
Prof. Kaj Alexander Hoernle

  Research Division 4: Dynamics of the Ocean Floor
  Research Unit: Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems
  Working Group: Petrology and Geochemistry (MuHS-P)
  Group Leader
  Room: 8/D-208
  Phone: +49 151 24 008 809 (work)
  Email: khoernle(at)

  Wischhofstrasse 1-3
  24148 Kiel, Germany


06/1990               Ph.D., Geochemistry, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA.
03/1987               M.A., Petrology, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA.
05/1982               B.A., Geology, Columbia University, New York City, USA.


Professional appointments

2015-present         Professor, Petrology/Geochemistry at Christian-Albrechts University Kiel (CAU) and GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research.

1994-2015             Associate Professor Petrology/Geochemistry, CAU and GEOMAR.

8/2014-2/2015       Visiting Fellow/Honorary Associate, Depart. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Macquarie University, NSW, Australia

08/09-7/10             Adjunct Prof., Earth and Ocean Sciences, Univ. South Carolina, USA

1993-1994             Assistant Research Scientist & Lecturer, Marine Sciences Institute and Dept. of Geological Sciences, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC).

1991-1993             Postdoctoral Researcher, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC).

1990-1991             Postdoctoral Researcher, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB).

Leadership positions

1994-present       Head of GEOMAR Research Group for Petrology and Geochemistry (MUHS-P)

1995-present       Head of the GEOMAR radiogenic isotope (Sr, Nd, Hf, Pb double spike and U-series) facilities for igneous rocks

2017-present       Co-Head of the GEOMAR Drone Group (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - UAV)

2012-2020           Spokesperson for the Helmholtz Scientific Program “OCEANS: From the Deep Sea to the Atmosphere”

2006-2012           Chair of Collaborative Research Center SFB574 “Volatiles and Fluids in Subduction Zones:  Climate Feedback and Trigger Mechanisms for Natural Disasters” at Kiel University and IFM-GEOMAR Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences.

2010-2011           Chair Research Division 4 Dynamics of the Ocean Floor” at IFM-GEOMAR Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences

2007-2010           Assistant Chair of Research Division 4 “Dynamics of the Ocean Floor”, IFM-GEOMAR Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences

1999-2007           Assistant Director of IFM-GEOMAR Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences and GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences (before 2004)

2003-2004           Chair of Volcanology and Petrology / Research Division 4, GEOMAR Research Center and IFM-GEOMAR Leibniz Institute

1999-2002           Chair Public Relations Committee, GEOMAR Research Center

Professional and research activities

2006-2019           Member and one of the lead proponents for both phases of the Cluster of Excellence “Future Ocean”

1/2015                 Sabbatical research visit at Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and University of Tasmania, Australia

7/2014-2/2015     Sabbatical research visit at Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Macquarie University, Australia

12/2013               Co-convener of GeoPRISMS Kermadec/Havre Trough and co-organizer of Aleutians Logistics Workshops held before fall AGU in San Francisco

2006-2012           Host/Organizer of annual SFB574 “Fluids and volatiles in subduction zone” scientific workshops

08/2009-7/2010   Sabbatical research visit at the Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of South Carolina, U.S.A.

2006-2010           Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3) (Guest Editor for the Central American Subduction Theme volume)

2006-2009           Member of the Hotspot Geodynamics Detailed Planning Group (DPG) established by the IODP Science Planning Committee (SPC)

4/2007                 Co-Organizer of the Latin America Colloquium in Kiel

6/2007                 Co-Organizer of U.S. MARGINS and GERMAN SFB574 Workshop to integrate subduction factory and seismogenic zone studies in Central America, Heredia, Costa Rica.

1995-2006           International Journal of Earth Sciences/Geologische Rundschau (Editorial Board

2002-2005           Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research (Editorial Board)

2001-2004           Member, Inter-Ridge Work Group “Ridge-Hotspot Interactions”

01-03/2001          Sabbatical research visit at the Geology Department, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

1997-1999           IAVCEI Ocean Island Magmatism Commission


2021                    American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fellow

2021                    Member of the European (EU) Academy of Sciences

2020                    Socio Correspondiente (Corresponding Member) of the Argentinean Geological Association for important advances in Argentinean geology.

2018                    Gustav-Steinmann Medal of the German Geological Society (DGGV) for outstanding overall achievements in the geological sciences.

2014                    University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) Earth Science Distinguished Alumni Award.

2000                    William Evans Fellowship, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand

1983-1984           German Academic Exchange (DAAD) Scholarship to study at the Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany.

1982                    B.A.,  summa cum laude, Columbia University, U.S.A.

1978-1982           Dean’s List, Columbia University, every semester & Phi Beta Kappa

Some of my main scientific interests (and study areas)

  • Temporal and spatial evolution of intraplate volcanism:  ocean island and seamount volcanoes and aseismic volcanic ridges (Canary, Iceland, Madeira, Selvagen, Cape Verde, Hawaiian, Tristan/Gough and Galapagos Islands and associated seamounts and ridges; Marie Byrd, submarine Zealandia, Discovery, Agulhas Fracture Zone and Christmas Island Seamounts; Madeira/Torre Rise and Cocos, Carnegie, Malpelo, Coiba and Walvis Ridges), continental intraplate volcanism (Europe, New Zealand and western U.S.) and oceanic plateaus or Large Igneous Provinces = LIPs (Caribbean, Ontong Java, Manihiki, Hikurangi, Shatsky, Etendeka).
  • Subduction zone magmatism, including arc initiation, temporal and spatial evolution of arc volcanism and volatile cycles through subduction zones (Kamchatka, Aleutians, Central America from Panama to Guatemala, Chile, Argentina, Tonga-Kermadec Arc, Iran, westernmost Mediterranean including southern Spain and northern Morocco, Izu-Bonin)
  • Hazards related to intraplate and subduction zone volcanism (e.g. Etna, Stromboli, Iceland, Canary Islands, Central America, Chile, Kamchatka, Aleutians)
  • Mid-ocean Ridge Volcanism and Plume-Ridge Interaction (Iceland, Galapagos Spreading Center, East Pacific Rise, Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Woodlark)
  • Evolution and Origin of Ocean Crust (Early Cenozoic to Mesozoic crust in the NW Pacific, eastern North Atlantic, NE Indian Ocean and accreted to North Island New Zealand; young crust outboard Central America, including Site 1256 first location where in situ gabbros were drilled)
  • Opening and closing of marine gateways and landbridges (western Mediterranean, Central American)
  • Evolution of Origin of Continental Crust (Central America, Aleutians, North China Craton, Iceland, northern Chile)
  • Resources related to volcanic systems (e.g. contents of precious metals such as gold and silver in volcanic glasses)

Educational and teaching experience and interests

Teaching Interests

I have taught a wide array of courses in both English and German at Columbia University in N.Y.C. (Paleontology Laboratory), University of California Santa Barbara (Oceanography Laboratory, Rock Identification, Summer Field Mapping Courses, Introduction to Geology), University of California Santa Cruz (Seminars on Isotope Geochemistry), and Kiel University (Introduction to Geochemistry, Magmatic Processes and Plate Tectonics, Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry, Introduction to the Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks, Origin and Evolution of the Solar System, laboratory course on Radiogenic Isotope Analyses, geologic mapping courses, and seminars covering a wide array of topics including natural hazards, relationship between volcanism and climate, igneous petrology, geochemistry, application of geophysical techniques to understanding magmatic systems, and geodynamics).

Diversity and Gender

As my record shows, both diversity and gender balance are important to me. I believe all people, regardless of race, gender, religion, age, financial status or handicaps, should be treated equally, have the right to an advanced education, and to participate in basic and applied research. My Masters/PhD students and postdocs have come from 11 different countries (Germany, USA, China, France, Poland, New Zealand, Denmark, Russia, Switzerland, Spain, India and Iran). In addition, I have hosted visiting scientists from NZ, Costa Rica, Morocco, USA, Australia and Iran. Of my Masters and PhD students (who have received their degrees) and postdocs, approximately half (29 of 59) have been women. The Collaborative Research Center, during the six years I led it, had research going on throughout Central America (Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala) and in Chile and Argentina. We forged tight relationships with our Latin America partners, which included hosting a Latin America Colloquium at Kiel University and a joint German-US-Central American meeting in Costa Rica. As Deputy Director and Scientific Program Speaker, I fought to increase both the diversity and the number of women at GEOMAR. These were important areas under review during the evaluation of the institute and the program, which received excellent to outstanding ratings. As a result of doing fieldwork with colleagues or spending time together on ship cruises, one gains intimate insights into different countries, peoples and cultures. This is one of the highlights of being a geologist for me.

Primary Advisor of Following Doctoral (Ph.D.) Degrees

Below are listed the completed and on-going doctoral degrees for which I was the primary advisor. I have co-supervised a similar number of doctoral students that are not listed.

1) Folkmar Hauff (1998) Age and Geochemical Constraints on the Origin of Oceanic Basement Complexes in Costa Rica and the Caribbean Large Igneous Province. Dissertation. Christian Albrechts University of Kiel (CAU).

2) Joerg Geldmacher (2000) Temporal and geochemical evolution of the Madeira and Selvagen Islands and associated seamounts (eastern North Atlantic): Implications for the size and structure of mantle plumes. Dissertation. CAU.

3) Angelika Schmidt (2001) Temporal and Spatial Evolution of the Izu Island Arc, Japan in Terms of Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Geochemistry. Dissertation. CAU.

4) Svend Duggen (2002) Spatial and temporal geochemical evolution of igneous rocks in the Alborán Region (westernmost Mediterreanean): Implications for the origin of Mediterranean-style back-arc basins and the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Dissertation. CAU.

5) Sylwia Krolikowska (2005) The chemical and isotopic composition of the low temperature altered MORB from the Australian Antarctic Discordance. Dissertation. CAU.

6) Britta Lissinna (2005) A profile through the Central American landbridge in western Panama:  115 Ma interplay between the Galapagos Hotspot and the Central American Subduction Zone. Dissertation. CAU.

7) Christian Timm (2008) The Origin of Intraplate Volcanism on the New Zealand micro-continent Zealandia Dissertation. CAU.

8) Ken Heydolph (2010) Spatial variations in the geochemistry of arc volcanism in Central America. Dissertation. CAU.

9) Joana Rohde (2013) Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Tristan-Gough Hotspot Track. Dissertation. CAU.

10) Guillaume Jacques (2013) Causes of along- and across-arc geochemical variations in the Southern Volcanic Zone (33°-43°S) in Chile and Argentina. Dissertation. CAU.

11) Andrea Kipf (2014) Enigmatic Intraplate volcanism: A geochronological and geochemical approach for the Marie Byrd Seamounts (Antarctica) and the Christmas Island Seamount Province (Indian Ocean). Dissertation. Christian Albrechts University of Kiel.

12) Tobias W. Höfig (2014) Geochemical (major and trace elements and Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotopes) characterization of the upper oceanic crust (sediments to gabbros) at ODP/IODP Site 1256 in the eastern Central Pacific (Doktorarbeit/PhD), Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 147 pp

13) Antje Herbrich  (2015) SO208 PLUMEFLUX - Distribution of Galápagos plume material in the equatorial East Pacific Ocean (Doktorarbeit/PhD), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel.   

14) Roman Golowin (2017) Geochemistry of the upper Manihiki Plateau basement:  Implications for complex geochemical processes during melting of heterogeneous mantle plume sources in oceanic intra-plate settings (CAU).

15) Nadine Schattel (2017) Silicic magma origin and its relation to different tectonic settings on Iceland (CAU).

16) Christina Bonanati (2017) Tephra in marine sediments offshore southern Iceland:  A 68,000 year volcanic record (CAU).

