
The professors and senior scientists of the department of marine geodynamics teach at Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. Their lectures are part of the undergraduate course Physics of the Earth System and the graduate courses Master of Geophysics and Master of Marine Geosciences. More information is available at https://www.ifg.uni-kiel.de/en/studies. We offer MSc and BSc thesis supervision. Please get in touch if you would like to learn more about possible thesis projects. Either check with the most appropriate researcher or with Heidrun Kopp (hkopp(at)geomar.de) or Christian Berndt (cberndt(at)geomar.de).


Informationssystem der Universität Kiel © Config eG 
Semester: SS 2024 
Exzellenzcluster "ROOTS – Konnektivität von Gesellschaft, Umwelt und Kultur in vergangenen Welten"
Leibnizstraße 3, 24118 Kiel, Tel. +49 431 880-5493, Fax +49 431 880-5498
E-Mail: office@roots.uni-kiel.de
Koordinator: Prof. Dr. phil. Müller, Johannes, App. 3391
Sprecher: Prof. Dr. phil. Müller, Johannes, App. 3391
Co-Sprecher/in: Prof. Dr. Eckmeier, Eileen, App. 6868; Prof. Dr. phil. Furholt, Martin, App. 3372
Professor/in: Prof. Dr. Eckmeier, Eileen, App. 6868; Prof. Dr. phil. Furholt, Martin, App. 3372; Prof. Dr. Schwab, Andreas, App. 2275
Wissenschaftliche/r Koordinator/in: Dr. Ricci, Andrea, App. 5871; PD Dr. rer. nat. Weinelt, Mara, App. 4618 (1639)
Geschäftszimmer: Asbury, Warwick Alan, App. 5504; Christ, Jule Sophie, App. 5493; Heyn, Anna-Lena, App. 6958; Schüle-Hansen, Jennifer, App. 5493; Zeller, Sabine, App. 6546
Mitglied: Dr. phil. Balatti, Silvia, App. 3270; Dr. Bleile, Ralf, Tel. 04621 813 302; Prof. Dr. Bork i.R., Hans-Rudolf, i.R., App. 3953; JProf. Dr. Dahm, Margit, App. 2621; Dr. Ecker, Michaela, (Emmy Noether-Programm), App. 4379; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Erfmeier, Alexandra, App. 1010; Prof. Dr. Eriksen, Berit Valentin, Tel. 04621 813 482; Dr. Feeser, Ingo, App. 4059; Prof. Dr. phil. Felber, Timo, App. 3478; Dr. Großmann, Ralph, App. 5472; Prof. Dr. phil. Gómez-Montero, Javier, App. 1526; Prof. Dr. Haug, Annette, App. 2051; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Holtgrewe-Stukenbrock, Eva, App. 6368; Ibsen, Timo, Tel. 04621 813 501; Prof. Dr. phil. Käppel, Lutz, App. 2237; Prof. Dr. Kienle, Lorenz, App. 6196; Prof. Dr. Kirleis, Wiebke, App. 3173; Prof. Dr. Klinkott, Hilmar, App. 2277; Dr. phil. Kneisel, Jutta, App. 5925; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Koch, Reinhard, App. 4484; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Krause-Kyora, Ben, Tel. 0431 500 15142; Prof. Dr. Kreuz, Patric-Alexander, App. 1072; PD Dr. Lattmann, Claas, App. 2661; Prof. Dr. Makarewicz, Cheryl, App. 3376; Dr. Meadows, John, App. 7385; Prof. Dr. Messner, Angelika, App. 1727; Prof. Dr. phil. Müller, Ulrich, App. 3655; Dr. phil. Müller-Scheeßel, Nils, App. 2067; Prof. Dr. Nakoinz, Oliver, App. 5465; Prof. Nebel, Almut, Tel. 0431 500 15155; Prof. Dr. phil. Nübler, Norbert, App. 2178; Prof. Dr. Ott, Konrad, App. 2822; Prof. Dr. Parchmann, Ilka, App. 3494; Prof. Dr. Peterson, John, App. 2414; Prof. Dr. Renz, Matthias, App. 7272; Prof. Dr. Requate, Till, App. 4424; Dr. phil. Rinne, Christoph, App. 3378; Dr. rer. nat. Schmölcke, Ulrich; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Schneider, Ralph, App. 1457; Dr. Schöps, Katrin, App. 5912; Dr. Schwab, Maren Elisabeth, App. 2660; Prof. Dr. Schwark, Lorenz, App. 2850; Prof. Dr. Schwedler, Gerald, App. 2283; Dr. Taylor, Nicole, App. 6961; Prof. Dr. Tholey, Andreas, Tel. 0431 500 30300; Dr. Wilken, Dennis, App. 4648; Dr. phil. Wunderlich, Maria, App. 3798; Prof. Dr. phil. Zimmermann, Christiane, App. 3277
