Dr. Eleni Anagnostou
Group leader, HighBorG (marine paleo-carbon)
Research division: FB 1 Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics
Research unit: paleo-oceanography

Room: 8C-110
Phone: +49 431 600-2312
Email: eanagnostou(at)geomar.de
Wischhofstrasse 1-3, D-24148 Kiel
Academic Experience
since 2024 Group leader with ERC CoG HighBorG, GEOMAR, Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
2022 Senior Scientist-staff, GEOMAR, Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, FE paleo-oceanography
2018-2021 Post doctoral fellow, GEOMAR, Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
2017 Post doctoral research fellow, Institute for Geochemistry and Petrology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2016 Post doctoral researcher, Northeastern University & Claremont-McKenna-Scripps College, USA
2011-2016 Post doctoral fellow, NOCS, University of Southampton, UK
2011 Ph.D. Chemical Oceanography, IMCS, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
2005 M.Sc. Environmental Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
2003 B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Technical Assistant: Mr. Jonas Pfeifer
Postdoc researcher: Dr. Anastasia Zhuravleva (Marie Curie Research Fellow @ WHOI & GEOMAR)
Unraveling AMOC-CO 2 feedbacks during the warmer-than-present Last Interglacial
Collaborator: Dr. Karl Meier (Own position DFG project 541094686, Heidelberg)
Source or sink? Carbon flows in the upper and intermediate water layers of the South Atlantic
PhD student: Luisa Meiritz (co-supervision with Jan Fietzke and Martin Frank (primary supervisor) on DFG project 468679331)
EPIBleach: Reconstructing ultra-high resolution climate variability and symbiont bleaching in tropical corals: from past to present
Past personnel and visitors
Dr. Sonal Khanolkar (Postdoc researcher on DFG project 467590255, PI: Eleni Anagnostou) now Assistant Professor in Earth Sciences at IIT Gandhinagar, India
Ms. Serafina Endress (MSc student, awarded 2024) now PhD student at University of Oldenburg, Germany
Dr. Mustafa Kaya (visitor on Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions -TÜBİTAK secondment, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey)
Dr. Guillem Corbera (PhD student, awarded PhD 2021) now Post Doc at University of Bremen, MARUM, Germany
Dr. Dennis Mayk (Post doctoral fellow on DFG project 467590255, PI: Eleni Anagnostou) now Data scientist at Kienbaum, Germany
Research Interests
Paleo carbon (marine) cycle:
- Cenozoic research: Reconstruction of Paleogene and Neogene atmospheric CO2, seawater pH, temperature and salinity, climate sensitivity, and carbon cycle dynamics based on boron isotopes, stable isotopes and trace elements in calcitic foraminifera and aragonitic corals
- Ultra-high resolution seawater variability and coral bleaching evidence through time from cultured to fossil tropical corals
- Common Era research: Arctic ocean acidification, freshwater input and temperature change with the use of coralline algal chemistry
- Quaternary research: Reconstruction of surface-to-deep seawater pH, nutrient and carbonate ion concentrations using cold-water corals and foraminifera: focus on high latitudes
Analytical / Development of geochemical tools for Paleoceanography:
- Proxy development in marine carbonates (foraminifera, corals, coralline algae)
- Analytical methods for micro-analyses
- Automation methods for boron purification and analysis
- Standardization of protocols for B-isotope/pH and atmospheric CO2 reconstructions and trace element analyses
- Biomineralization of corals, with focus on mechanisms of [H+] modulation and response to ocean acidification, temperature and nutrient loading
- Environmental thresholds for cold water coral proliferation
- Geochemical fingerprint of coral bleaching
Current projects
- ERC CoG "HighBorG" (2024-2029, PI: Eleni Anagnostou) explore previously unknown links between Earth's orbit and variations in temperature, carbon, and sea level when atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) was higher than today, but similar to what is expected at the end of this century and in our near future. Specifically, HighBorG targets three distinct climatic periods: a hot Earth with high CO2 levels, 52-46 million years ago (Ma), a less studied period from 39-23 Ma, during which Antarctica was likely fully glaciated, and a colder Earth with high CO2 levels again (17-13 Ma). *hiring now!*
- DFG project 467590255 (2022-2025, PI: Eleni Anagnostou) Carbon cycle-ice sheet interactions during the Eocene-Oligocene transition phase
- DFG project 468679331(2022-2025, co-I: Eleni Anagnostou) Reconstruction of ultra-high-resolution climate variability and the bleaching of symbiots in tropical corals from the past to the present (EPIBleach)
- DFG project 546924479 (2024-2027, co-I: Eleni Anagnostou) Late Paleogene ocean and climate dynamics of the Southwest Indian Ocean: onset and variability of the Agulhas Current as a harbinger or response to climate change?
Community-wide workshop series
PAGES workshop series "Foraminiferal B isotopes-pH/CO2 reconstructions through Phanerozoic"
(co-organizers: M. Henehan (GFZ Potsdam), T. Chalk (CEREGE), T. Babila (Southampton), M. Raitzsch (AWI))
Special issue in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology "Advances and Best Practices in Boron-based paleo-CO2reconstruction" deadline August 31, 2024
Publications by Eleni Anagnostou
on OceanRep , on Researchgate
ORCID: 0.000002-7200-4794