Number of items: 291.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed
Yao, W. 
Morganti, T.,
Wu, J.,
Borchers, M.,
Anschütz, A. A.,
Bednarz, L. K.,
Bhaumik, A.,
Boettcher, M.,
Burkhard, K.,
Cabus, T.,
Sueyi Chua, A.,
Diercks, I.,
Esposito, M.,
Fink, M.,
Fouqueray, M.,
Gasanzade, F.,
Geilert, S. 
Hauck, J.,
Havermann, F.,
Hellige, I.,
Hoog, S.,
Jürchott, M. 
Thanveer Kalapurakkal, H.,
Kemper, J.,
Kremin, I. 
Lange, I.,
Lencina-Avila, J. M.,
Liadova, M.,
Liu, F.,
Mathesius, S. 
Mehendale, N.,
Nagwekar, T.,
Philippi, M.,
Leite Neves da Luz, G.,
Ramasamy, M.,
Stahl, F.,
Tank, L.,
Vorrath, M. E.,
Westmark, L.,
Wey, H. W. 
Wollnick, R.,
Wölfelschneider, M.,
Bach, W.,
Bischof, K.,
Boersma, M.,
Daewel, U.,
Fernandez-Mendez, M.,
Geuer, J.,
Keller, D. P. 
Kopf, A. J.,
Merk, C.,
Moosdorf, N.,
Oppelt, N. M.,
Oschlies, A. 
Pongratz, J.,
Proelss, A.,
Rehder, G.,
Rüpke, L. H. 
Szarka, N.,
Thrän, D.,
Wallmann, K. 
Mengis, N. 
(In Press / Accepted)
Exploring site-specific carbon dioxide removal options with storage or sequestration in the marine environment - The 10 Mt CO2 yr-1 removal challenge for Germany.

Earth's Future
Köhnke, F.,
Steuri, B.,
Baetcke, L.,
Borchers, M.,
Brinkmann, T.,
Dittmeyer, R.,
Dornheim, M.,
El Zohbi, J.,
Förster, J.,
Gawel, E.,
Görl, K.,
Herbst, M.,
Heß, D.,
Kalhori, A.,
Korte, K.,
Li, Z.,
Markus, T.,
Mengis, N. 
Monnerie, N.,
Oschlies, A. 
Prats-Salvado, E.,
Reusch, T. B. H. 
Rhoden, I.,
Sachs, T.,
Schaller, R.,
Schill, E.,
Simon, S.,
Stevenson, A. 
Thoni, T.,
Thrän, D.,
Xiao, M. and
Jacob, D.
A storyline approach: integrating comprehensive, interdisciplinary research results to create narratives – in the context of the net-zero target in Germany.

Frontiers in Environmental Science, 12
Art.Nr. 1433491.
Wood, R. A.,
Baker, J. A.,
Beaugrand, G.,
Boutin, J.,
Conversi, A.,
Donner, R. V.,
Frenger, I. 
Goberville, E.,
Hayashida, H.,
Koeve, W. 
Kvale, K.,
Landolfi, A.,
Maslowski, W.,
Oschlies, A. 
Romanou, A.,
Somes, C. J. 
Stocker, T. F. and
Swingedouw, D.
Opportunities for Earth Observation to Inform Risk Management for Ocean Tipping Points.

Surveys in Geophysics
Li, N.,
Somes, C. J. 
Landolfi, A. 
Chien, C. T. 
Pahlow, M. and
Oschlies, A. 
Global impact of benthic denitrification on marine N2 fixation and primary production simulated by a variable-stoichiometry Earth system model.

Biogeosciences (BG), 21
pp. 4361-4380.
Rose, K. C.,
Ferrer, E. M.,
Carpenter, S. R.,
Crowe, S. A.,
Donelan, S. C.,
Garçon, V. C.,
Grégoire, M.,
Jane, S. F.,
Leavitt, P. R.,
Levin, L. A.,
Oschlies, A. 
Breitburg, D.
Aquatic deoxygenation as a planetary boundary and key regulator of Earth system stability.
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 8
pp. 1400-1406.
Almendra, I.,
Dewitte, B.,
Garçon, V.,
Muñoz, P.,
Parada, C.,
Montes, I.,
Duteil, O. 
Paulmier, A.,
Pizarro, O.,
Ramos, M.,
Koeve, W. 
Oschlies, A. 
Emergent constraint on oxygenation of the upper South Eastern Pacific oxygen minimum zone in the twenty-first century.

Communications Earth & Environment, 5
Art.Nr. 284.
Xue, T. 
Frenger, I. 
Terhaar, J.,
Prowe, A. E. F. 
Frölicher, T. L. and
Oschlies, A. 
Southern Ocean phytoplankton under climate change: a shifting balance of bottom-up and top-down control.

Biogeosciences (BG), 21
pp. 2473-2491.
Borchers, M.,
Förster, J.,
Thrän, D.,
Beck, S.,
Thoni, T.,
Korte, K.,
Gawel, E.,
Markus, T.,
Schaller, R.,
Rhoden, I.,
Chi, Y.,
Dahmen, N.,
Dittmeyer, R.,
Dolch, T.,
Dold, C.,
Herbst, M.,
Heß, D.,
Kalhori, A.,
Koop‐Jakobsen, K.,
Li, Z.,
Oschlies, A. 
Reusch, T. B. H. 
Sachs, T.,
Schmidt‐Hattenberger, C.,
Stevenson, A. 
Wu, J.,
Yeates, C. and
Mengis, N. 
A Comprehensive Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Removal Options for Germany.

Earth's Future, 12
Art.Nr. e2023EF003986.
Jeltsch-Thömmes, A.,
Tran, G. 
Lienert, S.,
Keller, D. P. 
Oschlies, A. 
Joos, F.
Earth system responses to carbon dioxide removal as exemplified by ocean alkalinity enhancement: tradeoffs and lags.

Environmental Research Letters, 19
Art.Nr. 054054.
Frenger, I. 
Landolfi, A. 
Kvale, K. F. 
Somes, C. J. 
Oschlies, A. 
Yao, W. and
Koeve, W. 
Misconceptions of the marine biological carbon pump in a changing climate: Thinking outside the “export” box.

Global Change Biology, 30
Art.Nr. e17124.
Fennel, K.,
Long, M. C.,
Algar, C.,
Carter, B.,
Keller, D. P. 
Laurent, A.,
Mattern, J. P.,
Musgrave, R.,
Oschlies, A. 
Ostiguy, J.,
Palter, J. B. and
Whitt, D. B.
Modelling considerations for research on ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE).

