February 23, 2017: SFB 754 Colloquium

Andreas Schmittner, Associate Professor of the college of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregan State University, USA: "Reconstructing the glacial ocean: very weak Atlantic overturning and iron fertilization maximize carbon storage"


10:30 h, large conference room (R.075), GEOMAR, Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel



The low glacial atmospheric CO2 concentrations remain unexplained. Here we use a global climate model that includes ocean biogeochemistry and three key isotopes (radiocarbon, d13C, and d15N) to explore constraints provided by glacial sediment data on circulation and carbon storage. Simulations with different circulations and surface iron fluxes show that radiocarbon and d13C data fit best model simulations with a very weak (6-9 Sv) and shallow Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation best, whereas the d15N data require iron fertilization. Both effects maximize glacial ocean carbon storage. Increased wind stress over the North Atlantic due to the presence of the ice sheets stabilizes the weak AMOC and prevents it from collapsing.



SFB 754

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