
The professors and senior scientists of the department of marine geodynamics teach at Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. Their lectures are part of the undergraduate course Physics of the Earth System and the graduate courses Master of Geophysics and Master of Marine Geosciences. More information is available at https://www.ifg.uni-kiel.de/en/studies. We offer MSc and BSc thesis supervision. Please get in touch if you would like to learn more about possible thesis projects. Either check with the most appropriate researcher or with Heidrun Kopp (hkopp(at)geomar.de) or Christian Berndt (cberndt(at)geomar.de).


Informationssystem der Universität Kiel © Config eG 
Semester: SS 2024 
Klinik für Urologie
Arnold-Heller-Str. 3, 24105 Kiel, Tel. +49 431 500-24801, Fax +49 431 500-24804
E-Mail: chefarztsekretariat.urologie.kiel@uksh.de
Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. Nuhn, Philipp, App. 24801
Stellv. Direktor: Dr. med. Jarczyk, Jonas
Vorzimmer des Direktors: Akopjan, Susanna, App. 24811; Popenda, Patricia, App. 24801
Leitender Oberarzt: Dr. med. Jarczyk, Jonas
Oberärzte: Dr. med. Jarczyk, Jonas; Dr. med. Melchior, Diethild, MaHM, Geschäftsführende Oberärztin, App. 24806
Fachärzte: Colberg, Christian; Dr. med. Eraky, Ahmed, App. 24821; Meyer, David; Sattler, Sandra, App. 24821
Assistenzärzte: Dr. med. Gellrich, Antonin; Dr. med. Hügelmann, Konrad; Jacobi, David Pascal; Regenhardt, Frank; Dr. med. Risch, Julian; Dr. med. Vogt, Katharina; Vollertsen, Enno
Allg. Sekretariat: Schmidt, Stefanie, App. 24806; Urbanski, Lisa-Marie, App. 24820
Sekretariat des Stellv. Direktors & Ltd. Oberarztes: Akopjan, Susanna, App. 24811
OP-Sekretariat: Schmidt, Stefanie, App. 24806; Urbanski, Lisa-Marie, App. 24820
Projekte: Lyhs, Julia, M.Sc., App. 24871; Prell, Felix, M.Sc., App. 24881; Dipl.-Psych. Schuldt-Joswig, Anja, App. 20226; Thöns, Janina; Wagner-Ullrich, Christine, App. 20227
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter: Dipl.-Ing. Böhler, Georg, App. 24870; Prell, Felix, M.Sc., App. 24881
Ambulanz: Schumacher, Martin, Pflegerische Teamleitung Urologische Funktion, App. 24830; Urologische Ambulanz, App. 24821
Stationen: Station C420, App. 29420
Forschungslabor: Dipl.-Ing. Böhler, Georg, App. 24870; Eggers, Jan, CTA, App. 24875; Prell, Felix, M.Sc., App. 24881
Urologisches Studienzentrum: Dipl.-Ing. Böhler, Georg, App. 24870; Eggers, Jan, CTA, App. 24875
nicht hauptamtlich Tätige: Prof. Dr. med. Bannowsky, Andreas, imland Klinik Rendsburg, Chefarzt Urologie; Prof. Dr. Braun, Peter Martin, Alter Markt 11, 24103 Kiel; Prof. Dr. med. Hamann, Moritz, Prüner Gang 15, 24103 Kiel, Tel. 04312604290; Prof. Dr. med. Knüpfer, Stephanie, Venusberg-Campus 1, 53127 Bonn, Tel. 022828715200; Prof. Dr. med. Loch, Tilmann, Knuthstraße 1, 24939 Flensburg; Prof. Dr. med. Naumann, Carsten Maik, Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 59, 56564 Neuwied, Tel. 02631821382; Prof. Dr. med. Osmonov, Daniar; Prof. Dr. med. Seif, Christoph, Alter Markt 11, 24103 Kiel; PD Dr. van der Horst, Christof, Prüner Gang 15, 24103 Kiel
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