State Planet : SP, 2-oae2023
pp. 1-29.
Oschlies, A. 
Bach, L. T. 
Rickaby, R.,
Satterfield, T.,
Webb, R. M. and
Gattuso, J. P.
Climate targets, carbon dioxide removal and the potential role of Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement.

State Planet : SP, 2-oae2023
(Chaper 1).
pp. 1-9.
Kriest, I. 
Getzlaff, J.,
Landolfi, A. 
Sauerland, V.,
Schartau, M. 
Oschlies, A. 
Exploring the role of different data types and timescales for the quality of marine biogeochemical model calibration.

Biogeosciences (BG), 20
pp. 2645-2669.
Köhnke, F.,
Steuri, B.,
El Zohbi, J.,
Görl, K.,
Borchers, M.,
Förster, J.,
Thrän, D.,
Mengis, N.,
Oschlies, A. 
Jacob, D.
On the path to net-zero: Establishing a multi-level system to support the complex endeavor of reaching national carbon neutrality.

Frontiers in Climate, 5
Art. Nr. 1056023.
Chien, C. T. 
Durgadoo, J. V. 
Ehlert, D.,
Frenger, I. 
Keller, D. P. 
Koeve, W. 
Kriest, I. 
Landolfi, A. 
Patara, L. 
Wahl, S. 
Oschlies, A. 
FOCI-MOPS v1 – Integration of Marine Biogeochemistry within the Flexible Ocean and Climate Infrastructure version 1 (FOCI 1) Earth system model.

Geoscientific Model Development, 15
pp. 5987-6024.
Xue, T. 
Frenger, I. 
Oschlies, A. 
Stock, C. A.,
Koeve, W. 
John, J. G. and
Prowe, A. E. F. 
Mixed Layer Depth Promotes Trophic Amplification on a Seasonal Scale.

Geophysical Research Letters, 49
Art.Nr. e2022GL098720.
Förster, J.,
Beck, S.,
Borchers, M.,
Gawel, E.,
Korte, K.,
Markus, T.,
Mengis, N. 
Oschlies, A. 
Schaller, R.,
Stevenson, A. 
Thoni, T. and
Thrän, D.
Framework for Assessing the Feasibility of Carbon Dioxide Removal Options Within the National Context of Germany.

Frontiers in Climate, 4
Art.Nr. 758628.
Wallmann, K. 
Jose, Y. S. 
Hopwood, M. J. 
Somes, C. J. 
Dale, A. W. 
Scholz, F.,
Achterberg, E. P. 
Oschlies, A. 
Biogeochemical feedbacks may amplify ongoing and future ocean deoxygenation: a case study from the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone.

Biogeochemistry, 159
pp. 45-67.
Rabouille, S.,
Tournier, L.,
Duhamel, S.,
Claquin, P.,
Crispi, O.,
Talec, A.,
Landolfi, A. 
Oschlies, A. 
Organic Phosphorus Scavenging Supports Efficient Growth of Diazotrophic Cyanobacteria Under Phosphate Depletion.

Frontiers in Microbiology, 13
Art.Nr. 848647.
Yao, W.,
Kvale, K. F. 
Koeve, W. 
Landolfi, A. 
Achterberg, E. P. 
Bertrand, E. M. and
Oschlies, A. 
Simulated future trends in marine nitrogen fixation are sensitive to model iron implementation.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36
Art. Nr. e2020GB006851.
Mengis, N. 
Kalhori, A.,
Simon, S.,
Harpprecht, C.,
Baetcke, L.,
Prats‐Salvado, E.,
Schmidt‐Hattenberger, C.,
Stevenson, A. 
Dold, C.,
Zohbi, J.,
Borchers, M.,
Thrän, D.,
Korte, K.,
Gawel, E.,
Dolch, T.,
Heß, D.,
Yeates, C.,
Thoni, T.,
Markus, T.,
Schill, E.,
Xiao, M.,
Köhnke, F.,
Oschlies, A. 
Förster, J.,
Görl, K.,
Dornheim, M.,
Brinkmann, T.,
Beck, S.,
Bruhn, D.,
Li, Z.,
Steuri, B.,
Herbst, M.,
Sachs, T.,
Monnerie, N.,
Pregger, T.,
Jacob, D. and
Dittmeyer, R.
Net‐Zero CO 2 Germany - A Retrospect From the Year 2050.

Earth's Future, 10
Art.Nr. e2021EF002324.
Grégoire, M.,
Garçon, V.,
Garcia, H.,
Breitburg, D.,
Isensee, K.,
Oschlies, A. 
Telszewski, M.,
Barth, A.,
Bittig, H. C.,
Carstensen, J.,
Carval, T.,
Chai, F.,
Chavez, F.,
Conley, D.,
Coppola, L.,
Crowe, S.,
Currie, K.,
Dai, M.,
Deflandre, B.,
Dewitte, B.,
Diaz, R.,
Garcia-Robledo, E.,
Gilbert, D.,
Giorgetti, A.,
Glud, R.,
Gutierrez, D.,
Hosoda, S.,
Ishii, M.,
Jacinto, G.,
Langdon, C.,
Lauvset, S. K.,
Levin, L. A.,
Limburg, K. E.,
Mehrtens, H. 
Montes, I.,
Naqvi, W.,
Paulmier, A.,
Pfeil, B.,
Pitcher, G.,
Pouliquen, S.,
Rabalais, N.,
Rabouille, C.,
Recape, V.,
Roman, M.,
Rose, K.,
Rudnick, D.,
Rummer, J.,
Schmechtig, C.,
Schmidtko, S. 
Seibel, B.,
Slomp, C.,
Sumalia, U. R.,
Tanhua, T. 
Thierry, V.,
Uchida, H.,
Wanninkhof, R. and
Yasuhara, M.
A Global Ocean Oxygen Database and Atlas for Assessing and Predicting Deoxygenation and Ocean Health in the Open and Coastal Ocean.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 8
Art.Nr. 724913.
Kvale, K. F. 
Keller, D. P. 
Koeve, W. 
Meissner, K. J.,
Somes, C. J. 
Yao, W. and
Oschlies, A. 
Explicit silicate cycling in the Kiel Marine Biogeochemistry Model version 3 (KMBM3) embedded in the UVic ESCM version 2.9.

Geoscientific Model Development, 14
pp. 7255-7285.
Verwega, M. T. 
Somes, C. J. 
Schartau, M. 
Tuerena, R. E.,
Lorrain, A.,
Oschlies, A. 
Slawig, T.
Description of a global marine particulate organic carbon-13 isotope data set.