17) Stephan Homrighausen (2017) The older history of the Tristan-Gough hotspot system: Walvis Ridge and Rio Grande Rise (CAU).

18) Antje Dürkefälden (2019) Insights into the origin and evolution of intraplate magmatism in the Caribbean (initial stage of the Galápagos hotspot) and the South Atlantic (Discovery and Shona hotspot tracks) (CAU).

19) Xiaojun Long (2019) The origin of diverse intraplate volcanism in the Central and Equatorial Atlantic Ocean. (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany, XII, 253 pp.

20) Hongpu Zhou (2021) Geochemistry of the Etendeka Flood Basalts and related alkaline and carbonatitic volcanism, Namibia (CAU).

21) Samuel Mueller (expected 2022) Formation and alteration processes of oceanic crust. Examples from the Oman Ophiolite (CAU).

22) Avrinder Sandhu (expected 2023) Geochemistry of the backarc basin rift systems (CAU).

Primary Advisor of the following Masters (formerly Diploma) Theses:

1) Susanne Dorn (1997) Die geochemische Entwicklung einer Intraplatten-Vulkaninsel am Beispiel von La Gomera / Kanarische Inseln. Diplomarbeit. Diploma (equivalent to Masters) Thesis, Christian Albrechts University of Kiel (CAU).

2) Beate Wenskowski (2000) The Role of Recycled Oceanic Crust in the Genesis of the Arc Melts,  Northern Kurile Arc/Die Rolle von recycelter ozeanischer Kruste bei der Bildung von Schmelzen im nördlichen Kurilen-Inselbogen. Diploma (equivalent to Masters) Thesis, CAU.

3) Svend Duggen (1998) Evidence for a Miocene volcanic arc in the Alboran Sea (westernmost Mediterranean): Geochemistry of submarine volcanic rocks. Diploma Thesis, CAU, Kiel.

4) Miriam Rehder (2004) “The origin of submarine volcanism on the Chatham Rise, New Zealand – A model based on geochemical data”. Diploma Thesis, CAU, Kiel.

5) Ken Heydolph (2005) Petrology of the Campbell Plateau and geochemical evolution of the Dunedin Volcano. Diploma Thesis, CAU, Kiel.

6) Sonja Storm (2007) Genesis of silicic magmas in Iceland:  Significance for crustal formation. Diploma Thesis, CAU, Kiel.

7) Julia Mahlke (2009) Geochemical evolution of Llaima and Villarrica Volcanoes, Central Chile. Diploma Thesis, CAU, Kiel.

8) Joana Deppe (2009) Geochemical variations along the Gough-Tristan seamount tracks. Diploma Thesis, CAU, Kiel.

9) Sarah Conrad (2012) Petrology, Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Christmas Island Volcanic Series:  Insights into the complex evolution of ocean islands. Diploma Thesis, CAU.

10) Maren Wanke (2012) The Origin of the Bowers and Shirshov Ridges (Bering Sea, NW Pacific). Diploma Thesis, CAU, Kiel.

11) Roman Golowin (2012)  Major, trace elements and volatiles in meld inclusions in minerals from the 1362 AD Öraefajökull erpution (Iceland): Implications for the origin of a large volume homogeneous rhyolitic magma in Iceland (Master thesis), CAU, Kiel, 73 pp.

12) Nadine Schattel (2012) The 1875 Askja eruption on Iceland: magma storage conditions, mixing and regime of volatiles inferred from melt inclusions in plagioclase and pyroxene  (Master thesis), CAU, Kiel, 61 pp.

13) Paulina Hoffmann (2013) Petrography, Major and Trace Element Geochemistry of the Discovery Seamounts  (Master thesis), CAU, Kiel, 66 pp.

14) Anna Hauschild (2013) Volcanic Basement north of the Hess-Escarpment (Central Caribbean): A piece of the Caribbean Large Igneous Province? Diploma Thesis, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 42 pp.

15) Svea Amrei Ladwig (2016) Partitioning of major and trace elements between crystals and melts for high-Al basalts from Tolbachik volcanic field, Kamchatka. Masters thesis CAU, Kiel, 61 pp.

16) Robert Seidel (2016) The ~12.1 ka BP Vedde Ash: Pre-eruptive P-T-H2O-constraints and Identification of Primary Tephra Layers. Masters thesis CAU, Kiel.

17) Steffen Koch (2018) Major and trace element geochemistry of the NW Pacific seafloor from R/V Sonne 249 cruise samples. Masters CAU, Kiel.

18) Gesine Gerke (2018) Major and trace element geochemistry of lavas recovered on R/V Sonne SO249 cruise from submarine canyons cutting the basement of the Aleutian Arc. Masters CAU, Kiel.

19) Phillip Kosbü (2018) Magma chamber dynamics beneath Nea Kameni volcano, Greece, revealed by composition of minerals and melt inclusions from submarine lava flows. Masters CAU, Kiel.

20) Thorsten Lück (2020) Late-stage evolution of Shatsky Rise oceanic plateau: Insights from major and trace element composition of volcanic rocks from submarine Papanin Ridge. Masters CAU, Kiel

Postdoctoral Researchers Funded through my Research Grants (unless otherwise noted)

1)  Dr. Reinhard Werner (1996-2011)

2)  Dr. Folkmar Hauff (1999)

3)  Dr. Thomas Kokfelt (2000-2005)

4)  Dr. Maxim Portnyagin (2001-2011, 50% soft money funded until 2018)

5)  Dr. Seth Sadofsky (2003-2007)

6)  Dr. Jörg Geldmacher (2004)

7)  Dr. Svend Duggen (2006-2009)

8)  Dr. Christian Timm (2008-2010)

9)  Dr. Heidi Wehrmann (2008-2016)

10) Dr. Ken Heydolph (2011-2013)

11) Dr. David Buchs (2011-2013) – funded through the Swiss Research Foundation

12) Dr. Nina Soager (2013-2015) – funded through the Danish Research Council

13) Dr. Guillaume Jacques (2013-2016)

14) Dr. Karen Strehlow (2016-)

15) Dr. Rachel Bezard (2017-2018)

16) Dr. Ester Muñoz-Jolis (2017-2018)

17) Dr. Christina Bonanati (2017)

18) Dr. Stephan Homrighausen (2018-2022)

19) Dr. Antje Dürkefälden (2018-2021)

Visiting Scientists (for longer than 1 month)

1) Vanessa Tappenden (PhD student; University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand; 03. 99-02. 00; DAAD Stipend)

2) Mohammadreza Irannezhadi (PhD student; Isfahan University of Technology, Iran; 01.10.06-01.02.07; Iranian Ministry of Industries and Mines Stipend)

3) Prof. Mohammed Bouabdellah (Geological Institute, University of Oujda, Oujda, Marocco, 01.11.-04.12.07; DAAD Senior Research Award

4) Estevan Gazel Donde (PhD student; Rutgers Univ., USA; ~6 months, 2 visits between 2006-2009; Collaborative Research Center SFB574 Grants)

5) Prof. James Gill (Univ. of California Santa Cruz, USA; ~1yr visit between 2012-15; von Humboldt Research Prize)

6) Prof. Simon Turner (Macquarie Univ., Sydney; ~10 month visit between 2014-17; von Humboldt  Research Prize)

7) Prof. Dietmar Müller (Univ. of Sydney; 06.-07.19; 20th Excellence Prof Award)

8) Prof. Hady Shafaii Moghadam (School of Earth Sciences; Damghan University, Tehran, Iran; 08.19-08.20; Alexander von Humboldt Fellow)

Research cruises & field expeditions

  • Chief scientist of 9 research cruises and lead proponent on >20 successful research cruise proposals carried out by my research group with RV Sonne, RV Meteor, RV Maria S. Merian and RV Poseidon in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans and in the Caribbean, Mediterranean and Bering Seas
  • Co-chief scientist of IODP391 Expedition Walvis Ridge Hotspot (06.12.21-05.02.22)
  • Carried out more than 50 field expeditions, including:  New Zealand, Australia, U.S.A., Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama), Chile and Argentina, Morocco, Namibia, Cape Verde Islands, Europe (Germany, Spain, Iceland, Portugal, Italy, Greece), Curacao, Russia and China.


  • >175 peer-reviewed publications
  • H-Index = 67, ~13,600 citations (Google Scholar, June 2022); H-Index = 58, ~9400 citations (Web of Science, June 2022)
  • 9 Nature and one Science Journal publications (4 first-authored)
  • >100 Abstracts in the last 10 years (at
  • Numerous invited and keynote talks at international conferences (e.g. AGU, Goldschmidt, Chapman, Penrose, Latin America Colloquium, DGGV) and at Universities and other organizations (e.g. Univ. of Buenos of Aires, Namibian Geological Society, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Univ. of South Carolina, Univ. of Erlangen in Germany, Michigan State Univ., Macquarie Univ. in Sydney, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies in Hobart, Univ. of Sydney, Ludwig Maximilians Universität in Munich) on topics related to intraplate, convergent margin and divergent margin volcanism and geodynamics (at
Number of items: 220.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed

[thumbnail of 1-s2.0-S0012821X24004539-main.pdf] [thumbnail of Supplementary information]

Portnyagin, M. , Dürkefälden, A., Hauff, F. , Gurenko, A., Frick, D. A., Garbe-Schönberg, D. and Hoernle, K. (2024) A distinct type of MORB formed by two-stage melting of a hybrid mantle during Gondwana breakup. Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 647 . Art.Nr. 119021. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2024.119021.

Liu, H., Xue, Y. Y., Geldmacher, J. , Hoernle, K. , Wiechert, U., An, S., Gu, H. O., Sun, H., Tian, F., Li, X., Wang, K., Zhu, H. and Sun, W. D. (2024) Potassium isotope evidence for subducted upper and lower oceanic crust in ocean island basalt sources. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 646 . Art.Nr. 119015. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2024.119015.

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Jensen, O., Waldman, R., Yogodzinski, G., Bizimis, M., Ryan, J., Leeman, W., Scher, H. and Hoernle, K. (2024) Boron isotopes identify deep-slab serpentinite in the source of Aleutian arc magma. Geology . DOI 10.1130/G52419.1.

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Dürkefälden, A., Hauff, F. , Hoernle, K. , Portnyagin, M. , Wartho, J. A. , Garbe-Schönberg, D., Gurenko, A., van den Bogaard, P., Kipf, A. and Gutjahr, M. (2024) Geochemical and temporal evolution of Indian MORB mantle revealed by the Investigator Ridge in the NE Indian Ocean. Open Access Gondwana Research, 134 . pp. 347-364. DOI 10.1016/

[thumbnail of 1-s2.0-S0009254124003826-main.pdf] [thumbnail of 1-s2.0-S0009254124003826-mmc1.docx]

Liu, H. Q., Tian, F., Hoernle, K. , Li, J., Huang, X. L., Zhang, L., Bindeman, I. and Xu, Y. G. (2024) Molybdenum isotope insights into recycling of wedge serpentinite and fore-arc crust in subduction zones. Chemical Geology, 665 . Art.Nr. 122302. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.122302.

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Hirai, Y., Tamura, Y., Hanyu, T., Chang, Q., Timm, C. and Hoernle, K. (2024) Why are oceanic arc basalts Ca-rich and Ni-poor? Insights from olivine-hosted melt inclusions from Kibblewhite Volcano in the Kermadec arc. Open Access Chemical Geology, 662 . Art.Nr. 122218. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.122218.

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Micallef, A. , Geldmacher, J. , Watt, S. F. L., Ferrante, G. M., Ford, J., Lodolo, E., Civile, D., Hodgetts, A. G. E., Felgendreher, M., Licari, J. G., Hauff, F. , Hauff, S., Lang, J., Meredew, K., Portnyagin, M. , Timm, C. , Berndt, C. , Cavallaro, D., Muccini, F. and Hoernle, K. (2024) Submarine volcanism in the Sicilian Channel revisited. Marine Geology, 474 . Art.Nr. 107342. DOI 10.1016/j.margeo.2024.107342.

