
The professors and senior scientists of the department of marine geodynamics teach at Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. Their lectures are part of the undergraduate course Physics of the Earth System and the graduate courses Master of Geophysics and Master of Marine Geosciences. More information is available at https://www.ifg.uni-kiel.de/en/studies. We offer MSc and BSc thesis supervision. Please get in touch if you would like to learn more about possible thesis projects. Either check with the most appropriate researcher or with Heidrun Kopp (hkopp(at)geomar.de) or Christian Berndt (cberndt(at)geomar.de).


Informationssystem der Universität Kiel © Config eG 
Semester: SS 2024 
Klinik für Innere Medizin IV mit den Schwerpunkten Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten
Arnold-Heller-Str. 3, Haus 6, 24105 Kiel, Tel. +49 431 500-23001, Fax +49 431 500-23004
E-Mail: public@nephro.uni-kiel.de

Direktor der Klinik
Schmitt, RolandApp. 23000Fax: 23004Roland.Schmitt@uksh.de
Boysen, Yasmin0123App. 23002Fax: 23004Yasmin.Boysen@uksh.de
Rakow, Laura0123App. 23001Fax: 23004Laura.Rakow@uksh.de
Leitender Oberarzt
Schulte, KevinApp. 23005
Mobil: 65498
Fax: 23004schulte@nephro.uni-kiel.de
Boldt, JuliaApp. 28362
Mobil: 65446
Fax: 28342Julia.Boldt@uksh.de
Dietrich, SebastianApp. 23012
Mobil: 65433
Fax: 28342dietrich@nephro.uni-kiel.de
Schrumpf, ThorbenApp. 28362
Mobil: 65485
Fax: 28342Thorben.Schrumpf@uksh.de
Sievers, Laura Katharina
Mobil: 65449
Fax: 28342LauraKatharina.Sievers@uksh.de
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter
Esser, GritApp. 28362
Mobil: 65442
Fax: 28342Grit.Esser@uksh.de
Kolbrink, BenediktApp. 28362
Mobil: 65493
Fax: 23044Benedikt.Kolbrink@uksh.de
Niehus, Christoph BenjaminApp. 28362
Mobil: 64700
Fax: 28342ChristophBenjamin.Niehus@uksh.de
Packbiers, MaximilianApp. 28362
Mobil: 62956
Fax: 28342Maximilian.Packbiers@uksh.de
Sani, Jascha DavidApp. 28362
Mobil: 62964
Fax: 28342JaschaDavid.Sani@uksh.de
Scharenberg, Anna YaminaApp. 28362
Mobil: 62900
Fax: 28342AnnaYamina.Scharenberg@uksh.de
Schiffer, AnnaApp. 28362
Mobil: 65444
Fax: 28342Anna.Schiffer@uksh.de
Steinmann, BettineApp. 28362
Mobil: 65476
Fax: 28342Bettine.Steinmann@uksh.de
Stremme, EvaApp. 28362
Mobil: 65449
Fax: 28342Eva.Stremme@uksh.de
Teipel, HannahApp. 28362
Mobil: 65415
Fax: 28342Hannah.Teipel@uksh.de
Thomsen, Sarah-YasminApp. 28362
Mobil: 64702
Fax: 28342Sarah-Yasmin.Thomsen@uksh.de
von Garrel, MatthiasApp. 28362
Mobil: 65447
Fax: 28342Matthias.vonGarrel@uksh.de
von Samson-Himmelstjerna, FriedrichApp. 28362
Mobil: 65454
Fax: 23044Friedrich.vonSamson-Himmelstjerna@uksh.de
Wülfrath, HaukeApp. 28362
Mobil: 65452
Fax: 28342HaukeSebastian.Wuelfrath@uksh.de
Dubbeldam, Anneke229 (C316)App. 28372Fax: 23024Anneke.Dubbeldam@uksh.de
Nephrologisches Forschungslabor
Alrabea, Isa27App. 23041Fax: 23044isa20112011@icloud.com
Balasubramanian, Akshaya27App. 23041Fax: 23044Akshaya.Balasubramanian@uksh.de
Bruch, KatjaApp. 23043Fax: 23044bruch@nephro.uni-kiel.de
Hahm, Annika27App. 23041Fax: 23044annika.hahm@yahoo.com
Kolbrink, BenediktApp. 28362
Mobil: 65493
Fax: 23044Benedikt.Kolbrink@uksh.de
Krautwald, Stefan28App. 23040Fax: 23044krautwald@nephro.uni-kiel.de
Krentz, AnneApp. 23045Fax: 23044Anne.Krentz@uksh.de
Meßtorff, Maja27App. 23041Fax: 23044stu218658@uni-kiel.de
Nische, Raphael27App. 23041Fax: 23044stu217111@uni-kiel.de
Riebeling, Theresa26App. 23046Fax: 23044Theresa.Riebeling@uksh.de
Sievers, Laura Katharina
Mobil: 65449
Fax: 28342LauraKatharina.Sievers@uksh.de
von Samson-Himmelstjerna, FriedrichApp. 28362
Mobil: 65454
Fax: 23044Friedrich.vonSamson-Himmelstjerna@uksh.de
Zhang, Yao27App. 23041Fax: 23044Yao.Zhang@uksh.de
Grumbach, KathyApp. 19014kathy.grumbach@uksh.de
Kölle, VanessaApp. 33400Fax: 33404Vanessa.Koelle@uksh.de
Schäfer, InnaApp. 33400Fax: 33404Inna.Schaefer@uksh.de
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