Research Divison Office/Administrative Team Assistant/Foreign Languages Office
Silvana Gagliardi
FB 2: Marine Biogeochemie
FE Biologische Ozeanographie
- Phone:
- +49 431 600 4445
- Email:
- sgagliardi(at)
Wischhofstraße 1-3
24148 Kiel
Career history at GEOMAR
- 1999-2002: Foreign Language Assistant of the Scientific Director at GEOMAR
- since 2005: Administrative Team Assistant/Office Management of the Department of
Biological Oceanography (RD2-BI) and of the working group 'Biogeochemical
Processes' (RD2-BI/BP) at IFM-GEOMAR Leibniz Institute for Marine Sciences,
now GEOMAR - in 2011: Launch of TAN (Team Assistant's Network)
- 2011-2019: Member of the Staff Council at IFM-GEOMAR Leibniz Institute for Marine
Sciences, now GEOMAR - since 2014: Speaker of the Administrative Team Assistants (TAN) at GEOMAR
- since 2015: Administrative Team Assistant/Office Management of the Research Divison 2 -
Marine Biogeochemistry - since 2019: Permanent Substitute Member of the Staff Council
- since 2021: Member of the GEOMAR Initiative 'Staff4Sustainability' (S4S)
- since 2023: Member of the GEOMAR Initiative 'Staff4Diversity' (S4D)
- since 2024: Administrative Team Assistan/Office Management of the working group
'Plankton Biogeochemistry and Imaging' (RD2-BI/PBI) - since 2025: Office Assistant of the 'Society to Support GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre
for Ocean Research Kiel'
- Italian
- English
- Spanish
- French