Earth System Science Data, 13
pp. 4861-4880.
Rabouille, S. 
Randall, B.,
Talec, A. 
Raimbault, P.,
Blasco, T.,
Latifi, A. 
Oschlies, A. 
Independence of a Marine Unicellular Diazotroph to the Presence of NO3−.

Microorganisms, 9
Art.Nr. 2073.
Landolfi, A. 
Prowe, A. E. F. 
Pahlow, M.,
Somes, C. J. 
Chien, C. T. 
Schartau, M. 
Koeve, W. 
Oschlies, A. 
Can top-down controls expand the ecological niche of marine N2 fixers?.

Frontiers in Microbiology, 12
Art.Nr. 690200.
Somes, C. J. 
Dale, A. W. 
Wallmann, K. 
Scholz, F.,
Yao, W.,
Oschlies, A. 
Muglia, J.,
Schmittner, A. and
Achterberg, E. P. 
Constraining global marine iron sources and ligand-mediated scavenging fluxes with GEOTRACES dissolved iron measurements in an ocean biogeochemical model.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 35
Hauschildt, J.,
Thomsen, S.,
Echevin, V.,
Oschlies, A. 
Jose, Y. S. 
Krahmann, G. 
Bristow, L. A. and
Lavik, G.
The fate of upwelled nitrate off Peru shaped by submesoscale filaments and fronts.

Biogeosciences (BG), 18
pp. 3605-3629.
Hill-Cruz, M. 
Kriest, I. 
Jose, Y. S. 
Kiko, R. 
Hauss, H. 
Oschlies, A. 
Zooplankton mortality effects on the plankton community of the Northern Humboldt Current System: Sensitivity of a regional biogeochemical model.

Biogeosciences (BG), 18
pp. 2891-2916.
Mengis, N. 
Keller, D. P. 
MacDougall, A.,
Eby, M.,
Wright, N.,
Meissner, K. J.,
Oschlies, A. 
Schmittner, A.,
Matthews, H. D. and
Zickfeld, K.
Evaluation of the University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model version 2.10 (UVic ESCM 2.10).

Geoscientific Model Development, 13
pp. 4183-4204.
Lebrato, M. 
Garbe-Schönberg, D. 
Müller, M. N.,
Blanco-Ameijeiras, S.,
Feely, R. A.,
Lorenzoni, L.,
Molinero, J. C.,
Bremer, K.,
Jones, D. O. B. 
Iglesias-Rodriguez, D. 
Greeley, D.,
Lamare, M. D.,
Paulmier, A. 
Graco, M.,
Cartes, J.,
Barcelos e Ramos, J.,
de Lara, A. 
Sanchez-Leal, R.,
Jimenez, P.,
Paparazzo, F. E. 
Hartman, S. E. 
Westernströer, U.,
Küter, M.,
Benavides, R. 
da Silva, A. F.,
Bell, S.,
Payne, C.,
Olafsdottir, S. 
Robinson, K. 
Jantunen, L. M. 
Korablev, A.,
Webster, R. J.,
Jones, E. M.,
Gilg, O. 
Bailly du Bois, P. 
Beldowski, J. 
Ashjian, C.,
Yahia, N. D.,
Twining, B. 
Chen, X. G.,
Tseng, L. C. 
Hwang, J. S.,
Dahms, H. U. 
Oschlies, A. 
Global variability in seawater Mg:Ca and Sr:Ca ratios in the modern ocean.
PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117
pp. 22281-22292.
Kriest, I. 
Kähler, P.,
Koeve, W. 
Kvale, K. F. 
Sauerland, V. and
Oschlies, A. 
One size fits all? Calibrating an ocean biogeochemistry model for different circulations.

Biogeosciences (BG), 17
pp. 3057-3082.
Resplandy, L.,
Keeling, R. F.,
Eddebbar, Y.,
Brooks, M. K.,
Wang, R.,
Bopp, L.,
Long, M. C.,
Dunne, J. P.,
Koeve, W. 
Oschlies, A. 
Quantification of ocean heat uptake from changes in atmospheric O2 and CO2 composition.

Scientific Reports, 9
Art.Nr. 20244.
Lebrato, M.,
Pahlow, M.,
Frost, J. R.,
Küter, M.,
Jesus Mendes, P.,
Molinero, J. C. and
Oschlies, A. 
Sinking of Gelatinous Zooplankton Biomass Increases Deep Carbon Transfer Efficiency Globally.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 33
pp. 1764-1783.
Ward, B. A. 
Collins, S.,
Dutkiewicz, S. 
Gibbs, S.,
Bown, P.,
Ridgwell, A. 
Sauterey, B. 
Wilson, J. D. 
Oschlies, A. 
Considering the Role of Adaptive Evolution in Models of the Ocean and Climate System.

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11
pp. 3343-3361.
Rickels, W.,
Merk, C.,
Honneth, J.,
Schwinger, J.,
Quaas, M. and
Oschlies, A. 
Welche Rolle spielen negative Emissionen für die zukünftige Klimapolitik? Eine ökonomische Einschätzung zum 1,5 °C-Sonderbericht des Weltklimarats .
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 20
Gattuso, J. P.,
Magnan, A. K.,
Bopp, L.,
Cheung, W. W. L.,
Duarte, C. M.,
Hinkel, J.,
Mcleod, E.,
Micheli, F.,
Oschlies, A. 
Williamson, P.,
Bille, R.,
Chalastani, V. I.,
Gates, R. D.,
Irisson, J. O.,
Middelburg, J. J.,
Pförtner, H. O. and
Rau, G. H.
Ocean Solutions to Address Climate Change and Its Effects on Marine Ecosystems.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 5
Art.Nr. 337.
Lawrence, M. G.,
Schäfer, S.,
Muri, H.,
Scott, V.,
Oschlies, A. 
Vaughan, N. E.,
Boucher, O.,
Schmidt, H.,
Haywood, J. and
Scheffran, J.
Evaluating climate geoengineering proposals in the context of the Paris Agreement temperature goals.

Nature Communications, 9
Art.Nr. 3734.
Keller, D. P. 
Lenton, A.,
Littleton, E. W.,
Oschlies, A. 
Scott, V. and
Vaughan, N. E.
The Effects of Carbon Dioxide Removal on the Carbon Cycle.

Current Climate Change Reports, 4
pp. 250-265.
Bretagnon, M.,
Paulmier, A.,
Garçon, V.,
Dewitte, B.,
Illig, S.,
Leblond, N.,
Coppola, L.,
Campos, F.,
Velazco, F.,
Panagiotopoulos, C.,
Oschlies, A. 
Hernandez-Ayon, J. M.,
Maske, H.,
Vergara, O.,
Montes, I.,
Martinez, P.,
Carrasco, E.,
Grelet, J.,
Desprez-De-Gesincourt, O.,
Maes, C. and
Scouarnec, L.
Modulation of the vertical particle transfer efficiency in the oxygen minimum zone off Peru.