An der Einrichtung tätig:
PostDoc: Dr. Arponen, Vesa Petri Juhani, App. 5472; Dr. Brinkmann, Johanna, App. 6881; Dr. Cembrzynski, Pawel, App. 6572; Dr. Corradini, Erica, App. 3901; Dr. Duffy, Paul Regis, App. 4073; Dr. rer. nat. Fuchs, Katharina, Tel. 0431 500 15163; Dr. Geng, Rongwei, App. 6585; Priv.-Doz. Dr. Kerig, Tim, App. 6583; PD Dr. Kobusch, Philipp, ROOTS, App. 1071; Dr. Kühl, Till, App. 6714; Dr. Majchczack, Bente Sven, App. 6705; Dr. Moscone, Daniele, (Projekt HighStepLands + Projekt KNOWASTE), App. 7029; Dr. Ohlrau, René, App. 6709; Dr. Santamaria, Andrea, App. 6573; Dr. Schlütz, Frank, App. 6580; Dr. Schneeweiß, Jens, Tel. 04621 813 483; Dr. Schroedter, Tim, App. 6748; Dr. Thorwart, Martin, App. 3591; Dr. Thumiger, Chiara; Dr. Wichmann, Søren, App. 6571; Dr. rer. nat. Winter-Schuh, Christine, App. 6757
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter: Küster, Dorothea, App. 6719; Maaß, Alena, M.A., App. 3428; Weber, Florian, App. 2476
Doktoranden: Alinezhad, Khadijeh, M.Sc., App. 6704; Andersen, Anna-Theres, M.A., App. 6586; Bellini, Ginevra, M.Sc., App. 1214; Bockmeyer, Sarah, M.A., App. 5921; Brandt, Henriette, M.A., App. 5921; Fiori, Stefania, M.A., App. 6708; Grund, Max, M.A., App. 1014; Hillmann, Laurenz, M.A., App. 5921; Jäcker, Marie, M. Ed., App. 6587; Jonjic, Darja, M.A., App. 6535; Khan, Ariba Hidayet, M.A., App. 6704; Krause, Anne, App. 2661; Kurgaeva, Anastasiia, M.Sc., App. 6535; Loy, Anna Katharina, M.Sc., App. 6573; Marzian, Johannes, Tel. 0431 8814 663; Müller-Liedtke, Catharina, M.Ed., App. 6573; Mura, Sara, M.A.; Philips, Samantha, App. 2278; Schreiber, Tanja, M.A., App. 6579; Schwake, Florian, M.A., App. 6579; Skorna, Henry, M.A., App. 6574; Sliesariev, Yevhenii, M.A., App. 6712; Varkuleviciute, Karolina, M.Sc., App. 6708; Walker-Friedrichs, Fiona, M.Sc., App. 6535; Wilkes, Fynn, M.Sc., App. 6574; Zentgraf, Dana, M.A., App. 6587; Zerzeropulos, Katharina, M.A., App. 5921
Technisches Personal: Dipl.-Biol. Dannath, Yasmin, App. 7407; Mohr, Clemens, App. 3984; Raese, Hendrik, M.Sc., App. 5922
Public Outreach: Pape, Tine, App. 7164; Dr. Ricci, Andrea, App. 5871; Schultrich, Sebastian, App. 6888; Steffen, Jan, App. 5485
Grafik: Horstmann, Petra, App. 7050; Pape, Tine, App. 7164
Publication Team: Halle, Matthias, App. 2333; Dr. phil. Kücükkaraca, Eileen, App. 3175; Pape, Tine, App. 7164; Dr. Ricci, Andrea, App. 5871
Quality Management: Lüning, Mette, App. 5485
Gleichstellung und Chancengleichheit: Friedrich-Fil, Katarzyna, App. 5499
IT-Beauftragte/r: Raese, Hendrik, M.Sc., App. 5922
  • Young Academy
    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter: App. 6572; App. 6580; App. 6583; App. 6714; App. 6705; App. 6708; App. 6748; Tel. 0431 500 15163
    Doktoranden: App. 6704; App. 6574; App. 6712; App. 6574; App. 6587; App. 6704; App. 6573; App. 6579; App. 6573; App. 6579
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