GAME projects

GAME projects

Before the temporal structure of GAME was changed in 2011, projects started twice a year: in October/April and ended ten months later in July/January of the next year. Correspondingly, the experiments were conducted from November to April on the southern and from May to October on the northern hemisphere. From GAME VIII on there was only one project phase per year, which combined studies on the southern as well as on the northern hemisphere.

GAME IX - Do fluctuations in the availability of light impair the physiological performance and growth of marine macroalgae?

March to December 2011

GAME VIII - Are non-native populations of marine cosmopolitan species more tolerant to abiotic stress than native populations?

April 2010 to January 2011

GAME VII - Are non-native species more tolerant towards environmental stress than taxonomically related native species?

October 2008 to January 2010

GAME VI - Does grazing pressure influence the speed of defence induction in marine macroalgae?

October 2007 to January 2009

GAME V - Does low-light stress impair the capacity of marine macroalgae to defend against herbivores?

October 2006 to January 2008

GAME IV - What determines the stability of marine hard-bottom communities towards bioinvasions?

October 2005 to January 2007

GAME III - Influence of the temporal variability in disturbance regimes on the composition and diversity of marine hard-bottom communities

October 2004 to January 2006

GAME II - Influence of productivity and disturbance on the diversity of marine hard-bottom communities

October 2003 to January 2005

GAME I - How widespread are inducible defenses against herbivory among marine macroalgae?

October 2002 to January 2004

GAME XXII - Influence of artificial light on marine macroalgae

March to December 2024


GAME XXI - Influence of artificial light at night on marine hard-bottom communities

March to December 2023


GAME XX - Influence of artificial light at night on the activity and physiological performance of mussels

March to December 2022

GAME XIX - Influence of artificial light at night on the activity and food consumption rates of marine invertebrate herbivores

March to December 2021

GAME XVIII - Does plastic litter alter the structure, diversity and functioning of mussel beds?

March to December 2020

GAME XVII - Are microplastics really a new stressor in the marine environment? Comparing the effects of anthropogenic and natural microparticles on mussels

March to December 2019

GAME XVI - Does the diet composition of marine herbivores change with temperature?

March to December 2018

GAME XV - Does the food consumption of marine invertebrate herbivores increase with temperature?

March to December 2017

GAME XIV - Does heat stress amplify the effects of microplastics on marine benthic filter feeders?

March to December 2016

GAME XIII - Does the tolerance of sea anemones towards heat stress change with latitude?

March to December 2015

GAME XII - Do irregularly shaped microplastics harm benthic filter and deposit feeders?

March to December 2014

GAME XI - Do spherical microplastics harm marine filter and deposit feeders?

March to December 2013

GAME X - Do stressfull conditions during ship transport enhance the robustness of marine invertrebrates?

March to December 2012