[thumbnail of minerals-14-00524-v2.pdf]

Reyes, J., Lara, L. E., Sutherland, V., Aguirre, N., Orellana, C., Hauff, F. and Hoernle, K. (2024) Tracing the Origin and Magmatic Evolution of the Rejuvenated Volcanism in Santa Clara Island, Juan Fernández Ridge, SE Pacific. Open Access Minerals, 14 (5). Art.Nr. 524. DOI 10.3390/min14050524.

Ou, Q., Qian, S. P., Hoernle, K. , Carvalho, B. B., Zi, F., Wang, K., Zhang, L., Liu, J. Y. and Liao, J. (2024) Magmatic processes within the plumbing system of the ultraslow-spreading southwest Indian ridge: constraints from olivine, plagioclase and melt inclusions. Open Access Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 179 (3). Art.Nr. 20 (2024). DOI 10.1007/s00410-024-02098-0.

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Yang, H., Tikoo, S. M., Carvallo, C., Bilardello, D., Solheid, P., Gaastra, K. M., Sager, W. W., Thoram, S., Hoernle, K. , Höfig, T. W., Avery, A., Del Gaudio, A. V., Huang, Y., Bhutani, R., Buchs, D. M., Class, C., Dai, Y., Dalla Valle, G., Fielding, S., Han, S., Heaton, D. E., Homrighausen, S., Kubota, Y., Li, C. ‐., Nelson, W. R., Petrou, E., Potter, K. E., Pujatti, S., Scholpp, J., Shervais, J. W., Tshiningayamwe, M., Wang, X. J. and Widdowson, M. (2024) Preliminary Characterization of Submarine Basalt Magnetic Mineralogy Using Amplitude‐Dependence of Magnetic Susceptibility. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25 (2). e2023GC011222. DOI 10.1029/2023GC011222.

Klaver, M., Yogodzinski, G., Albert, C., Camejo-Harry, M., Elburg, M., Hoernle, K. , Macpherson, C., Nowell, G., Rushmer, T., Williams, H. and Millet, M. A. (2024) Widespread slab melting in modern subduction zones. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 626 . Art.Nr. 118544. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118544.

[thumbnail of Geochem Geophys Geosyst - 2023 - Ponomareva - A 6 2 Ma‐Long Record of Major Explosive Eruptions From the NW Pacific.pdf] [thumbnail of 2023gc011126-sup-0001-supporting information si-s01.docx]

Ponomareva, V. V., Portnyagin, M. , Bubenshchikova, N. V., Zelenin, E. A., Derkachev, A. N., Jicha, B., Gorbarenko, S. A., Cook, E., Garbe‐Schönberg, D. and Hoernle, K. (2023) A 6.2 Ma‐Long Record of Major Explosive Eruptions From the NW Pacific Volcanic Arcs Based on the Offshore Tephra Sequences on the Northern Tip of the Emperor Seamount Chain. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 24 (12). e2023GC011126. DOI 10.1029/2023GC011126.

[thumbnail of Moghadam et al_JP_2023.pdf] [thumbnail of Supplementary material]

Moghadam, H. S. , Hoernle, K. A. , Hauff, F. , Chiaradia, M., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Orozco-Esquivel, T., Bindeman, I. N., Karsli, O., Ghorbani, G., Mousavi, N. and Lucci, F. (2023) Middle-Late Miocene to Pleistocene Post-Collisional Magmatism in the Arabia-Eurasia Collision Zone, an Example from Northwest Iran. Journal of Petrology, 64 (11). egad081. DOI 10.1093/petrology/egad081.

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Boukirou, W., Bouabdellah, M., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Slezak, P., Chaib, M., El Gadarri, M., Yans, J., Errami, A. and Levresse, G. (2023) The Twihinate carbonatite (Moroccan Sahara): Evidence for compositional mantle heterogeneity and northwestern African plate geodynamic. Chemical Geology, 637 . Art.Nr. 121648. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121648.

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Hirai, Y., Tamura, Y., Sato, T., Miyazaki, T., Chang, Q., Vaglarov, B. S., Kimura, J. I., Hoernle, K. , Werner, R., Hauff, F. and Timm, C. (2023) Magnesian Andesites from Kibblewhite Volcano in the Kermadec Arc, New Zealand. Open Access Journal of Petrology, 64 (9). egad060. DOI 10.1093/petrology/egad060.

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Geldmacher, J. , Hauff, F. , Dürkefälden, A., Sano, T., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Portnyagin, M. and Hoernle, K. (2023) The effects of submarine alteration and phosphatization on igneous rocks: Implications for Sr-, Nd-, Pb-isotope studies. Chemical Geology, 631 . Art.Nr. 121509. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121509.

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Thoram, S., Sager, W. W., Gaastra, K., Tikoo, S. M., Carvallo, C., Avery, A., Del Gaudio, A. V., Huang, Y., Hoernle, K. , Höfig, T. W., Bhutani, R., Buchs, D. M., Class, C., Dai, Y., Valle, G. D., Fielding, S., Han, S., Heaton, D. E., Homrighausen, S., Kubota, Y., Li, C. ‐., Nelson, W. R., Petrou, E., Potter, K. E., Pujatti, S., Scholpp, J., Shervais, J. W., Tshiningayamwe, M., Wang, X. J. and Widdowson, M. (2023) Nature and Origin of Magnetic Lineations Within Valdivia Bank: Ocean Plateau Formation by Complex Seafloor Spreading. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 50 (13). e2023GL103415. DOI 10.1029/2023GL103415.

Homrighausen, S., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Hoyer, P. A., Haase, K. M., Geissler, W. H. and Geldmacher, J. (2023) Evidence for compositionally distinct upper mantle plumelets since the early history of the Tristan-Gough hotspot. Open Access Nature Communications, 14 . 3908 (2023). DOI 10.1038/s41467-023-39585-0.

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Shafaii Moghadam, H. , Li, Q. L., Li, X. H., Chiaradia, M., Karsli, O., Hoernle, K. A. and Griffin, W. L. (2023) Mantle-derived high-K magmatic fluxes in northeast Iran arc: Constraints from zircon U-Pb-O-Hf and bulk rock major-trace elements and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes. Gondwana Research, 119 . pp. 1-26. DOI 10.1016/

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Gorbach, N. V., Nekrylov, N. A., Portnyagin, M. and Hoernle, K. (2023) New Data on the Rock and Mineral Composition of Kharchinsky and Zarechny Volcanoes, Central Kamchatka Depression: Heterogeneity of the Mantle Source and Peculiarities of Magma Evolution in the Crust. Petrology, 31 (3). pp. 320-337. DOI 10.1134/S0869591123030050.

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Chen, S. S., Hoernle, K. and Gao, R. (2023) Tectonic dismemberment of Shona Hotspot volcano: Insights from Sites 698, 699, 701, and 703 bulk-rock Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic geochemistry. Chemical Geology, 632 . Art.Nr. 121511. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121511.

Wu, F., Turner, S., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Schaefer, B. F., Kokfelt, T. and Bindeman, I. (2023) Barium isotope composition of depleted MORB mantle constrained by basalts from the South Mid-Atlantic Ridge (5–11°S) with implication for recycled components in the convecting upper mantle. Open Access Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 340 . pp. 85-98. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2022.11.013.

Gill, J., Todd, E., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Price, A. A. and Jackson, M. G. (2022) Breaking Up Is Hard to Do: Magmatism During Oceanic Arc Breakup, Subduction Reversal, and Cessation. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23 (12). Art.Nr. e2022GC010663. DOI 10.1029/2022GC010663.

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Contreras, E., García, P. J., Sager, W. W., Thoram, S., Hoernle, K. , Sarralde, R. and Zhou, H. (2022) Bathymetry of Valdivia Bank, Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic Ocean: Implications for Structure and Geologic History of a Hot Spot Plateau. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23 (11). Art.Nr. e2022GC010624. DOI 10.1029/2022GC010624.

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Zhou, H. , Hoernle, K. , Geldmacher, J. , Hauff, F. , Homrighausen, S., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Jung, S. and Bindeman, I. (2022) A HIMU volcanic belt along the SW African coast (∼83–49 Ma): New geochemical clues to deep mantle dynamics from carbonatite and silica-undersaturated complexes in Namibia. Open Access Lithos, 430-431 . Art.Nr. 106839. DOI 10.1016/j.lithos.2022.106839.

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Qian, S., Salters, V., McCoy-West, A. J., Wu, J., Rose-Koga, E. F., Nichols, A. R. L., Zhang, L., Zhou, H. and Hoernle, K. (2022) Highly heterogeneous mantle caused by recycling of oceanic lithosphere from the mantle transition zone. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 593 . Art.Nr. 117679. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117679.

Zhou, H. , Hoernle, K. , Geldmacher, J. , Hauff, F. , Garbe-Schönberg, D., Jung, S. and Bindeman, I. (2022) Enriched mantle one (EMI) type Carbonatitic Volcanism in Namibia: Evidence for a concentrically-zoned Etendeka plume head. Open Access Gondwana Research, 109 . pp. 239-252. DOI 10.1016/

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Pank, K., Hansteen, T. H. , Geldmacher, J. , Hauff, F. , Jicha, B., Nomikou, P., Garbe-Schönberg, D. and Hoernle, K. (2022) Mineralogy and geochemistry of lavas from the submarine lower caldera walls of Santorini Volcano (Greece). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 427 . Art.Nr. 107556. DOI 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2022.107556.

Xu, R., Liu, Y., Lambart, S., Hoernle, K. , Zhu, Y., Zou, Z., Zhang, J., Wang, Z., Li, M., Moynier, F., Zong, K., Chen, H. and Hu, Z. (2022) Decoupled Zn-Sr-Nd isotopes of continental intraplate basalts caused by two-stage melting process. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 326 . pp. 234-252. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2022.03.014.

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Moghadam, H. S. , Li, Q. L., Griffin, W. L., Chiaradia, M., Hoernle, K. , O’Reilly, S. Y. and Esmaeili, R. (2022) The Middle-Late Cretaceous Zagros ophiolites, Iran: Linking of a 3000 km swath of subduction initiation fore-arc lithosphere from Troodos, Cyprus to Oman. GSA Bulletin, 134 (5-6). pp. 1414-1442. DOI 10.1130/B36041.1.

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Boukirou, W., Bouabdellah, M., Chakhmouradian, A. R., Mouttaqi, A., Reguir, E. P., Hauff, F. , Cuney, M., Jébrak, M., Yans, J. and Hoernle, K. (2022) Petrogenesis of the late Paleoproterozoic Gleibat Lafhouda dolomite carbonatite (West African Craton Margin, Moroccan Sahara) and its relevance to the onset of fragmentation of the Columbia supercontinent. Chemical Geology, 594 . Art.Nr. 120764. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.120764.

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Falloon, T. J., Hoernle, K. A. , Schaefer, B. F., Bindeman, I. N., Hart, S. R., Garbe-Schönberg, D. and Duncan, R. A. (2022) Petrogenesis of Lava from Christmas Island, Northeast Indian Ocean: Implications for the Nature of Recycled Components in Non-Plume Intraplate Settings. Open Access Geosciences, 12 (3). Art.Nr. 118. DOI 10.3390/geosciences12030118.

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Bouvier, A. S., Portnyagin, M. V. , Flemetakis, S., Hoernle, K. , Klemme, S., Berndt, J., Mironov, N. L. and John, T. (2022) Chlorine isotope behavior in subduction zone settings revealed by olivine-hosted melt inclusions from the Central America Volcanic Arc. Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 581 . Art.Nr. 117414. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117414.

