June 19, 2017: FB1 seminar

Prof. Dr. Victor A. Brovkin, Leader of Climate-Biogeosphere Interaction group, Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg (Germany): "Dynamic vegetation and carbon cycle in JSBACH"

11:00, lecture hall west, Düsternbrooker Weg 20



Processes in terrestrial ecosystems, to large extent, are controlled by climate and CO2 concentration. In turn, geographical distribution of vegetation cover strongly affects physical and biogeochemical fluxes between land surface and atmosphere. These interactions form different feedback loops between terrestrial biosphere and climate. The land surface model JSBACH of the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM) developed over the last 15 years includes processes of natural vegetation dynamics and carbon cycling on seasonal to centennial time scales. Details of these processes in JSBACH and the model performance in several experiments, including MPI-ESM transient Holocene simulation with interactive carbon cycle, will be presented.



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