paper: May 28th, 2024
  • Final Paper that will be graded: July 9th, 2024
  • Joint presentation of topic during seminar, 25 Minutes
  • Grading: term paper 70% and presentation 30%
  • To pass the seminar, the preliminary paper needs to be a full seminar paper that has sufficient quality to path the seminar (so the pre-grade needs to be at least 4.0). Only the grade for the final paper will count for the overall grade of the seminar but it can be at most 1.7 grades better than the preliminary grade (so e.g. a 4.0 can turn at maximum into a 2.3).

Please send digital PDF Versions of the different papers by Email to sonja.peterson[at]ifw-kiel.de.

Term Paper: Each student needs to write a paper of maximum 6000 words (excluding abstract, figure and table captions, references, appendix). The style is supposed to follow a scientific paper, i.e. title page with an abstract, introduction, etc. The paper should be in Arial, 11pt, 1.5 space and a margin of 2.5 cm on each side. The paper needs to be in English. Further details will be announced later as part of more detailed topic descriptions.
Make sure that it follows code of scientific practice (Richtlinien guter wiss. Praxis) in terms of citations etc. Please base your paper as far as possible on theoretic and empirical economic analysis (preferably published in refereed articles or standard text books). Working paper can be used as well, reports from NGOs etc. should be treated with more care. Newspaper articles, Wikipedia etc. are not scientific sources! If at all they can be used e.g. to motivate a question. Make sure you correctly cite all literature that you use! Plagiating is not tolerated and there will be serious consequences. Before the seminar you should have two meetings with topic supervisor (either in person or via zoom. During these meeting you should discuss the outline of your paper. Please make an appointment for this via Email.
Before the seminar you need to submit a first version of the paper. For this you will get suggestions for your presentations and a preliminary grade. After the seminar you have about one month to improve the paper and submit a final version.

Presentations: There is one presentation per topic, given by two students. The presentation should last about 25 minutes which does not need to be split equally between students but both should provide a fair share. In case a topic is presented by only one student, the presentation time reduces to 15 minutes. The slides for the presentation are supposed to be brought to the seminar as pdf or pptx-file.
1) The economic impact of rising temperatures: Empirical evidence (Perspective topic)
2) Directed Technical Change as a Response to Natural Resource Scarcity (Deep-Dive)
3) Recent estimates for the social cost of carbon (Deep-Dive)
4) Analytical Integrated Assessment Models (Deep-Dive)
5) Climate Clubs to deal with non-cooperative climate policies (Perspective)
6) Carbon Border Adjustments to deal with non-cooperative climate policies
7) Achieving low carbon technology Leadership via large-scale government funding (Perspective)
8) Climate policy instruments to develop low-carbon innovations (Deep-Dive)
9) Network financing and vertical equity: Incentivizing solar panel adoptions (Deep-Dive)
10) Dynamic electricity pricing to internalize pollution cost (Deep-Dive)
11) Promoting electricity in the household heating sector (Deep-Dive)
12) Public acceptance of carbon pricing (Deep-Dive)

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 24

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