June 13-15, 2023: CACTI Workshop 2023

The goal of the CACTI workshop in 2023 is to review the progress since the last TriMIP workshop (TriMIP-3) that brought together the active and collaborative communities of AerChemMIP, RAMIP, RFMIP, and PDRMIP.

This workshop will focus on advances in our understanding since AR6, identifying gaps and informing future research directions in the community of “Composition Air quality Climate inTeractions Initiative (CACTI): Emissions to Response”.

for more information please see the CACTI Workshop 2023 Webpage

  • GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel 

    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    D-24148 Kiel

    Phone: +49-431 600-0
    Fax: +49-431 600-2805
    E-mail: info(at)geomar.de