Müller, S., Garbe‐Schönberg, D., Koepke, J. and Hoernle, K. A. (2022) A Reference Section Through Fast‐Spread Lower Oceanic Crust, Wadi Gideah, Samail Ophiolite (Sultanate of Oman): Trace Element Systematics and REE Crystallization Temperatures – Implications for Hybrid Crustal Accretion. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127 (3). e2021JB022699. DOI 10.1029/2021JB022699.

Shafaii Moghadam, H. , Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Garbe-Schönberg, D. and Pfänder, J. A. (2022) Geochemistry and petrogenesis of alkaline rear-arc magmatism in NW Iran. Lithos, 412-413 . Art.Nr. 106590. DOI 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106590.

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Irannezhadi, M. R., Ghorbani, M. R., Hoernle, K. A. , Tavakoli, N., Namnabat, E., Hauff, F. and Hansteen, T. (2022) Geochemistry and petrogenesis of tertiary subvolcanics from north Tehran, southern Central Alborz (Iran). Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15 (4). Art.Nr. 311 (2022). DOI 10.1007/s12517-022-09604-3.

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Bekaert, D. V., Gazel, E., Turner, S., Behn, M. D., de Moor, J. M., Zahirovic, S., Manea, V. C., Hoernle, K. , Fischer, T. P., Hammerstrom, A., Seltzer, A. M., Kulongoski, J. T., Patel, B. S., Schrenk, M. O., Halldórsson, S. A., Nakagawa, M., Ramírez, C. J., Krantz, J. A., Yücel, M., Ballentine, C. J., Giovannelli, D., Lloyd, K. G. and Barry, P. H. (2021) High 3 He/ 4 He in central Panama reveals a distal connection to the Galápagos plume . Open Access Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (47). e2110997118. DOI 10.1073/pnas.2110997118.

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Homrighausen, S., Hoernle, K. , Wartho, J. A. , Hauff, F. and Werner, R. (2021) Do the 85°E Ridge and Conrad Rise form a hotspot track crossing the Indian Ocean?. Lithos, 398-399 . Art.Nr. 106234. DOI 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106234.

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Dürkefälden, A., Geldmacher, J. , Portnyagin, M. , Garbe‐Schönberg, D., Werner, R., Müller, D., Hauff, F. and Hoernle, K. (2021) Papanin Ridge and Ojin Rise Seamounts (Northwest Pacific): Dual Hotspot Tracks Formed by the Shatsky Plume. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22 (9). e2021GC009847. DOI 10.1029/2021GC009847.

Bezard, R., Hoernle, K. , Pfänder, J. A., Jicha, B., Werner, R., Hauff, F. , Portnyagin, M. , Sperner, B., Yogodzinski, G. M. and Turner, S. (2021) 40Ar/39Ar ages and bulk-rock chemistry of the lower submarine units of the central and western Aleutian Arc. Open Access Lithos, 392-393 . Art.Nr. 106147. DOI 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106147.

Di Chiara, A., Tauxe, L., Staudigel, H., Florindo, F., Protti, M., Yu, Y., Wartho, J. A. , van den Bogaard, P. and Hoernle, K. (2021) Earth’s magnetic field strength and the Cretaceous Normal Superchron: New data from Costa Rica. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22 (4). e2020GC009605. DOI 10.1029/2020GC009605.

Gill, J., Hoernle, K. , Todd, E., Hauff, F. , Werner, R., Timm, C. , Garbe‐Schönberg, D. and Gutjahr, M. (2021) Basalt geochemistry and mantle flow during early backarc basin evolution: Havre Trough and Kermadec Arc, southwest Pacific. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22 (2). e2020GC009339. DOI 10.1029/2020GC009339.

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Bezard, R., Turner, S., Schaefer, B., Yogodzinski, G. and Hoernle, K. (2021) Os isotopic composition of western Aleutian adakites: Implications for the Re/Os of oceanic crust processed through hot subduction zones. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 292 . pp. 452-467. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2020.10.009.

Hoernle, K. , Gill, J., Timm, C. , Hauff, F. , Werner, R., Garbe-Schönberg, D. and Gutjahr, M. (2021) Hikurangi Plateau subduction a trigger for Vitiaz arc splitting and Havre Trough opening (southwestern Pacific). Open Access Geology, 49 (5). pp. 536-540. DOI 10.1130/G48436.1.

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Jacques, G., Hauff, F. , Hoernle, K. , Jung, S., Kay, S. M., Garbe-Schönberg, D. and Bindeman, I. (2020) Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-O isotopic constraints on the Neoproterozoic to Miocene upper and mid crust in central Chile and western Argentina and trench sediments (33°-35°S). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 104 (Article number 102879). DOI 10.1016/j.jsames.2020.102879.

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Werner, R., Baranov, B., Hoernle, K. , van den Bogaard, P., Hauff, F. and Tararin, I. (2020) Discovery of Ancient Volcanoes in the Okhotsk Sea (Russia): New Constraints on the Opening History of the Kurile Back Arc Basin. Open Access Geosciences, 10 (11). Art.Nr. 442. DOI 10.3390/geosciences10110442.

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Long, X., Geldmacher, J. , Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Wartho, J. A. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2020) Origin of isolated seamounts in the Canary Basin (East Atlantic): The role of plume material in the origin of seamounts not associated with hotspot tracks. Open Access Terra Nova, 32 (5). pp. 390-398. DOI 10.1111/ter.12468.

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Hoernle, K. , Schaefer, B., Li, S., Hauff, F. , Li, X., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Zhang, R. and Liu, Y. (2020) 2.8–1.7 Ga history of the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt of the North China Craton from the geochronology and geochemistry of mafic Liaohe meta-igneous rocks. Open Access Gondwana Research, 85 . pp. 55-75. DOI 10.1016/

Homrighausen, S., Hoernle, K. , Zhou, H. , Geldmacher, J. , Wartho, J. A. , Hauff, F. , Werner, R., Jung, S. and Morgan, J. P. (2020) Paired EMI-HIMU hotspots in the South Atlantic-Starting plume heads trigger compositionally distinct secondary plumes?. Open Access Science Advances, 6 (28). eaba0282. DOI 10.1126/sciadv.aba0282.

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Long, X., van der Zwan, F. M. , Geldmacher, J. , Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. and Augustin, N. (2020) Insights into the petrogenesis of an intraplate volcanic province: Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope geochemistry of the Bathymetrists Seamount Province, eastern equatorial Atlantic. Open Access Chemical Geology, 544 (Article number 119599). DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119599.

Zhou, H. , Hoernle, K. , Geldmacher, J. , Hauff, F. , Homrighausen, S., Garbe-Schönberg, D. and Jung, S. (2020) Geochemistry of Etendeka magmatism: Spatial heterogeneity in the Tristan-Gough plume head. Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 535 (Article number 116123). DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116123.

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Riefstahl, F. , Gohl, K. , Davy, B., Hoernle, K. , Mortimer, N., Timm, C. , Werner, R. and Hochmuth, K. (2020) Cretaceous intracontinental rifting at the southern Chatham Rise margin and initialisation of seafloor spreading between Zealandia and Antarctica. Tectonophysics, 776 (Article number 228298). DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2019.228298.

Hoernle, K. , Timm, C. , Hauff, F. , Tappenden, V., Werner, R., Jolis, E., Mortimer, N., Weaver, S., Riefstahl, F. and Gohl, K. (2020) Late Cretaceous (99-69 Ma) basaltic intraplate volcanism on and around Zealandia: Tracing upper mantle geodynamics from Hikurangi Plateau collision to Gondwana breakup and beyond. Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 529 (Article number 115864). DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115864.

Timm, C. , de Ronde, C. E. J., Hoernle, K. , Cousens, B., Wartho, J. A. , Tontini, F. C., Wysoczanski, R., Hauff, F. and Handler, M. (2019) New Age and Geochemical Data from the Southern Colville and Kermadec Ridges, SW Pacific: Insights into the recent geological history and petrogenesis of the Proto-Kermadec (Vitiaz) Arc. Open Access Gondwana Research, 72 . pp. 169-193. DOI 10.1016/

Reyes, J., Lara, L. E., Hauff, F. , Hoernle, K. , Morata, D., Selles, D. and Cooper, O. (2019) Petrogenesis of shield volcanism from the Juan Fernández Ridge, Southeast Pacific: Melting of a low-temperature pyroxenite-bearing mantle plume. Open Access Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 257 . pp. 311-335. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2019.05.004.

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Dürkefälden, A., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Werner, R. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2019) Second-stage Caribbean Large Igneous Province volcanism: The depleted Icing on the enriched Cake. Chemical Geology, 509 . pp. 45-63. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.01.004.

Jacques, G. , Hauff, F. , Hoernle, K. , Werner, R., Uenzelmann-Neben, G., Garbe-Schönberg, D. and Fischer, M. (2019) Nature and origin of the Mozambique Ridge, SW Indian Ocean. Open Access Chemical Geology, 507 . pp. 9-22. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.12.027.

Dürkefälden, A., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Wartho, J. A. , van den Bogaard, P. and Werner, R. (2019) Age and geochemistry of the Beata Ridge: Primary formation during the main phase (~89 Ma) of the Caribbean large Igneous Province. Open Access Lithos, 328-329 . pp. 69-87. DOI 10.1016/j.lithos.2018.12.021.

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Ando, A., Kuroda, J., Werner, R., Hoernle, K. and Huber, B. T. (2019) Post-Eocene intensification of deep-water circulation in the central South Pacific: Micropaleontological clues from dredged sites along the eastern Manihiki Plateau margin. Open Access Terra Nova, 31 (1). pp. 28-38. DOI 10.1111/ter.12366.

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Long, X., Geldmacher, J. , Hoernle, K. A. , Hauff, F. , Wartho, J. A. , Garbe-Schönberg, D. and Grevemeyer, I. (2019) Age and origin of Researcher Ridge and an explanation for the 14° N anomaly on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge by plume-ridge interaction. Lithos, 326-327 . pp. 540-555. DOI 10.1016/j.lithos.2019.01.005.

Homrighausen, S., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Wartho, J. A. , van den Bogaard, P. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2019) New age and geochemical data from the Walvis Ridge: The temporal and spatial diversity of South Atlantic intraplate volcanism and its possible origin. Open Access Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 245 . pp. 16-34. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2018.09.002.

Mortimer, N., van den Bogaard, P., Hoernle, K. , Timm, C. , Gans, P. B., Werner, R. and Riefstahl, F. (2019) Late Cretaceous oceanic plate reorganization and the breakup of Zealandia and Gondwana. Open Access Gondwana Research, 65 . pp. 31-42. DOI 10.1016/

Patriat, M. , Falloon, T., Danyushevsky, L. , Collot, J. , Jean, M. M., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Maas, R., Woodhead, J. D. and Feig, S. T. (2019) Subduction initiation terranes exposed at the front of a 2 Ma volcanically-active subduction zone. Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 508 . pp. 30-40. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.12.011.

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Nekrylov, N., Portnyagin, M. V. , Kamenetsky, V. S., Mironov, N. L., Churikova, T. G., Plechov, P. Y., Abersteiner, A., Gorbach, N. V., Gordeychik, B. N., Krasheninnikov, S. P., Tobelko, D. P., Shur, M. Y., Tetroeva, S. A., Volynets, A. O., Hoernle, K. and Wörner, G. (2018) Chromium spinel in Late Quaternary volcanic rocks from Kamchatka: Implications for spatial compositional variability of subarc mantle and its oxidation state. Open Access Lithos, 322 . pp. 212-224. DOI 10.1016/j.lithos.2018.10.011.

