Very short lived bromine compounds in the ocean and their transport pathways into the stratosphere (TransBrom)
Duration: 2009 - 2011
- Principal Investigator PD Dr. Kirstin Krüger (RD1: ocean circulation and climate dynamics, marine meteorology)
- Dr. Birgit Quack (RD2: marine biogeochemistry, chemical oceanography)
Leibniz-project in the competitive procedure ("SAW-Verfahren") within the frame of the Pact for Research and Innovation 2009
Proposal in the frame of the 5th line of funding "women in scientific leading positions"
With a new transport model and hot-spot measurements in the Western tropical Pacific we want to investigate the real contribution of marine emissions of very short lived bromine compounds on stratospheric bromine. Additional bromine content of +5 ppt in the stratosphere can account for the observed but until yet unexplained stratospheric ozone loss in mid-latitudes. The questions where does it come from, how fast and in which quantities this bromine reaches the stratosphere are so far not answered and will be addressed within this national scientific community Leibniz (WGL) proposal ”TransBrom”.
- The TransBrom Sonne ship campaign in the West Pacific
ACPD special issue - Introduction to special issue: The TransBrom Sonne expedition in the tropical West Pacific
Krüger K. and B. Quack
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 12, 1401-1418, 2012. [full article]
revised to ACP, 2013.
- FS Sonne Fahrtbericht TransBrom Sonne
Berichte aus dem Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Nr. 37, Februar 2010.
Birgit Quack und Kirstin Krüger
- Transport of trace gases measured in the marine boundary layer in the tropical West Pacific during the TransBrom-Sonne campaign, diploma thesis, PP. 84, November 2010.
Sebastian Wache - Auswertung der tropischen Tropopausenregion während der TransBrom Sonnefahrt im westlichen Pazifik, Bachelor thesis at the University Kiel, PP. 50, Juni 2011.
Verena Rumpel
Ship campaign on RV SONNE
Project: TransBrom Sonne
09.10.2009 – 24.10.2009
Tomakomai (Japan) - Townsville (Australia)
management Dr. B. Quack
funded by the BMBF
- detailled information about the expedition
- expedition-log from R/V SONNE
- weekly scientific reports
- TransBrom Sonne Workshop (16.-17.11.2010), IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel (agenda, press release)