November 25, 2013: FB1-Seminar

Christian Franzke, Meteorologisches Institut, Uni Hamburg: "Persistent circulation regimes in the North Atlantic region"

11:00 h, Hörsaal (Düsternbrooker Weg 20)



Many extreme weather and climate events are caused by persistent circulation anomalies. In my presentation I will investigate the persistent regime behavior of the eddy-driven jet stream over the North Atlantic. A statistical analysis reveals that the jet stream exhibits 3 persistent regimes which correspond to northern, southern and central jet states. These regimes are related to the North Atlantic Oscillation and the East Atlantic teleconnection pattern. The regime states are associated with distinct changes in the storm tracks and the frequency of occurence of cyclonic and anti-cyclonic wave breaking. Three preferred regime transitions are identified. The preferred transitions correspond to a poleward motion of the jet stream. I will discuss the role of Rossby wave breaking in the regime transitions, the variability of the regimes on interannual time scales and the relationship to extreme events. 


List of scheduled FB1 seminars


  • GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel 

    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    D-24148 Kiel

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