Biogeosciences (BG), 15
pp. 5093-5111.
Kemena, T. P. 
Matthes, K. 
Martin, T. 
Wahl, S. 
Oschlies, A. 
Atmospheric feedbacks in North Africa from an irrigated, afforested Sahara.
Climate Dynamics, 50
pp. 4561-4581.
Frenger, I. 
Bianchi, D.,
Stührenberg, C.,
Oschlies, A. 
Dunne, J.,
Deutsch, C.,
Galbraith, E. and
Schütte, F. 
Biogeochemical role of subsurface coherent eddies in the ocean: Tracer cannonballs, hypoxic storms, and microbial stewpots?.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 32
pp. 226-249.
Breitburg, D.,
Levin, L. A.,
Oschlies, A. 
Grégoire, M.,
Chavez, F. P.,
Conley, D. J.,
Garçon, V.,
Gilbert, D.,
Gutiérrez, D.,
Isensee, K.,
Jacinto, G. S.,
Limburg, K. E.,
Montes, I.,
Naqvi, S. W. A.,
Pitcher, G. C.,
Rabalais, N. N.,
Roman, M. R.,
Rose, K. A.,
Seibel, B. A.,
Telszewski, M.,
Yasuhara, M. and
Zhang, J.
Declining oxygen in the global ocean and coastal waters.
Science, 359
Kiko, R. 
Biastoch, A. 
Brandt, P. 
Cravatte, S.,
Hauss, H. 
Hummels, R.,
Kriest, I. 
Marin, F.,
McDonnell, A. M. P.,
Oschlies, A. 
Picheral, M.,
Schwarzkopf, F. U. 
Thurnherr, A. M. and
Stemmann, L.
Biological and physical influences on marine snowfall at the equator.
Nature Geoscience, 10
pp. 852-858.
Oschlies, A. 
Duteil, O. 
Getzlaff, J.,
Koeve, W. 
Landolfi, A. 
Schmidtko, S. 
Patterns of deoxygenation: sensitivity to natural and anthropogenic drivers.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 375
p. 20160325.
Orr, J. C.,
Najjar, R. G.,
Aumont, O.,
Bopp, L.,
Bullister, J. L.,
Danabasoglu, G.,
Doney, S. C.,
Dunne, J. P.,
Dutay, J. C.,
Graven, H.,
Griffies, S. M.,
John, J. G.,
Joos, F.,
Levin, I.,
Lindsay, K.,
Matear, R. J.,
McKinley, G. A.,
Mouchet, A.,
Oschlies, A. 
Romanou, A.,
Schlitzer, R.,
Tagliabue, A.,
Tanhua, T. and
Yool, A.
Biogeochemical protocols and diagnostics for the CMIP6 Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (OMIP).

Geoscientific Model Development, 10
pp. 2169-2199.
Schartau, M. 
Wallhead, P.,
Hemmings, J.,
Löptien, U. 
Kriest, I. 
Krishna, S.,
Ward, B. A.,
Slawig, T. and
Oschlies, A. 
Reviews and syntheses: Parameter identification in marine planktonic ecosystem modelling.

Biogeosciences (BG), 14
pp. 1647-1701.
Jickells, T. D.,
Buitenhuis, E.,
Altieri, K.,
Baker, A. R.,
Capone, D.,
Duce, R. A.,
Dentener, F.,
Fennel, K.,
Kanakidou, M.,
LaRoche, J.,
Lee, K.,
Liss, P.,
Middelburg, J. J.,
Moore, J. K.,
Okin, G.,
Oschlies, A. 
Sarin, M.,
Seitzinger, S.,
Sharples, J.,
Singh, A.,
Suntharalingam, P.,
Uematsu, M. and
Zamora, L. M.
A reevaluation of the magnitude and impacts of anthropogenic atmospheric nitrogen inputs on the ocean.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 31
pp. 289-305.
Irvine, P. J.,
Kravitz, B.,
Lawrence, M. G.,
Gerten, D.,
Caminade, C.,
Gosling, S. N.,
Hendy, E.,
Kassie, B.,
Kissling, W. D.,
Muri, H.,
Oschlies, A. 
Smith, S. J.
Towards a comprehensive climate impacts assessment of solar geoengineering.

Earth's Future, 5
pp. 93-106.
Oschlies, A. 
Held, H.,
Keller, D. P. 
Keller, K.,
Mengis, N. 
Quaas, M.,
Rickels, W. and
Schmidt, H.
Indicators and metrics for the assessment of climate engineering.

Earth's Future, 5
pp. 49-58.
Lebrato, M.,
Andersson, A. J.,
Ries, J. B.,
Aronson, R. B.,
Lamare, M. D.,
Koeve, W. 
Oschlies, A. 
Iglesias-Rodriguez, M. D.,
Thatje, S.,
Amsler, M.,
Vos, S. C.,
Jones, D. O. B.,
Ruhl, H. A.,
Gates, A. R. and
McClintock, J. B.
Benthic marine calcifiers coexist with CaCO3-undersaturated seawater worldwide.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30
pp. 1038-1053.
Blanco-Ameijeiras, S.,
Lebrato, M.,
Stoll, H. M.,
Iglesias-Rodriguez, D.,
Müller, M. N.,
Mendez-Vicente, A. and
Oschlies, A. 
Phenotypic Variability in the Coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi.

PLoS ONE, 11
Dale, A. W. 
Nickelsen, L.,
Scholz, F.,
Hensen, C. 
Oschlies, A. 
Wallmann, K. 
A revised global estimate of dissolved iron fluxes from marine sediments.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29
pp. 691-707.
Montes, I.,
Dewitte, B.,
Gutknecht, E.,
Paulmier, A.,
Dadou, I.,
Oschlies, A. 
Garçon, V.
High-resolution modeling of the Eastern Tropical Pacific oxygen minimum zone: Sensitivity to the tropical oceanic circulation.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119
pp. 5515-5532.
Duteil, O. 
Koeve, W. 
Oschlies, A. 
Bianchi, D.,
Galbraith, E.,
Kriest, I. 
Matear, R.
A novel estimate of ocean oxygen utilisation points to a reduced rate of respiration in the ocean interior.

