Press releases

Below you find current press releases of the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Reseach Kiel. Older press releases of GEOMAR and the predecessor  IFM-GEOMAR you find on the archive pages of the the years 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 201120102009 and 2008.

Current press releases

A crab lifts its claw

Non-native diversity mirrors Earth’s biodiversity

New Study Reveals Huge Potential for Future Waves of Invasive Species

Professor Dr David Thieltges, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research and University of Groningen, was awarded the 29th Petersen Excellence Professorship of the Prof. Dr. Werner Petersen Foundation. Photo: Thomas Eisenkrätzer. GEOMAR

Double faces with an important function for ocean health

Parasites in marine food webs are Professor Dr David Thieltges’ research focus who today receives the 29th Petersen Excellence Professorship

A man gives a lecture on a stage.

New impulses for interdisciplinary ocean observing and forecasting

53 international partners met for the final symposium of EuroSea

Forschungsschiff METEOR

German Marine Research Alliance welcomes the construction of the new METEOR IV

New research vessel METEOR IV takes over for METEOR and POSEIDON in the German research fleet

Professorin Dr. Katrin Meissner

Petersen Excellence Professorship honors expert in climate history

At the same time, the Petersen Innovation Transfer Award for pioneering products and processes will be presented for the third time.

 "Dumbo" octopus of the species Cirrotheutis muelleri c

Miles down for lunch

Deep-sea imagery and observations reveal novel octopus feeding behaviour

Light test in the laboratory in Spain.

Setting off for new waters on the way to a master's degree

Students study the effects of light pollution on marine life in ten different countries for their theses

Midnight sun in Eyjafjörður

ANTON and LUISE on mapping course off Iceland

Expedition with two autonomous underwater vehicles to the Grimsey hydrothermal field

Along the investigated beach section, all finds are examined and assigned to a predefined category.

Enjoying our beaches – without polluting them

Researchers from Kiel present first combined systematic study on litter in the micro and macro spectrum on Schleswig-Holstein's Baltic Sea beaches

Research Vessel Poseidon

Minoan eruption survey improves volcanic risk assessments

GEOMAR study provides new insights into the largest volcanic eruption in Europe in the last 10,000 years

  • Ilka Thomsen
    Phone: +49 431 600-2802

    Press releases, press contacts

    Julia Gehringer
    Tel.: 0431 600-2811

    Social Media, press releases, press contacts

  • Sarah Uphoff
    Phone: +49 431 600-1815
    E-Mail: skaehlert(at) 

    Film and video projects, footage

  • Christoph Kersten
    Phone: +49 431 600-2814
    e-mail: ckersten(at)

    Design conception, layouts and illustrations for web and print

  • Hatice Kadija Ege
    Phone: +49 431 600-1816
    E-Mail: hkege(at)


  • Dr. Joachim Dengg
    Phone: +49 431 600-4006
    e-mail: jdengg(at)

    School cooperations & projects, practicals for pupils