Timon Graf

Scientific Officer and Coordinator for the Helmholtz Climate Initiative
c/o GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
Wischhofstr. 1-3
D-24148 Kiel Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 431 600 2888, +49 (0)176 216 38 19
E-Mail: tgraf(at)geomar.de, timon.graf(at)helmholtz-klima.de
Curriculum vitae
since March 2023 Scientific Officer for the Helmholtz Climate Initiative
until the end of 2022 Scientific Officer at Institut Raum & Energie, Wedel
until the end of 2020 project manager for the VIP+ project "zeean" (2017-2020) as well as transfer manager (2014-2017) at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
2013 to 2014 Head of the Steinbeis Center for Innovative Drug Design in cooperation with the MPI for Infection Biology Berlin
2012 Diploma in Engineering, Leibniz University of Hanover, Landscape and Open Space Planning
2000 Abitur Freie Waldorfschule Kiel