Biogeosciences (BG), 10
pp. 7723-7738.
Billé, R.,
Kelly, R.,
Biastoch, A. 
Harrould-Kolieb, E.,
Herr, D.,
Joos, F.,
Kroeker, K.,
Laffoley, D.,
Oschlies, A. 
Gattuso, J. P.
Taking action against ocean acidification: A review of management and policy options.
Environmental Management, 52
pp. 761-779.
Kalvelage, T.,
Lavik, G.,
Lam, P.,
Contreras, S.,
Arteaga, L.,
Löscher, C. R.,
Oschlies, A. 
Paulmier, A.,
Stramma, L. 
Kuypers, M. M. M.
Nitrogen cycling driven by organic matter export in the South Pacific oxygen minimum zone.
Nature Geoscience, 6
pp. 228-234.
Cocco, V.,
Joos, F.,
Steinacher, M.,
Frölicher, T. L.,
Bopp, L.,
Dunne, J.,
Gehlen, M.,
Heinze, C.,
Orr, J.,
Oschlies, A. 
Schneider, B.,
Segschneider, J. and
Tjiputra, J.
Oxygen and indicators of stress for marine life in multi-model global warming projections.

Biogeosciences (BG), 10
pp. 1849-1868.
Lebrato, M.,
de Jesus Mendes, P.,
Steinberg, D. K.,
Cartes, J. E.,
Jones, B. M.,
Birsa, L. M.,
Benavides, R. 
Oschlies, A. 
Jelly biomass sinking speed reveals a fast carbon export mechanism.

Limnology and Oceanography, 58
pp. 1113-1122.
Melzner, F.,
Thomsen, J.,
Koeve, W. 
Oschlies, A. 
Gutowska, M.,
Bange, H. W. 
Hansen, H. P. and
Körtzinger, A. 
Future ocean acidification will be amplified by hypoxia in coastal habitats.
Marine Biology, 160
pp. 1875-1888.
Moore, C. M.,
Mills, M. M.,
Arrigo, K. R.,
Berman-Frank, I.,
Bopp, L.,
Boyd, P. W.,
Galbraith, E. D.,
Geider, R. J.,
Guieu, C.,
Jaccard, S. L.,
Jickells, T. D.,
LaRoche, J.,
Lenton, T. M.,
Mahowald, N. M.,
Marañón, E.,
Marinov, I.,
Moore, J. K.,
Nakatsuka, T.,
Oschlies, A. 
Saito, M. A.,
Thingstad, T. F.,
Tsuda, A. and
Ulloa, O.
Processes and patterns of oceanic nutrient limitation.
Nature Geoscience, 6
pp. 701-710.
Ward, B. A.,
Schartau, M. 
Oschlies, A. 
Martin, A. P.,
Follows, M. J. and
Anderson, T. R.
When is a biogeochemical model too complex? Objective model reduction for North Atlantic time-series sites.
Progress in Oceanography, 116
pp. 49-65.
Duteil, O. 
Koeve, W. 
Oschlies, A. 
Aumont, O.,
Bianchi, D.,
Bopp, L.,
Galbraith, E.,
Matear, R.,
Moore, J. K.,
Sarmiento, J. L. and
Segschneider, J.
Preformed and regenerated phosphate in ocean general circulation models: can right total concentrations be wrong?.

Biogeosciences (BG), 9
pp. 1797-1807.
Blanco-Ameijeiras, S.,
Lebrato, M.,
Stoll, H. M.,
Iglesias-Rodriguez, M. D.,
Mendez-Vicente, A.,
Sett, S.,
Müller, M. N.,
Oschlies, A. 
Schulz, K.
Removal of organic magnesium in coccolithophore carbonates.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 89
pp. 226-239.
Lebrato, M.,
Pitt, K. A.,
Sweetman, A. K.,
Jones, D. O. B.,
Cartes, J. E.,
Oschlies, A. 
Condon, R. H.,
Molinero, J. C.,
Adler, L.,
Gaillard, C.,
Lloris, D. and
Billett, D. S. M.
Jelly-falls historic and recent observations: a review to drive future research directions.
Hydrobiologia, 690
pp. 227-245.
Taucher, J. 
Schulz, K. G.,
Dittmar, T.,
Sommer, U.,
Oschlies, A. 
Riebesell, U. 
Enhanced carbon overconsumption in response to increasing temperatures during a mesocosm experiment.

Biogeosciences (BG), 9
pp. 3531-3545.
Zamora, L.,
Oschlies, A. 
Bange, H. W. 
Craig, J. D.,
Huebert, K. B.,
Kock, A. 
Löscher, C. R.
Nitrous oxide dynamics in low oxygen regions of the Pacific: insights from the MEMENTO database.

Biogeosciences (BG), 9
pp. 5007-5022.
Flögel, S.,
Wallmann, K. 
Poulsen, K.,
Zhou, J.,
Oschlies, A. 
Voigt, S. and
Kuhnt, W.
Simulating the biogeochemical effects of volcanic CO2 degassing on the oxygen-state of the deep ocean during the Cenomanian/Turonian Anoxic Event (OAE2).
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 305
pp. 371-384.
Lebrato, M.,
Pahlow, M.,
Oschlies, A. 
Pitt, K. A.,
Jones, D. O. B.,
Molinero, J. C. and
Condon, R. H.
Depth attenuation of organic matter export associated with jelly falls.

Limnology and Oceanography, 56
pp. 1917-1928.
Steinhoff, T.,
Friedrich, T.,
Hartman, S. E.,
Oschlies, A. 
Wallace, D. W. R. and
Körtzinger, A. 
Estimating mixed layer nitrate in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Biogeosciences (BG), 7
pp. 795-807.
Zamora, L.,
Landolfi, A. 
Oschlies, A. 
Hansell, D.,
Dietze, H. 
Dentener, F.
Atmospheric deposition of nutrients and excess N formation in the North Atlantic.

Biogeosciences (BG), 7
pp. 777-793.
Alvaréz, M.,
Lo Monaco, C.,
Tanhua, T. 
Yool, A.,
Oschlies, A. 
Bullister, J. L.,
Goyet, C.,
Tourtair, F.,
McDonagh, E. and
Bryden, H. L.
Estimating the storage of anthropogenic carbon in the subtropical Indian Ocean: A comparison of five different approaches.

