Core-log-seismic integration in hard rock environments using the ICDP drilling project COSC-1, Sweden

Core-Log II
Core-log-seismic integration in hard rock environments using the ICDP drilling project COSC-1, Sweden
General information
This study will investigate in detail the geological structure and the petrophysical properties of the Scandinavian Caledonides within the framework of the ICDP project Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC). The goal is to gain new insights into critical orogenic processes, such as nappe emplacement, and to establish a justified base for the comparison of the Caledonides with modern analogues, e.g. the Himalayas. The key objective of this proposal is to construct a high-resolution seismic stratigraphy of the Seve Nappe Complex at the COSC site and nearby areas by core-log-seismic integration (CLSI). This will allow identification of distinctive petrophysical characteristics of the metamorphic sequence of the Seve Nappe Complex and lead to an improved understanding of its evolution. Furthermore, this information will be extrapolated to a large scale model, using already existing high-resolution and VSP calibrated 2D and 3D seismic imaging. Accurate characterization of the subsurface requires not only reflection seismic analysis but also integration of high-resolution petrophysical drill core and geophysical well-log data sets. To reach this goal, a useful merging and cross calibration of core, downhole logging and seismic data is mandatory to shed new light on the configuration and evolution of the primary shear zones (supposedly transformed into mylonites) between nappes. Our proposal focuses on investigations of the geo- and petrophysical properties of the rock using an interdisciplinary approach based on CLSI. We will integrate core measurements, logging data and seismic data, which are of different resolution in the respective measurement scales. The CLSI method has been successfully applied in marine and lake environments and in many IODP drilling projects. In this proposal, the techniques will be applied to hard rock for the first time, which will require the development of new approaches of CLSI to crystalline basement. The COSC project has been chosen because excellent seismic data, downhole logging and VSP data are available and several petrophysical measurements are currently being performed by different labs on a large set of core samples; all scientists working on these data have agreed to be involved or support this work.
August, 2019
July, 2020
Funding (total)
Funding (GEOMAR)
Funding body / Programme
    DFG /
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (GEOMAR), Germany
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), Germany