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Silantyev, S. A., Kubrakova, I. V., Portnyagin, M. V. , Tyutyunnik, O. A., Zhilkina, A. V., Gryaznova, A. S., Hoernle, K. and Werner, R. (2018) Ultramafic–Mafic Assemblage of Plutonic Rocks and Hornblende Schists of Shirshov Rise, Bering Sea, and Stalemate Ridge, Northwest Pacific: Geodynamic Interpretations of Geochemical Data. Petrology, 26 (5). pp. 492-514. DOI 10.1134/S0869591118050077.

Golowin, R., Portnyagin, M. , Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Werner, R. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2018) Geochemistry of deep Manihiki Plateau crust: Implications for compositional diversity of large igneous provinces in the Western Pacific and their genetic link. Open Access Chemical Geology, 493 . pp. 533-566. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.07.016.

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Homrighausen, S., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Geldmacher, J. , Wartho, J. A. , van den Bogaard, P. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2018) Global distribution of the HIMU end member: Formation through Archean plume-lid tectonics. Open Access Earth-Science Reviews, 182 . pp. 85-101. DOI 10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.04.009.

Homrighausen, S., Hoernle, K. , Geldmacher, J. , Wartho, J. A. , Hauff, F. , Portnyagin, M. , Werner, R., van den Bogaard, P. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2018) Unexpected HIMU-type late-stage volcanism on the Walvis Ridge. Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 492 . pp. 251-263. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.03.049.

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Gilmer, A. K., Sparks, R. S. J., Blundy, J. D., Rust, A. C., Hauff, F. , Hoernle, K. , Spencer, C. J. and Tapster, S. (2018) Petrogenesis and Assembly of the Don Manuel Igneous Complex, Miocene–Pliocene Porphyry Copper Belt, Central Chile. Journal of Petrology, 59 (6). pp. 1067-1107. DOI 10.1093/petrology/egy055.

Sinton, C. W., Hauff, F. , Hoernle, K. and Werner, R. (2018) Age Progressive Volcanism Opposite Nazca Plate Motion: Insights from Seamounts and Drowned Islands on the Northeastern Margin of the Galápagos Platform. Open Access Lithos, 310-311 . pp. 342-354. DOI 10.1016/j.lithos.2018.04.014.

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Søager, N., Portnyagin, M. , Hoernle, K. , Holm, P. M. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2018) Constraints on lithosphere-asthenosphere melt mixing in basaltic intraplate volcanism from olivine melt inclusions from southern Payenia, Argentina. Open Access Lithos, 310/311 . pp. 225-240. DOI 10.1016/j.lithos.2018.04.011.

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Golowin, R., Portnyagin, M. , Hoernle, K. , Sobolev, A., Kuzmin, D. and Werner, R. (2017) The role and conditions of second-stage mantle melting in the generation of low-Ti tholeiites and boninites: the case of the Manihiki Plateau and the Troodos ophiolite. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 172 (11-12, Article Nr. 104). DOI 10.1007/s00410-017-1424-3.

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Yogodzinski, G. M., Kelemen, P. B., Hoernle, K. , Brown, S. T., Bindeman, I., Vervoort, J. D., Sims, K. W. W., Portnyagin, M. and Werner, R. (2017) Sr and O isotopes in western Aleutian seafloor lavas: Implications for the source of fluids and trace element character of arc volcanic rocks. Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 475 . pp. 169-180. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.07.007.

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Turner, M., Turner, S., Mironov, N., Portnyagin, M. and Hoernle, K. (2017) Can magmatic water contents be estimated from clinopyroxene phenocrysts in some lavas? A case study with implications for the origin of the Azores Islands. Chemical Geology, 466 . pp. 436-445. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.06.032.

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Klügel, A., Galipp, K., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. and Groom, S. (2017) Geochemical and Volcanological Evolution of La Palma, Canary Islands. Journal of Petrology, 58 (6). pp. 1227-1248. DOI 10.1093/petrology/egx052.

Bonanati, C., Wehrmann, H., Portnyagin, M. and Hoernle, K. (2017) The Eyjafiallajökull 2010 eruption and the preservation of medium-sized eruptions in marine surface sediment, offshore southern Iceland. Quaternary Research, 87 (3). pp. 386-406. DOI 10.1017/qua.2017.15.

Golowin, R., Portnyagin, M. , Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Gurenko, A., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Werner, R. and Turner, S. (2017) Boninite-like intraplate magmas from Manihiki Plateau Require Ultra-depleted and Enriched Source Components. Open Access Nature Communications, 8 (14322). DOI 10.1038/NCOMMS14322.

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Turner, S., Kokfelt, T., Hoernle, K. , Johansen, T. S., Hauff, F. , Lundstrom, C., van den Bogaard, P. and Klügel, A. (2017) Contrasting magmatic cannibalism forms evolved phonolitic magmas in the Canary Islands. Geology, 45 (2). pp. 147-150. DOI 10.1130/G38566.1.

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Schindlbeck, J. C. , Kutterolf, S. , Freundt, A. , Andrews, G. D. M., Wang, K. L., Völker, D., Werner, R., Frische, M. and Hoernle, K. (2016) Alkalic marine tephra layers at ODP Site 1241 - Major explosive eruptions from an oceanic volcano in a pre-shield stage?. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 328 . pp. 96-104. DOI 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.10.009.

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Höfig, T. W., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. and Frank, M. (2016) Hydrothermal versus active margin sediment supply to the eastern equatorial Pacific over the past 23 million years traced by radiogenic Pb isotopes: Paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic implications. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 190 . pp. 213-238. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2016.05.003.

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Timm, C., Leybourne, M. I., Hoernle, K. , Wysoczanski, R. J., Hauff, F. , Handler, M., Caratori Tontini, F. and de Ronde, C. E. J. (2016) Trench-perpendicular Geochemical Variation Between two Adjacent Kermadec Arc Volcanoes Rumble II East and West: the Role of the Subducted Hikurangi Plateau in Element Recycling in Arc Magmas. Journal of Petrology, 57 (7). pp. 1335-1360. DOI 10.1093/petrology/egw042.

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Herbrich, A., Hauff, F. , Hoernle, K. , Werner, R., Garbe-Schönberg, D. and White, S. (2016) A 1.5 Ma record of plume-ridge interaction at the Western Galápagos Spreading Center (91°40’-92°00’W). Open Access Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 185 . pp. 141-159. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2016.04.036.

Tejada, M. L. G., Geldmacher, J. , Hauff, F. , Heaton, D., Koppers, A. A. P., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Hoernle, K. , Heydolph, K. and Sager, W. W. (2016) Geochemistry and Age of Shatsky, Hess, and Ojin Rise seamounts: Implications for a connection between the Shatsky and Hess Rises. Open Access Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 185 . pp. 302-327. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2016.04.006.

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Turner, S., Kokfelt, T., Hoernle, K. , Lundstrom, C. and Hauff, F. (2016) 231Pa systematics in postglacial volcanic rocks from Iceland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 185 . pp. 129-140. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2015.12.011.

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Hastie, A. R., Fitton, J. G., Kerr, A. C., McDonald, I., Schwindrofska, A. and Hoernle, K. (2016) The composition of mantle plumes and the deep Earth. Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 444 . pp. 13-25. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.03.023.

Schwindrofska, A., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , van den Bogaard, P., Werner, R. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2016) Origin of enriched components in the South Atlantic: Evidence from 40 Ma geochemical zonation of the Discovery Seamounts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 441 . pp. 167-177. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.02.041.

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Buchs, D. M., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. and Baumgartner, P. O. (2016) Evidence from accreted seamounts for a depleted component in the early Galapagos plume. Open Access Geology, 44 (5). pp. 383-386. DOI 10.1130/G37618.1.

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Hoernle, K. , Schwindrofska, A., Werner, R., van den Bogaard, P., Hauff, F. , Uenzelmann-Neben, G. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2016) Tectonic dissection and displacement of parts of Shona hotspot volcano 3500 km along the Agulhas-Falkland Fracture Zone. Geology, 44 (4). pp. 263-266. DOI 10.1130/G37582.1.

Portnyagin, M. V. , Duggen, S., Hauff, F. , Mironov, N., Bindeman, I., Thirlwall, M. and Hoernle, K. (2015) Geochemistry of the Late Holocene rocks from the Tolbachik volcanic field, Kamchatka: Quantitative modelling of subduction-related open magmatic systems. Open Access Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 307 . pp. 133-155. DOI 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.08.015.

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Turner, S., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Johansen, T. S., Klügel, A., Kokfelt, T. and Lundstrom, C. (2015) 238U-230Th-226Ra Disequilibria Constraints on the Magmatic Evolution of the Cumbre Vieja Volcanics on La Palma, Canary Islands. Journal of Petrology, 56 (10). pp. 1999-2024. DOI 10.1093/petrology/egv061.

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Turner, S., Kokfelt, T., Hauff, F. , Haase, K., Lundstrom, C., Hoernle, K. , Yeo, I. and Devey, C. (2015) Mid-ocean ridge basalt generation along the slow-spreading, South Mid-Atlantic Ridge (5–11°S): Inferences from 238U–230Th–226Ra disequilibria. Open Access Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 169 . pp. 152-166. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2015.07.036.

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Mironov, N., Portnyagin, M. , Botcharnikov, R., Gurenko, A., Hoernle, K. and Holtz, F. (2015) Quantification of the CO2 budget and H2O–CO2 systematics in subduction-zone magmas through the experimental hydration of melt inclusions in olivine at high H2O pressure. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 425 . pp. 1-11. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.05.043.

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Soager, N., Portnyagin, M. , Hoernle, K. , Holm, P. M., Hauff, F. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2015) Olivine Major and Trace Element Compositions in Southern Payenia Basalts, Argentina: Evidence for Pyroxenite–Peridotite Melt Mixing in a Back-arc Setting. Journal of Petrology, 56 (8). pp. 1495-1518. DOI 10.1093/petrology/egv043.

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Hoernle, K. , Rohde, J., Hauff, F. , Garbe-Schönberg, D., Homrighausen, S., Werner, R. and Morgan, J. P. (2015) How and when plume zonation appeared during the 132 Myr evolution of the Tristan Hotspot. Open Access Nature Communications, 6 (7799). DOI 10.1038/ncomms8799.

O’Connor, J. M., Hoernle, K. , Müller, R. D., Morgan, J. P., Butterworth, N. P., Hauff, F. , Sandwell, D. T., Jokat, W., Wijbrans, J. R. and Stoffers, P. (2015) Deformation-related volcanism in the Pacific Ocean linked to the Hawaiian–Emperor bend. Nature Geoscience, 8 (5). pp. 393-397. DOI 10.1038/ngeo2416.

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Gazel, E., Hayes, J. L., Hoernle, K. , Kelemen, P., Everson, E., Holbrook, W. S., Hauff, F. , van den Bogaard, P., Vance, E. A., Chu, S., Calvert, A. J., Carr, M. J. and Yogodzinski, G. M. (2015) Continental crust generated in oceanic arcs. Nature Geoscience, 8 (4). pp. 321-327. DOI 10.1038/ngeo2392.

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Yogodzinski, G. M., Brown, S. T., Keleman, P. B., Vervoort, J. D., Portnyagin, M. , Sims, M., Hoernle, K. , Jicha, B. and Werner, R. (2015) The role of subducted basalt in the source of island arc magmas: Evidence from seafloor lavas of the western Aleutians. Journal of Petrology, 56 (3). pp. 441-492. DOI 10.1093/petrology/egv006.

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Herbrich, A., Hoernle, K. , Werner, R., Hauff, F. , van den Bogaard, P. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2015) Cocos Plate Seamounts offshore NW Costa Rica and SW Nicaragua: Implications for large-scale distribution of Galápagos plume material in the upper mantle. Open Access Lithos, 212/215 . pp. 214-230. DOI 10.1016/j.lithos.2014.10.014.

