Our present research foci as well as regional research areas are:
Global aspects:
- links between climate and volcanism and vice verca
- Volcaniclastic deposits at ocean islands
- Drilling the deep earth: Initiatives to reconstruct eruptive histories using IODP and ICDP
- Element cycling and diagenesis of marine volcaniclastic sediments
Regional projects:
- Central America
- Cape Verdes
- Azores
- Nankai, Izu-Bonin, and Japan
- New Zealand
- Sumatra
- Croatia
- Aegean Arc
- Southern volcanic zone Chile (SVZ)
- Stromboli flank collapses
Recent Grants and projects
- Phreatoplinian eruptions: Mechanisms derived from comparative case studies (DFG Fr 947/11-1, 11-2)
- Quaternary explosive volcanism of the Cape Verde Archipelago: On- and offshore tephrostratigraphy (DFG Fr 947/14-1)
- Provenance and depositional processes of tephras and Tertiary volcaniclastic sandstones from IODP Expedition 322, Nankai Trough (DFG Ku 2685/1-1)
- Miocene to Recent tephrostratigraphy and sediment variability offshore Central America: Evolution, Provenance and Cyclicities (DFG Ku 2685/2-1/2-2)
- Tephrochronology of lacustrine ash layers in Lake Petén Itzá sediments: Implications for regional volcanology and Central American palaeoclimate (DFG Ku 2685/3-1)
- IODP priority program of DFG: Project KU 2685/4-1: Izu-Bonin Arc Tephrostratigraphy – Evolution, Provenance and Cyclicities (IODP Exp. 350&352), 2015 to recent (Co-proponent)
- ICDP priority program of DFG: Project KU 2685/5-1: First seismic measurements to assist the ICDP drill proposal: „Paleoclimate, Paleoenvironment, and Paleoecology of Neogene Central America: Bridging Continents and Oceans (NICA-BRIDGE)“, 2016 to recent (Co-proponent)
- Approved cruise proposal “FS Poseidon”: Time series and facies changes of tephras at the Hellenic arc (Freundt, Kutterolf, Hansteen); scheduled for May 2017 (9.-24.5. Heraklion - Heraklion)
- Approved cruise proposal “FS Meteor”: Time series of Pleistocene to Holocene highly explosive eruptions in the Azores: Relations to landslides and tectonic activity (Hansteen, Freundt, Kutterolf,); scheduled for September 2017
- DFG Project KU 2685/7-1: Zircon in tephra as a novel tool to decrypt geologic and archaeological archives: a case study from Central America, 2017 to recent (Co- proponent)
- Approved ICDP workshop proposal: NICA-BRIDGE - Paleoclimate, Paleoenvironment, and Paleoecology of Neogene Central America: Bridging Continents and Oceans
- IODP priority program of DFG: Project KU 2685/10-1: Traces of explosive eruptions in Cretaceous to Quaternary Indian Ocean sediments
- IODP priority program of DFG: Project KU 2685/11-1: Tephrochronostratigraphy in marine and terrestrial sediments of New Zealand: Benchmark for Miocene to Quaternary explosive volcanism
Katharina Pank (PhD-student)
Line Herberg (Msc-student)
Frieda Müller (Bsc-student)
Hans Brenna (PhD-student)
Alejandro Cisneros de León (PhD, 2021)
Jakob Pfingsten (Bsc, 2020)
Jannes Kowalski (Bsc, 2020)
Janne Scheffler (Bsc, 2020)
Johanna Schenk (Bsc, 2020)
Fabian Hampel (Msc, 2019)
Carina Sievers (Msc, 2019)
Jennifer Brandstätter (PhD, 2018)
Rebecca Dettbarn (Bsc, 2018)
Cathrin Wittig (Bsc, 2018)
Kaj Fockenberg (Msc, 2018)
Steffen Eisele (PhD, 2015)
Julie C. Schindlbeck (PhD, 2015 and Dipl. Geol., 2012)
Rachel P. Scudder (PhD, 2014)
Tine Wollenschläger (Msc, 2013)
Max Rademacher (Msc, 2013)
Isabell Rohr (Msc, 2013)
Juliane Troch (Bsc, 2012)
Karen Strehlow (Dipl. Geol., 2012)
Ines Irion (Dipl. Geol., 2012)
Hermann Drescher (Bsc, 2012)
David Gilbert (PhD, 2012 and Dipl. Geol, 2008)
Sonja Geilert (Dipl. Geol., 2009)
Naemi Weselmann (Dipl. Geol., 2009)
Tom Kwasnitschka (Dipl. Geol., 2009)
Cosima Burkert (Dipl. Geol., 2007)
Anja Hartmann (Dipl. Geol., 2007)
Wendy Pérez (PhD, 2007)
Heidi Wehrmann (PhD, 2005)