June 10, 2013: FB1-Seminar

Caroline Ummenhofer, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA: "Pacific Ocean contribution to the asymmetry in eastern Indian Ocean variability: Interannual to decadal timescales"


11:00 h, Hörsaal (Düsternbrooker Weg 20)


Variations in eastern Indian Ocean upper-ocean thermal properties are assessed for the period 1970–2004, with a particular focus on asymmetric features related to opposite phases of Indian Ocean dipole events, using high-resolution ocean model hindcasts. Sensitivity experiments, where interannual atmospheric forcing variability is restricted to the Indian or Pacific Ocean only, support the interpretation of forcing mechanisms for large-scale asymmetric behavior in eastern Indian Ocean variability. The spatial and temporal characteristics of the seasonal evolution of heat content anomalies for opposite Indian Ocean dipole phases is distinct, as is the relative contribution from Indian Ocean atmospheric forcing versus remote influences from Pacific wind forcing.

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