May 4, 2016: FB1-Seminar

Dr. Céline Heuzé, Marie Curie research fellow, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg (Sweden): "Climate change 3000m under the sea"

Wednesday, 4 May, 13:00 h, Lecture Hall, Düsternbrooker Weg 20



At both poles, extremely dense waters sink to the bottom of the ocean before travelling around the world. This sinking transports oxygen, ventilating the deep ocean. It also transports heat, more and more with climate change. Since deep and bottom waters represent nearly half of the world ocean in volume, even a slight and slow warming of these waters can cause steric sea level rise that should be quantified urgently. But these deep waters remain undersampled, for they cannot be observed by satellites or even Argo floats. Hence scientists rely on models to understand the variability and drivers of the deep water circulation, and make realistic projections for adaptation and mitigation policies. But how accurate are these models?

From the Southern Ocean to the Arctic, from CMIP5 models to last summer’s research cruise, from sea level rise to ice shelf melting, this talk will try to give you an overview of the vital role of deep waters, and of all that we still do not know about them.



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