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Geldmacher, J. , van den Bogaard, P., Heydolph, K. and Hoernle, K. (2014) The age of Earth’s largest volcano: Tamu Massif on Shatsky Rise (northwest Pacific Ocean). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 103 (8). pp. 2351-2357. DOI 10.1007/s00531-014-1078-6.

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Portnyagin, M. V. , Hoernle, K. and Mironov, N. L. (2014) Contrasting compositional trends of rocks and olivine-hosted melt inclusions from Cerro Negro volcano (Central America): implications for decompression-driven fractionation of hydrous magmas. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 103 (7). pp. 1963-1982. DOI 10.1007/s00531-012-0810-3.

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Völker, D., Wehrmann, H., Kutterolf, S. , Iyer, K. , Rabbel, W., Geersen, J. and Hoernle, K. (2014) Constraining input and output fluxes of the southern Central Chile Subduction Zone: water, chlorine, sulfur. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 103 (7). pp. 2129-2153. DOI 10.1007/s00531-014-1002-0.

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Wehrmann, H., Hoernle, K. , Garbe-Schönberg, D., Jacques, G., Mahlke, J. and Schumann, K. (2014) Insights from trace element geochemistry as to the roles of subduction zone geometry and subduction input on the chemistry of arc magmas. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 103 (7). pp. 1929-1944. DOI 10.1007/s00531-013-0917-1.

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Wehrmann, H., Hoernle, K. , Jacques, G., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Schumann, K., Mahlke, J. and Lara, L. E. (2014) Volatile (sulphur and chlorine), major, and trace element geochemistry of mafic to intermediate tephras from the Chilean Southern Volcanic Zone (33–43°S). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 103 (7). pp. 1945-1962. DOI 10.1007/s00531-014-1006-9.

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Falloon, T. J., Meffre, S., Crawford, A. J., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Bloomer, S. H. and Wright, D. J. (2014) Cretaceous fore-arc basalts from the Tonga arc: Geochemistry and implications for the tectonic history of the SW Pacific. Open Access Tectonophysics, 630 . pp. 21-32. DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.05.007.

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Timm, C. , Davy, B., Haase, K., Hoernle, K. A. , Graham, I. J., de Ronde, C. E. J., Woodhead, J., Bassett, D., Hauff, F. , Mortimer, N., Seebeck, H. C., Wysoczanski, R. J., Caratori-Tontini, F. and Gamble, J. A. (2014) Subduction of the oceanic Hikurangi Plateau and its impact on the Kermadec arc. Open Access Nature Communications, 5 (Article 4923). DOI 10.1038/ncomms5923.

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Höfig, T., Geldmacher, J. , Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Duggen, S. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2014) From the lavas to the gabbros: 1.25 km of geochemical characterization of upper oceanic crust at ODP/IODP Site 1256, eastern equatorial Pacific. Lithos (210/211). pp. 289-312. DOI 10.1016/j.lithos.2014.08.013.

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Schattel, N., Portnyagin, M. , Golowin, R., Hoernle, K. and Bindeman, I. (2014) Contrasting conditions of rift and off-rift silicic magma origin on Iceland. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (16). pp. 5813-5820. DOI 10.1002/2014GL060780.

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Butterworth, N. P., Müller, R. D., Quevedo, L., M.O'Connor, J., Hoernle, K. and Morra, G. (2014) Pacific Plate slab pull and intraplate deformation in the early Cenozoic. Open Access Solid Earth, 5 . pp. 757-777. DOI 10.5194/se-5-757-2014.

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Bouabdellah, M., Castorina, F., Bodnar, R. J., Banks, D., Jebrak, M., Prochaska, W., Lowry, D., Klugel, A. and Hoernle, K. (2014) Petroleum Migration, Fluid Mixing, and Halokinesis as the Main Ore-Forming Processes at the Peridiapiric Jbel Tirremi Fluorite-Barite Hydrothermal Deposit, Northeastern Morocco. Economic Geology, 109 (5). pp. 1223-1256. DOI 10.2113/econgeo.109.5.1223.

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Kipf, A., Hauff, F. , Werner, R., Gohl, K., van den Bogaard, P., Hoernle, K. A. , Maicher, D. and Klügel, A. (2014) Seamounts off the West Antarctic margin: A case for non-hotspot driven intraplate volcanism. Open Access Gondwana Research, 25 . pp. 1660-1679. DOI 10.1016/

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Jacques, G., Hoernle, K. , Gill, J., Wehrmann, H., Bindeman, I. and Lara, L. E. (2014) Geochemical variations in the Central Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile (38-43°S): The role of fluids in generating arc magmas. Open Access Chemical Geology, 371 . pp. 27-45. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.01.015.

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Heydolph, K., Murphy, D. T., Geldmacher, J. , Romanova, I. V., Greene, A., Hoernle, K. , Weis, D. and Mahoney, J. (2014) Plume versus plate origin for the Shatsky Rise oceanic plateau (NW Pacific): Insights from Nd, Pb and Hf isotopes. Lithos, 200-201 . pp. 49-63. DOI 10.1016/j.lithos.2014.03.031.

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Jacques, G., Hoernle, K. A. , Gill, J., Hauff, F. , Wehrmann, H., Garbe-Schönberg, D., van den Bogaard, P., Bindeman, I. and Lara, L. E. (2013) Across-arc geochemical variations in the Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile (34.5- 38.0°S): Constraints on Mantle Wedge and Slab Input Compositions. Open Access Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 123 . pp. 218-243. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2013.05.016.

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Rohde, J. K., van den Bogaard, P., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. and Werner, R. (2013) Evidence for an age progression along the Tristan-Gough volcanic track from new 40Ar/39Ar ages on phenocryst phases. Tectonophysics, 604 (SI). pp. 60-71. DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2012.08.026.

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Gurenko, A. A., Geldmacher, J. , Hoernle, K. A. and Sobolev, A. V. (2013) A composite, isotopically-depleted peridotite and enriched pyroxenite source of Madeira magmas: Insights from olivine. Lithos, 170/171 . pp. 224-238. DOI 10.1016/j.lithos.2013.03.002.

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Geldmacher, J. , Höfig, T., Hauff, F. , Hoernle, K. , Garbe-Schönberg, D. and Wilson, D. S. (2013) Influence of the Galápagos hotspot on the East Pacific Rise during Miocene superfast spreading. Geology, 41 (2). pp. 183-186. DOI 10.1130/G33533.1.

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Krasnova, E. A., Portnyagin, M. V. , Silantyev, S. A., Hoernle, K. A. and Werner, R. (2013) Two-stage evolution of mantle peridotites from the Stalemate Fracture Zone, northwestern Pacific. Geochemistry International, 51 (9). pp. 683-695. DOI 10.1134/S0016702913080028.

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Rohde, J., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Werner, R., O'Connor, J., Class, C., Garbe-Schönberg, D. and Jokat, W. (2013) 70 Ma chemical zonation of the Tristan-Gough hotspot track. Geology, 41 (3). pp. 335-338. DOI 10.1130/G33790.1.

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Dzierma, Y., Rabbel, W., Thorwart, M., Koulakov, I., Wehrmann, H., Hoernle, K. and Comte, D. (2012) Seismic velocity structure of the slab and continental plate in the region of the 1960 Valdivia (Chile) slip maximum - insights into fluid release and plate coupling. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 331-332 . pp. 164-176. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.02.006.

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Gibbons, A. D., Barckhausen, U., van den Bogaard, P., Hoernle, K. , Werner, R., Whittaker, J. M. and Müller, R. D. (2012) Constraining the Jurassic extent of Greater India: Tectonic evolution of the West Australian margin. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13 . Q05W13. DOI 10.1029/2011GC003919.

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Heydolph, K., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , van den Bogaard, P., Portnyagin, M. , Bindeman, I. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2012) Along and across arc geochemical variations in NW Central America: Evidence for involvement of lithospheric pyroxenite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 84 . pp. 459-491. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2012.01.035.

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Kipf, A., Mortimer, N., Werner, R., Gohl, K., van den Bogaard, P., Hauff, F. and Hoernle, K. (2012) Granitoids and dykes of the Pine Island Bay region, West Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 24 (5). pp. 473-484. DOI 10.1017/S0954102012000259.

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Meffre, S., Falloon, T., Crawford, J., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Duncan, R. A., Bloomer, S. H. and Wright, D. J. (2012) Basalts erupted along the Tongan fore-arc during subduction initiation: evidence from geochronology of dredged rocks from the Tonga fore-arc and trench. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13 . Q12003. DOI 10.1029/2012GC004335.

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Portnyagin, M. , Hoernle, K. , Storm, S., Mironov, N., van den Bogaard, C. and Botcharnikov, R. (2012) H2O-rich melt inclusions in fayalitic olivine from Hekla volcano: Implications for phase relationships in silicic systems and driving forces of explosive volcanism on Iceland. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 357/358 . pp. 337-346. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.09.047.

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Wanke, M., Portnyagin, M. V. , Hoernle, K. A. , Werner, R., Hauff, F. , van den Bogaard, P. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2012) Bowers Ridge (Bering Sea): An Oligocene-Early Miocene island arc. Geology, 40 (8). pp. 687-690. DOI 10.1130/G33058.1.

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Gazel, E., Hoernle, K. , Carr, M. J., Herzberg, C., Saginor, I., van den Bogaard, P., Hauff, F. , Feigenson, M. and Swisher III, C. (2011) Plume-subduction interaction in southern Central America: mantle upwelling and slab melting. Lithos, 121 . pp. 117-134. DOI 10.1016/j.lithos.2010.10.008. Date online first: 2010

Geldmacher, J. , Hoernle, K. , Hanan, B. B., Blicher-Toft, J., Hauff, F. , Gill, J. B. and Schmincke, H. U. (2011) Hafnium isotopic variations in East Atlantic intraplate volcanism. Open Access Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 162 (1). pp. 21-36. DOI 10.1007/s00410-010-0580-5.

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Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Kokfelt, T., Haase, K. M., Garbe-Schönberg, D. and Werner, R. (2011) On- and off-axis chemical heterogeneities along the South Atlantic Mid-Ocean-Ridge (5-11 degrees S): Shallow or deep recycling of ocean crust and/or intraplate volcanism?. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 306 . pp. 86-97. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2011.03.032.

Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Werner, R., van den Bogaard, P., Gibbons, A. D., Conrad, S. and Müller, R. D. (2011) Origin of Indian Ocean Seamount Province by shallow recycling of continental lithosphere. Nature Geoscience, 4 (12). pp. 883-887. DOI 10.1038/ngeo1331.

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Li, S., Kusky, T. M., Zhao, G., Liu, X., Wang, L., Kopp, H. , Hoernle, K. , Zhang, G. and Dai, L. (2011) Thermochronological constraints on two-stage extrusion of HP/UHP terranes in the Dabie–Sulu orogen, east-central China. Tectonophysics, 504 . pp. 25-42. DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.01.017.

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Timm, C. , Hoernle, K. , Werner, R., Hauff, F. , van den Bogaard, P., Michael, P., Coffin, M. and Koppers, A. (2011) Age and geochemistry of the oceanic Manihiki Plateau, SW Pacific: new evidence for a plume origin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 304 (1-2). pp. 135-146. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2011.01.025. Date online first: 2010

Wehrmann, H., Hoernle, K. , Portnyagin, M. , Wiedenbeck, M. and Heydolph, K. (2011) Volcanic CO2 output at the Central American subduction zone inferred from melt inclusions in olivine crystals from mafic tephras. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 12 . Q06003. DOI 10.1029/2010GC003412.