Biogeosciences (BG), 6
pp. 681-703.
Watson, A. J.,
Schuster, U.,
Bakker, D. C. E.,
Bates, N. R.,
Corbière, A.,
González-Dávila, M.,
Friedrich, T.,
Hauck, J.,
Heinze, C.,
Johannessen, T.,
Körtzinger, A. 
Metzl, N.,
Olafsson, J.,
Olsen, A.,
Oschlies, A. 
Padin, X. A.,
Pfeil, B.,
Santana-Casiano, J. M.,
Steinhoff, T. 
Telszewski, M.,
Rios, A. F.,
Wallace, D. W. R. and
Wanninkhof, R.
Tracking the Variable North Atlantic Sink for Atmospheric CO2.
Science, 326
pp. 1391-1393.
Duce, R. A.,
LaRoche, J.,
Altieri, K.,
Arrigo, K. R.,
Baker, A. R.,
Capone, D. G.,
Cornell, S.,
Dentener, F.,
Galloway, J.,
Ganeshram, R. S.,
Geider, J.,
Jickells, T.,
Kuypers, M. M.,
Langlois, R.,
Liss, P. S.,
Liu, S. M.,
Middelburg, J. J.,
Moore, C. M.,
Nickovic, S.,
Oschlies, A. 
Pedersen, T.,
Prospero, J.,
Schlitzer, R.,
Seitzinger, S.,
Sorensen, L. L.,
Uematsu, M.,
Ulloa, O.,
Voss, M.,
Ward, B. and
Zamora, L.
Impacts of atmospheric anthropogenic nitrogen on the open ocean.
Science, 320
pp. 893-897.
Schmittner, A.,
Oschlies, A. 
Matthews, H. D. and
Galbraith, E. D.
Future changes in climate, ocean circulation, ecosystems, and biogeochemical cycling simulated for a business-as-usual CO2 emission scenario until year 4000 AD.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22
Henderson, G. M.,
Anderson, R. F.,
Adkins, J.,
Andersson, P.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Frank, M. 
Oschlies, A. 
and SCOR Working Group
GEOTRACES - An international study of the global marine biogeochemical cycles of trace elements and their isotopes.
Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry, 67
pp. 85-131.
Riebesell, U. 
Schulz, K. G.,
Bellerby, R. G. J.,
Botros, M.,
Fritsche, P.,
Meyerhöfer, M.,
Neill, C.,
Nondal, G.,
Oschlies, A. 
Wohlers, J. and
Zöllner, E.
Enhanced biological carbon consumption in a high CO2 ocean.
Nature, 450
pp. 545-548.
Machu, E.,
Biastoch, A. 
Oschlies, A. 
Kawamiya, M.,
Garcon, V. and
Lutjeharms, J. R. E.
Phytoplankton distribution in the Agulhas system from a coupled physical-biological model.
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 52
pp. 1300-1318.
Waniek, J. J.,
Schulz-Bull, D. E.,
Blanz, T.,
Prien, R. D.,
Oschlies, A. 
Müller, T. J. 
Interannual variability of deep water particle flux in relation to production and lateral sources in the northeast Atlantic.
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 52
pp. 33-50.
Fasham, M. J. R.,
Balino, B. M.,
Bowles, M. C.,
Anderson, R.,
Archer, D.,
Bathmann, U.,
Boyd, P.,
Buesseler, K.,
Burkill, P.,
Bychkov, A.,
Carlson, C.,
Chen, C. T. A.,
Doney, S.,
Ducklow, H.,
Emerson, S.,
Feely, R.,
Feldman, G.,
Garcon, V.,
Hansell, D.,
Hanson, R.,
Harrison, P.,
Honjo, S.,
Jeandel, C.,
Karl, D.,
Le Borgne, R.,
Liu, K. K.,
Lochte, K.,
Louanchi, F.,
Lowry, R.,
Michaels, A.,
Monfray, P.,
Murray, J.,
Oschlies, A. 
Platt, T.,
Priddle, J.,
Quinones, R.,
Ruiz-Pino, D.,
Saino, T.,
Sakshaug, E.,
Shimmield, G.,
Smith, S.,
Smith, W.,
Takahashi, T.,
Treguer, P.,
Wallace, D. W. R.,
Wanninkhof, R.,
Watsen, A.,
Willebrand, J. and
Wong, C. S.
A new vision of ocean biogeochemistry after a decade of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS).

Ambio, 2001
(Sp. No. 10).
pp. 4-31.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review
Bourgeois, T.,
Torres, O.,
Fröb, F.,
Jeltsch-Thömmes, A.,
Tran, G. T. 
Schwinger, J.,
Frölicher, T. L.,
Negrel, J.,
Keller, D. P. 
Oschlies, A. 
Bopp, L. and
Joos, F.
Pathways for avoiding ocean biogeochemical damage: Mitigation limits, mitigation options, and projections.

Guo, H.,
Koeve, W. 
Oschlies, A. 
He, Y. C.,
Kemena, T. P. 
Gerke, L. and
Kriest, I. 
Dual-tracer constraints on the Inverse-Gaussian Transit-time distribution improve the estimation of watermass ages and their temporal trends in the tropical thermocline.

Oschlies, A. 
Stevenson, A. 
Bach, L. T. 
Fennel, K.,
Rickaby, R. E. M.,
Satterfield, T.,
Webb, R. and
Gattuso, J. P.
Guide to Best Practices in Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Research (OAE Guide 23).

State Planet : SP, 2-oae2023
pp. 1-242.
Zamora, L.,
Prospero, J. M.,
Hansell, D. A.,
Trapp, J. M.,
Landolfi, A. 
Oschlies, A. 
Dentener, F.
Phosphorus stress induced by atmospheric deposition to the surface waters of the subtropical North Atlantic.

SOLAS News, 13
pp. 34-36.
Amann, T.,
Baatz, C.,
Böttcher, M.,
Geden, O.,
Keller, D. P. 
Kopf, A.,
Merk, C.,
Milinski, S.,
Mintenbeck, K.,
Oschlies, A. 
Pongratz, J.,
Proelß, A.,
Rehder, G.,
Rickels, W.,
Riebesell, U. 
Sswat, M. 
Tank, L.,
Wallmann, K. 
Westmark, L.,
Wölfelschneider, M. and
Zimmer, M.
World Ocean Review: The Ocean – A Climate Champion? How to Boost Marine Carbon Dioxide Uptake.

World Ocean Review, 8
Maribus, Hamburg, Germany, 243 pp.
ISBN 978-3-86648-733-8
Amann, T.,
Baatz, C.,
Böttcher, M.,
Geden, O.,
Keller, D. P. 
Kopf, A.,
Merk, C.,
Milinski, S.,
Mintenbeck, K.,
Oschlies, A. 
Pongratz, J.,
Proelß, A.,
Rehder, G.,
Rickels, W.,
Riebesell, U. 
Sswat, M. 
Tank, L.,
Wallmann, K. 
Westmark, L.,
Wölfelschneider, M. and
Zimmer, M.
World Ocean Review: Klimaretter Ozean? Wie das Meer (noch) mehr Kohlendioxid aufnehmen soll.