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Bouabdellah, M., Hoernle, K. , Kchit, A., Duggen, S., Hauff, F. , Klügel, A., Lowery, D. and Beaudoin, G. (2010) Petrogenesis of Eocene Tamazert continental carbonatites (Central High Atlas, Morocco): implications for a common source for the Tamazert and Canary and Cape Verde Island carbonatites. Journal of Petrology, 51 . pp. 1655-1686. DOI 10.1093/petrology/egq033.

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Wittig, N., Pearson, D. G., Duggen, S., Baker, J. A. and Hoernle, K. (2010) Tracing the metasomatic and magmatic evolution of continental mantle roots with Sr, Nd, Hf and Pb isotopes : a case study of Middle Atlas (Morocco) peridotite xenoliths. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74 (4). pp. 1417-1435. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2009.10.048.

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Gurenko, A. A., Hoernle, K. , Sobolev, A. V., Hauff, F. and Schmincke, H. U. (2010) Source components of the Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) shield stage magmas: evidence from olivine composition and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 159 (5). pp. 689-702. DOI 10.1007/s00410-009-0448-8.

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Timm, C. , Hoernle, K. , Werner, R., Hauff, F. , van den Bogaard, P., White, J., Mortimer, N. and Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. (2010) Temporal and geochemical evolution of the Cenozoic intraplate volcanism of Zealandia. Earth-Science Reviews, 98 (1-2). pp. 38-64. DOI 10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.10.002.

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Wittig, N., Pearson, D. G., Baker, J. A., Duggen, S. and Hoernle, K. (2010) A major element, PGE and Re-Os isotope study of Middle Atlas (Morocco) peridotite xenoliths : evidence for coupled introduction of metasomatic sulphides and clinopyroxene. Lithos, 115 . pp. 15-26. DOI 10.1016/j.lithos.2009.11.003.

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Duggen, S., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Kluegel, A., Bouabdellah, M. and Thirlwall, M. F. (2009) Flow of Canary mantle plume material through a subcontinental lithospheric corridor beneath Africa to the Mediterranean: REPLY. Open Access Geology, 37 (3). pp. 283-286. DOI 10.1130/G30653Y.1.

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Gazel, E., Carr, M. J., Hoernle, K. , Feigenson, M. D., Szymanski, D., Hauff, F. and van den Bogaard, P. (2009) Galapagos-OIB signature in southern Central America: mantle refertilization by arc-hot spot interaction. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 10 (Q02S11). DOI 10.1029/2008GC002246.

Gurenko, A. A., Sobolev, A. V., Hoernle, K. A. , Hauff, F. and Schmincke, H. U. (2009) Enriched, HIMU-type peridotite and depleted recycled pyroxenite in the Canary plume: A mixed-up mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 277 (3/4). pp. 514-524. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2008.11.013.

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Klügel, A., Schwarz, S., van den Bogaard, P., Hoernle, K. , Wohlgemuth-Ueberwasser, C. C. and Köster, J. J. (2009) Structure and evolution of the volcanic rift zone at São Lourenço peninsula, Madeira. Bulletin of Volcanology, 71 (6). pp. 671-685. DOI 10.1007/s00445-008-0253-7.

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Kokfelt, T. F., Hoernle, K. , Lundstrom, C., Hauff, F. and van den Bogaard, C. (2009) Time-scales for magmatic differentiation at the Snaefellsjökull central volcano, western Iceland: constraints from U-Th-Pa-Ra disequilibria in post-glacial lavas. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (4). pp. 1120-1144. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2008.11.021.

Portnyagin, M. , Hoernle, K. and Savelyev, D. (2009) Ultra-depleted melts from Kamchatkan ophiolites : evidence for the interaction of the Hawaiian plume with an oceanic spreading center in the Cretaceous?. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 287 . pp. 194-204. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2009.07.042.

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Sadofsky, S., Hoernle, K. , Duggen, S., Hauff, F. , Werner, R. and Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. (2009) Geochemical variations in the Cocos Plate subducting beneath Central America : implications for the composition of arc volcanism and the extent of the Galápagos Hotspot influence on the Cocos oceanic crust. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98 (4). pp. 901-913. DOI 10.1007/s00531-007-0289-5.

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Timm, C. , Hoernle, K. , van den Bogaard, P., Bindemann, I. and Weaver, S. (2009) Geochemical evolution of intraplate volcanism at Banks Peninsula, New Zealand : interaction between asthenospheric and lithospheric melts. Journal of Petrology, 50 (6). pp. 989-1023. DOI 10.1093/petrology/egp029.

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Davy, B., Hoernle, K. and Werner, R. (2008) Hikurangi Plateau: Crustal structure, rifted formation, and Gondwana subduction history. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 9 (Q07004). DOI 10.1029/2007GC001855.

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Duggen, S., Hoernle, K. , Klügel, A., Geldmacher, J. , Thirlwall, M., Hauff, F. , Lowry, D. and Oats, N. (2008) Geochemical zonation of the Miocene Alboràn Basin volcanism (westernmost Mediterranean): geodynamic implications. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 156 . pp. 577-593. DOI 10.1007/s00410-008-0302-4.

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Geldmacher, J. , Hoernle, K. , Kluegel, A., van den Bogaard, P. and Bindeman, I. (2008) Geochemistry of a new enriched mantle type locality in the northern hemisphere: Implications for the origin of the EM-I source. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 265 . pp. 167-182. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.10.001.

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Geldmacher, J. , Hoernle, K. , van den Bogaard, P., Hauff, F. and Klügel, A. (2008) Age and Geochemistry of the Central American Forearc Basement (DSDP Leg 67 and 84): Insights into Mesozoic Arc Volcanism and Seamount Accretion on the Fringe of the Caribbean LIP. Journal of Petrology, 49 . pp. 1781-1815. DOI 10.1093/petrology/egn046.

Hoernle, K. , Abt, D. L., Fischer, K. M., Nichols, H., Hauff, F. , Abers, G. A., van den Bogaard, P., Heydolph, K., Alvarado, G., Protti, M. and Strauch, W. (2008) Arc-parallel flow in the mantle wedge beneath Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Nature, 451 (7182). pp. 1094-1097. DOI 10.1038/nature06550.

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Portnyagin, M. , Savelyev, D. P., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. and Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. (2008) Mid-Cretaceous Hawaiian tholeiites preserved in Kamchatka. Geology, 36 (11). pp. 903-906. DOI 10.1130/G25171A.1.

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Sadofsky, S. J., Portnyagin, M. , Hoernle, K. and van den Bogaard, P. (2008) Subduction cycling of volatiles and trace elements through the Central American volcanic arc: evidence from melt inclusions. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 155 (4). pp. 433-456. DOI 10.1007/s00410-007-0251-3.

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Duggen, S., Portnyagin, M. , Baker, J., Ulfbeck, D., Hoernle, K. , Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. and Grassineau, N. (2007) Drastic shift in lava geochemistry in the volcanic-front to rear-arc region of the Southern Kamchatkan subduction zone: Evidence for the transition from slab surface dehydration to sediment melting. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71 . pp. 452-480. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2006.09.018.

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Krolikowska-Ciaglo, S., Deyhle, A., Hauff, F. and Hoernle, K. (2007) Boron isotope geochemistry and U-Pb systematics of altered MORB from the Australian Antarctic Disordance (ODP Leg 187). Chemical Geology, 242 . pp. 458-472. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2007.05.004.

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Portnyagin, M. , Hoernle, K. , Plechov, P. Y., Mironov, N. L. and Khubunaya, S. A. (2007) Constraints on mantle melting and composition and nature of slab components in volcanic arcs from volatiles (H2O, S, Cl, F) and trace elements in melt inclusions from the Kamchatka Arc. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 255 (1/2). pp. 53-69. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2006.12.005.

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Geldmacher, J. , Hoernle, K. A. , Klügel, A., van den Bogaard, P., Wombacher, F. and Berning, B. (2006) Origin and geochemical evolution of the Madeira-Tore Rise (eastern North Atlantic). Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 111 (B9). B09206. DOI 10.1029/2005JB003931.

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Geldmacher, J. , Hoernle, K. , Klügel, A., van den Bogaard, P. and Duggen, S. (2006) A geochemical transect across a heterogeneous mantle upwelling: Implications for the evolution of the Madeira hotspot in space and time. Lithos, 90 (1-2). pp. 131-144. DOI 10.1016/j.lithos.2006.02.004.

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Gurenko, A. A., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Schmincke, H. U. , Han, D., Miura, Y. N. and Kaneoka, I. (2006) Major, trace element and Nd-Sr-Pb-O-He-Ar isotope signatures of shield stage lavas from the central and western Canary Islands: Insights into mantle and crustal processes. Chemical Geology, 233 (1-2). pp. 75-112. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2006.02.016.

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Hoernle, K. , White, J. D. L., van den Bogaard, P., Hauff, F. , Coombs, D. S., Werner, R., Timm, C. , Garbe-Schönberg, C. D., Reay, A. and Cooper, A. F. (2006) Cenozoic intraplate volcanism on New Zealand: Upwelling induced by lithospheric removal. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 248 (1-2). pp. 350-367. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2006.06.001.

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Kokfelt, T., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Fiebig, J., Werner, R. and Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. (2006) Combined Trace Element and Pb-Nd-Sr-O Isotope Evidence for Recycled Oceanic Crust (Upper and Lower) in the Iceland Mantle Plume. Journal of Petrology, 47 (9). pp. 1705-1749. DOI 10.1093/petrology/egl025.

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Mortimer, N., Hoernle, K. A. , Hauff, F. , Palin, J. M., Dunlap, W. J., Werner, R. and Faure, K. (2006) New constraints on the age and evolution of the Wishbone Ridge, southwest Pacific Cretaceous microplates, and Zealandia-West Antarctica breakup. Geology, 34 (3). pp. 185-188. DOI 10.1130/G22168.1.

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Bindeman, I. N., Eiler, J. M., Yogodzinski, G. M., Tatsumi, Y., Stern, C. R., Grove, T. L., Portnyagin, M. , Hoernle, K. and Danyushevsky, L. V. (2005) Oxygen isotope evidence for slab melting in modern and ancient subduction zones. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 235 (3/4). pp. 480-496. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.04.014.

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Christie, D., Werner, R., Hauff, F. , Hoernle, K. and Hanan, B. B. (2005) Morphological and geochemical variations along the eastern Galapagos Spreading Center. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 6 (1). Q01006. DOI 10.1029/2004GC000714.

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Duggen, S., Hoernle, K. A. , van den Bogaard, P. and Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. (2005) Post-Collisional Transition from Subduction to Intraplate-type Magmatism in the Westernmost Mediterranean: Evidence for Continental-Edge Delamination of Subcontinental Lithosphere. Open Access Journal of Petrology, 46 (6). pp. 1155-1201. DOI 10.1093/petrology/egi013.

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Geldmacher, J. , Hoernle, K. , van den Bogaard, P., Duggen, S. and Werner, R. (2005) New 40Ar/39Ar age and geochemical data from seamounts in the Canary and Madeira volcanic provinces: support for the mantle plume hypothesis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 237 (1-2). pp. 85-101. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.04.037.

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Harpp, K., Wanless, V. D., Otto, R. H., Hoernle, K. A. and Werner, R. (2005) The Cocos and Carnegie Aseismic Ridges: a Trace Element Record of Long-term Plume-Spreading Center Interaction. Journal of Petrology, 46 (1). pp. 109-133. DOI 10.1093/petrology/egh064.

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Johansen, T. S., Hauff, F. , Hoernle, K. , Klügel, A. and Kokfelt, T. F. (2005) Basanite to phonolite differentiation within 1550-1750 yr: U-Th-Ra isotopic evidence from the A.D. 1585 eruption on La Palma, Canary Islands. Geology, 33 (11). pp. 897-900. DOI 10.1130/G21663.1.