World Ocean Review, 8
Maribus, Hamburg, Germany, 243 pp.
ISBN 978-3-86648-733-8
Blümel, M. 
Fisch, K.,
Franke, D.,
Frey, T.,
Froese, R. 
Greinert, J. 
Gutow, L.,
Gutt, J.,
Hain, S.,
Haroon, A. 
Heubel, K.,
Hoffmann, J.,
Jegen-Kulcsar, M. D. 
Kanwischer, M.,
Kronfeld-Goharani, U.,
Kuhn, T.,
Kühnhold, H.,
Kunzmann, A.,
Mark, F.,
Matz-Lück, N.,
Mintenbeck, K.,
Möllmann, C.,
Oschlies, A. 
Ott, K.,
Poloczanska, E.,
Pörtner, H. O.,
Rühlemann, C.,
Schmidt, J. O.,
Schrum, C.,
Schwarzer, K.,
Tasdemir, D. 
Vink, A.,
Visbeck, M. 
Wallmann, K. J. G. 
Wichert, U. and
Wilckens, J.
and Maribus, Ozean der Zukunft - Die Kieler Meereswissenschaften, IOI International Ocean Institute, KDM - Kuratorium Deutsche Meeresforschung, mare
World ocean review: Lebensgarant Ozean – nachhaltig nutzen, wirksam schützen.

World Ocean Review, 7
Maribus, Hamburg, Germany, 336 pp.
ISBN 978-3-86648-697-3
Blümel, M. 
Fisch, K.,
Franke, D.,
Frey, T. 
Froese, R. 
Greinert, J. 
Gutow, L.,
Gutt, J.,
Hain, S.,
Haroon, A. 
Heubel, K.,
Hoffmann, J.,
Jegen-Kulcsar, M. D. 
Kanwischer, M.,
Kronfeld-Goharani, U.,
Kuhn, T.,
Kühnhold, H.,
Kunzmann, A.,
Mark, F.,
Matz-Lück, N.,
Mintenbeck, K.,
Möllmann, C.,
Oschlies, A. 
Ott, K.,
Poloczanska, E.,
Pörtner, H. O.,
Rühlemann, C.,
Schmidt, J.,
Schrum, C.,
Schwarzer, K.,
Tasdemir, D. 
Vink, A.,
Visbeck, M. 
Wallmann, K. J. G. 
Wichert, U. and
Wilckens, J.
and Maribus, Ozean der Zukunft, IOI International Ocean Institute, KDM - Kuratorium Deutsche Meeresforschung, mare
World Ocean Review : The Ocean, Guarantor of Life – Sustainable Use, Effective Protection.

World Ocean Review, 7
Maribus, Hamburg, Germany, 335 pp.
ISBN 978-3-86648-698-0
Rickels, W.,
Klepper, G.,
Dovern, J.,
Betz, G.,
Brachatzek, N.,
Cacean, S.,
Güssow, K.,
Heintzenberg, J.,
Hiller, S.,
Hoose, C.,
Leisner, T.,
Oschlies, A. 
Platt, U.,
Proelß, A.,
Renn, O.,
Schäfer, S. and
Zürn, M.
Gezielte Eingriffe in das Klima? Eine Bestandsaufnahme der Debatte zu Climate Engineering.
Kiel Earth-Institute, Kiel, Germany, 180 pp.
ISBN 3-89456-324-9
Bosch, T.,
Colijn, F.,
Ebinghaus, R.,
Körtzinger, A. 
Latif, M. 
Matthiessen, B.,
Melzner, F.,
Oschlies, A. 
Petersen, S. 
Proelß, A.,
Quaas, M.,
Requate, T.,
Reusch, T. B. H. 
Rosenstiel, P.,
Schrottke, K.,
Sichelschmidt, H.,
Siebert, U.,
Soltwedel, R.,
Sommer, U.,
Stattegger, K.,
Sterr, H.,
Sturm, R.,
Treude, T. 
Vafeidis, A.,
van Bernem, C.,
van Beusekom, J.,
Visbeck, M. 
Wahl, M. 
Wallmann, K. J. G. 
Weinberger, F. 
Bollmann, M.,
Froese, R. 
Khalilian, S.,
Reichenbach, J.,
Schmidt, J. 
Voss, R.
and Maribus, Future Ocean - Cluster of Excellence, IOI, International Ociean Insitute
World Ocean Review 2010 : Living with the oceans.

, ed. by
Gelpke, N. and
Visbeck, M..
World Ocean Review, 1
Mare, Hamburg, Germany, 234 pp.
ISBN 978-3-86648-000-1
Bosch, T.,
Colijn, F.,
Ebinghaus, R.,
Körtzinger, A. 
Latif, M. 
Matthiessen, B.,
Melzner, F.,
Oschlies, A. 
Petersen, S. 
Proelß, A.,
Quaas, M.,
Requate, T.,
Reusch, T. B. H. 
Rosenstiel, P.,
Schrottke, K.,
Sichelschmidt, H.,
Siebert, U.,
Soltwedel, R.,
Sommer, U.,
Stattegger, K.,
Sterr, H.,
Sturm, R.,
Treude, T. 
Vafeidis, A.,
van Bernem, C.,
van Beusekom, J.,
Visbeck, M. 
Wahl, M. 
Wallmann, K. J. G. 
Weinberger, F. 
Bollmann, M.,
Froese, R. 
Khalilian, S.,
Reichenbach, J.,
Schmidt, J. 
Voss, R.
and Maribus, Future Ocean - Cluster of Excellence
World Ocean Review 2010 : Mit den Meeren leben.

, ed. by
Gelpke, N. and
Visbeck, M..
World Ocean Review, 1
Mare, Hamburg, Germany, 234 pp.
ISBN 978-3-86648-000-1
Book chapters
Oschlies, A. 
Mengis, N. 
Rehder, G.,
Schill, E.,
Thomas, H.,
Wallmann, K. 
Zimmer, M.
Mögliche Beiträge geologischer und mariner Kohlenstoffspeicher zur Dekarbonisierung.

In: Klimawandel in Deutschland.
, ed. by
Brasseur, G. P.,
Jacob, D. and
Schuck-Zöller, S..
Springer, Cham, pp. 449-458.
ISBN 978-3-662-66695-1
Ginzky, H. and
Oschlies, A. 
Gemeinwohlorientierte staatliche Steuerung der Forschung von Climate Engineering Techniken – das Model London Protokoll.

In: Warnsignal Klima: Hilft Technik gegen die Erderwärung?.
, ed. by
Lozan, J. L.,
Graßl, H.,
Kasang, D.,
Breckle, S. W. and
Quante, M..
Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen in Kooperation mit GEO Magazin-Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 275-279.
ISBN 978 3982 006765
Oschlies, A. 
Das Pariser Klimaabkommen und die Bedeutung des Climate Engineering.

In: Warnsignal Klima: Hilft Technik gegen die Erderwärung?.
, ed. by
Lozan, J. L.,
Graßl, H.,
Kasang, D.,
Breckle, S. W. and
Quante, M..
Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen in Kooperation mit GEO Magazin-Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 19-23.
ISBN 978 3982 006765
Babiker, M.,
Berndes, G.,
Blok, K.,
Cohen, B.,
Cowie, A.,
Geden, O.,
Ginzburg, V.,
Leip, A.,
Smith, P.,
Sugiyama, M.,
Yamba, F.,
Al Khourdajie, A.,
Arneth, A.,
Lima de Azevedo, I. M.,
Bataille, C.,
Beerling, D.,
Bezner Kerr, R.,
Bradley, J.,
Buck, H. J.,
Cabeza, L. F.,
Calvin, K.,
Campbell, D.,
Cols, J. C.,
Daioglou, V.,
Harmsen, M.,
Höglund-Isaksson, L.,
House, J. I.,
Keller, D. P. 
Kleijne, K. d.,
Kugelberg, S.,
Makarov, I.,
Meza, F.,
Minx, J. C.,
Morecroft, M.,
Nabuurs, G. J.,
Neufeldt, H.,
Novikova, A.,
Nugroho, S. B.,
Oschlies, A. 
Parmesan, C.,
Peters, G. P.,
Poore, J.,
Portugal-Pereira, J.,
Postigo, J. C.,
Pradhan, P.,
Renforth, P.,
Rivera-Ferre, M. G.,
Roe, S.,
Singh, P. K.,
Slade, R.,
Smith, S. M.,
Tirado von der Pahlen, M. C. and
Toribio Ramirez, D.
Cross-sectoral Perspectives.
In: IPCC, 2022: Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution
of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
, ed. by
Shukla, P. R.,
Skea, J.,
Slade, R.,
Al Khourdajie, A.,
van Diemen, R.,
McCollum, D.,
Pathak, M.,
Some, S.,
Vyas, P.,
Fradera, R.,
Belkacemi, M.,
Hasija, A.,
Lisboa, G.,
Luz, S. and
Malley, J..
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 1245-1354.
Gregoire, M.,
Gilbert, D.,
Oschlies, A. 
Rose, K.
What is ocean deoxygenation?.

In: Ocean deoxygenation: everyone’s problem. Causes, impacts, consequences and solutions.
, ed. by
Laffoley, D. and
Baxter, J. M..
IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, pp. 1-21.
ISBN 978-2-8317-2013-5
Oschlies, A. 
Ocean deoxygenation from climate change.

In: Ocean deoxygenation: everyone’s problem. Causes, impacts, consequences and solutions.
, ed. by
Laffoley, D. and
Baxter, J. M..
IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, pp. 1-21.
ISBN 978-2-8317-2013-5
Johanson, A.,
Hasselbring, W.,
Oschlies, A. 
Worm, B.
Evaluating Hierarchical Domain-Specific Languages for Computational Science: Applying the Sprat Approach to a Marine Ecosystem Model.

In: Software Engineering for Science.
, ed. by
Carver, J. C.,
Chue Hong, N. P. and
Thiruvathukal, G. K..
Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 175-200.
ISBN 978-1-4987-4385-3
Güssow, K.,
Proelss, A.,
Oschlies, A. 
Rehdanz, K. and
Rickels , W.
Ocean iron fertilization: time to lift the research taboo.
In: Climate Change Geoengineering Philosophical Perspectives, Legal Issues.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 242-262.
ISBN 9781107502635
Keller, D. P. 
Mengis, N. 
Reith, F. and
Oschlies, A. 
The UVic Earth System Climate Model.

In: Modelling in
Climate Engineering Research: Significance and Uncertainties.
Kiel Earth Institute, Kiel, Germany, pp. 15-17.
Gehlen, M.,
Gruber, N.,
Gangsto, R.,
Bopp, L. and
Oschlies, A. 
Biogeochemical consequences of ocean acidification and feedbacks to the earth system.
In: Ocean Acidification.
, ed. by
Gattuso, J. P. and
Hansson, L..
Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 230-248.
ISBN 978-0-19-959109-1
Böning, C. W. 
Eden, C.,
Latif, M. 
Stramma, L. 
Brandt, P. 
Fischer, J. 
Oschlies, A. 
Visbeck, M. 
Nordatlantik I - 1.1 Die Bedeutung des Süßwasserhaushalts für die zukünftige Entwicklung der thermohalinen Zirkulation; 1.2 Rolle des äquatorialen Atlantiks als Schlüsselregion für Klimaschwankungen im atlantischen Raum; 2.2 Schwankungen der tiefen Randstromzirkulation am Ausgang des Labradorsee; 3.2 Schwankungen der thermohalinen Zirkulation in hoch auflösenden Modellen : Schlussbericht.

In: Der Nordatlantik als Teil des Erdsystems: vom System-Verständnis zur Analyse regionaler Auswirkungen : BMBF Verbundvorhaben als Beitrag zur nationalen und internationalen Erdsystemforschung ; Abschlußbericht Nordatlantik-Projekt.
BMBF / IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 1-15.
Oschlies, A. 
Aus der Luft geholt.
In: Geo-Engineering. Notwendiger Plan B gegen den Klimawandel?.
Politische Ökologie, 120
Oekom Verlag, München, Germany, pp. 19-22.
ISBN 978-3-86581-226-1
Oschlies, A. 
Blackford, S. C. and
Gehlen, M.
Modelling considerations.
In: Guide to best practices for ocean acidification research and data reporting.
, ed. by
Riebesell, U.,
Fabry, V. J.,
Hansson, L. and
Gattuso, J. P..
Publications Office of the European Union, pp. 233-242.
Oschlies, A. 
Eddies and upper-ocean nutrient supply.
In: Ocean Modeling in an Eddying Regime.
, ed. by
Hecht, M. and
Hasumi, H..
Geophysical Monograph Series, 177
AGU (American Geophysical Union), Washington, DC, pp. 115-130.
Oschlies, A. 
Eden, C.
Physical Controls on Oceanic Biogeochemical Cycling.

In: IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report 2002-2004
From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere
- Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -.
, ed. by
Villwock, A..
IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 28-30.
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