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Kokfelt, T. F., Lundstrom, C., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. and Werner, R. (2005) Plume-ridge interaction studied at the Galápagos spreading center: Evidence from 226Ra-230Th-238U and 231Pa-235U isotopic disequilibria. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 234 (1-2). pp. 165-187. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.02.031.

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Krolikowska-Ciaglo, S., Hauff, F. and Hoernle, K. A. (2005) Sr-Nd isotope systematics in 14-28 Ma low-temperature altered mid-ocean ridge basalt from the Australian Antarctic Discordance, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 187. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 6 (1). Q01001. DOI 10.1029/2004GC000802.

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Portnyagin, M. , Hoernle, K. , Avdeiko, G. P., Hauff, F. , Werner, R., Bindeman, I., Uspensky, V. S. and Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. (2005) Transition from arc to oceanic magmatism at the Kamchatka-Aleutian junction. Geology, 33 (1). pp. 25-28. DOI 10.1130/G20853.1.

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Portnyagin, M. , Savel'ev, D. P. and Hoernle, K. (2005) Plume-related association of Cretaceous oceanic basalts of eastern Kamchatka: compositions of spinel and parental magmas. Petrology, 13 (6). pp. 571-588.

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Duggen, S., Hoernle, K. , van den Bogaard, P. and Harris, C. (2004) Magmatic evolution of the Alboran Region: The role of subduction in forming the western Mediterranean and causing the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 218 (1-2). pp. 91-108. DOI 10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00632-0.

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Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. and van den Bogaard, P. (2004) A 70 m.y. history (139-69 Ma) for the Caribbean large igneous province. Geology, 32 (8). pp. 697-700. DOI 10.1130/G20574.1.

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Duggen, S., Hoernle, K. , van den Bogaard, P., Rüpke, L. and Morgan, J. P. (2003) Deep Roots of the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Nature, 422 . pp. 602-606. DOI 10.1038/nature01553.

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Geldmacher, J. , Hanan, B. B., Blichert-Toft, J., Harpp, K., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Werner, R. and Kerr, A. (2003) Hafnium isotopic variations in volcanic rocks from the Caribbean Large Igneous Province and Galápagos hotspot tracks. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 422 (7). 2002GC000477. DOI 10.1029/2002GC000477.

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Hauff, F. , Hoernle, K. and Schmidt, A. (2003) The Sr-Nd-Pb composition of Mesozoic Pacific oceanic crust (Site 1149 and 801, ODP Leg 185): Implications for alteration of ocean crust and the input into the Izu-Bonin-Mariana subduction system. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 4 (8). p. 8913. DOI 10.1029/2002GC000421.

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Kokfeld, T. F., Hoernle, K. and Hauff, F. (2003) Upwelling and melting of the Iceland plume from radial variation of 238U-230Th disequilibria in postglacial volcanic rocks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 214 (1-2). pp. 167-186. DOI 10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00306-6.

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Lundstrom, C. C., Hoernle, K. and Gill, J. (2003) U-series disequilibria in volcanic rocks from the Canary Islands: plume versus lithospheric melting. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67 (21). pp. 4153-4177. DOI 10.1016/S0016-7037(03)00308-9.

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Werner, R. and Hoernle, K. (2003) New volcanological and volatile data provide strong support for the continuous existence of Galápagos Islands over the past 17 million years. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 92 (6). pp. 904-911. DOI 10.1007/s00531-003-0362-7.

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Werner, R., Hoernle, K. , Barckhausen, U. and Hauff, F. (2003) Geodynamic evolution of the Galápagos hot spot system (Central East Pacific) over the past 20 m.y.: Constraints from morphology, geochemistry, and magnetic anomalies. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 4 (12). DOI 10.1029/2003GC000576.

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Baranov, B. V., Werner, R., Hoernle, K. , Tsoy, I., van den Bogaard, P. and Tararin, I. (2002) Evidence for Compressionally-Induced High Subsidence Rates in the Kurile Basin (Okhotsk Sea). Tectonophysics, 350 . pp. 63-97. DOI 10.1016/S0040-1951(02)00081-1.

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Hoernle, K. , Tilton, G., Le Bas, M., Duggen, S. and Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. (2002) The geochemistry of oceanic carbonatites compared with continental carbonatites: mantle recycling of oceanic crustal carbonate. Mineralogy and Petrology, 142 . pp. 520-542. DOI 10.1007/s004100100308.

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Hoernle, K. , van den Bogaard, P., Werner, R., Lissinna, B., Hauff, F. , Alvarado, G. and Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. (2002) The Missing History (16-71 Ma) of the Galápagos Hotspot: Implications for the Tectonic and Biological Evolution of the Americas. Geology, 30 . pp. 795-798. DOI 10.1130/0091-7613(2002)030<0795:MHMOTG>2.0.CO;2.

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Geldmacher, J. , Hoernle, K. , van den Bogaard, P., Zankl, G. and Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. (2001) Earlier history of the >70-Ma-old Canary hotspot based on the temporal and geochemical evolution of the Selvagen Archipelago and neighboring seamounts in the eastern North Atlantic. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 111 (1-4). pp. 55-87. DOI 10.1016/S0377-0273(01)00220-7.

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Hoernle, K. , Tilton, G., Le Bas, M. J., Duggen, S. and Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. (2001) Geochemistry of oceanic carbonatites compared with continental carbonatites: Mantle recycling of oceanic crustal carbonate. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 142 . pp. 520-542. DOI 10.1007/s004100100308.

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Geldmacher, J. and Hoernle, K. (2000) The 72 Ma geochemical evolution of the Madeira hotspot (eastern North Atlantic): recycling of Paleozoic (<500 Ma) oceanic lithosphere. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 183 (1-2). pp. 73-92. DOI 10.1016/S0012-821X(00)00266-1.

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Geldmacher, J. , van den Bogaard, P., Hoernle, K. and Schmincke, H. U. (2000) The 40Ar/39Ar age dating of the Madeira Archipelago and hotspot track (eastern North Atlantic). Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 1 (1008). DOI 10.1029/1999GC000018.

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Hauff, F. , Hoernle, K. , Tilton, G., Graham, D. W. and Kerr, A. C. (2000) Large volume recycling of oceanic lithosphere over short time scales: geochemical constraints from the Caribbean Large Igneous Province. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 174 (3-4). pp. 247-263. DOI 10.1016/S0012-821X(99)00272-1.

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Hauff, F. , Hoernle, K. , van den Bogaard, P., Alvarado, G. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2000) Age and geochemistry of basaltic complexes in western Costa Rica: Contributions to the geotectonic evolution of Central America. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 1 (1). p. 1009. DOI 10.1029/1999GC000020.

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Hoernle, K. , Werner, R., Phipps Morgan, J., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Bryce, J. and Mrazek, J. (2000) Existence of complex spatial zonation in the Galápagos plume. Geology, 28 (5). pp. 435-438. DOI 10.1130/0091-7613(2000)28<435:EOCSZI>2.0.CO;2.

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Klügel, A., Hoernle, K. A. , Schmincke, H. U. and White, J. D. L. (2000) The chemically zoned 1949 eruption on La Palma (Canary Islands): Petrologic evolution and magma supply dynamics of a rift zone eruption. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 105 (B3). pp. 5997-6016. DOI 10.1029/1999JB900334.

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Klügel, A., Schmincke, H. U. , White, J. D. L. and Hoernle, K. A. (1999) Chronology and volcanology of the 1949 multi-vent rift-zone eruption on La Palma (Canary Islands). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 94 (1-4). pp. 267-282. DOI 10.1016/S0377-0273(99)00107-9.

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Werner, R., Hoernle, K. , van den Bogaard, P., Ranero, C., von Huene, R. and Korich, D. (1999) Drowned 14-m.y.-old Galápagos archipelago off the coast of Costa Rica: Implications for tectonic and evolutionary models. Geology, 27 (6). pp. 499-502. DOI 10.1130/0091-7613(1999)027<0499:DMYOGP>2.3.CO;2.

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Widom, E., Hoernle, K. A. , Shirley, S. B. and Schmincke, H. U. (1999) Os Isotope Systematics in the Canary Islands and Madeira: Lithospheric Contamination and Mantle Plume Signatures. Open Access Journal of Petrology, 40 (2). pp. 279-296. DOI 10.1093/petroj/40.2.279.

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Hoernle, K. (1998) Geochemistry of Jurassic Oceanic Crust beneath Gran Canaria (Canary Islands): Implications for Crustal Recycling and Assimilation. Open Access Journal of Petrology, 39 (5). pp. 859-880. DOI 10.1093/petroj/39.5.859.

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Schmincke, H. U. , Klügel, A., Hansteen, T. H. , Hoernle, K. and van den Bogaard, P. (1998) Samples from the Jurassic ocean crust beneath Gran Canaria, La Palma and Lanzarote (Canary Islands). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 163 (1-4). pp. 343-360. DOI 10.1016/S0012-821X(98)00168-X.

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Hauff, F. , Hoernle, K. , Schmincke, H. U. and Werner, R. (1997) A Mid Cretaceous origin for the Galápagos hotspot: volcanological, petrological and geochemical evidence from Costa Rican oceanic crustal segments. Geologische Rundschau, 86 (1). pp. 141-155. DOI 10.1007/PL00009938.

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Schmincke, H. U. , Freundt, A. , Rihm, R., Sumita, M., Krastel, S. and Hoernle, K. (1997) Vulkaninseln als ozeanische Geosysteme. Open Access Geowissenschaften, 15 (9). pp. 301-305.

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Zuleger, E., Sachs, P. M., Hoernle, K. , Werner, R. and Lechtenberg, F. (1997) Isotopen- und Spurenelementuntersuchungen von geologischen Systemen. Open Access Geowissenschaften, 15 (9). pp. 306-309.

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Hoernle, K. , Zhang, Y. S. and Graham, D. (1995) Seismic and geochemical evidence for large-scale mantle upwelling beneath the eastern Atlantic and western and central Europe. Nature, 374 . pp. 34-39. DOI 10.1038/374034a0.

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Hoernle, K. and Schmincke, H. U. (1993) The petrology of the tholeiites through melilite nephelinites on Gran Canaria, Canary Islands: crystal fractionation, accumulation and depths of melting. Open Access Journal of Petrology, 34 . pp. 573-597. DOI 10.1093/petrology/34.3.573.

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Hoernle, K. and Schmincke, H. U. (1993) The role of partial melting in the 15 Ma geochemical evolution of Gran Canaria: a blob model for the Canary hotspot. Open Access Journal of Petrology, 34 . pp. 599-626. DOI 10.1093/petrology/34.3.599.

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Hoernle, K. , Tilton, G. and Schmincke, H. U. (1991) SrNdPb isotopic evolution of Gran Canaria: Evidence for shallow enriched mantle beneath the Canary Islands. Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 106 (1-4). pp. 44-63. DOI 10.1016/0012-821X(91)90062-M.

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Hoernle, K. and Tilton, G. (1991) Sr-Nd-Pb isotope data for Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) basal complex and subaerial volcanics: applications to magma genesis and evolution. Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 71 . pp. 5-21. DOI 10.5169/seals-54342.

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Mozley, P. S. and Hoernle, K. (1990) Geochemistry of carbonate cements in the Sag River and Shublik Formations (Triassic/Jurassic), North Slope, Alaska: implications for the geochemical evolution of formation waters. Sedimentology, 37 (5). pp. 817-836. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-3091.1990.tb01827.x.

Book chapters

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Hoernle, K. , Sager, W., Höfig, T. and Blum, P. (2022) New Insights into Tristan-Gough-Walvis Ridge Hotspot Volcanism from International Ocean Discovery Program Expeditions 391 and 397T. Open Access In: IODP/ICDP Kolloquium 2022, Abstract Volume. , ed. by Schwab, M. J., Kallmeyer, J., Krastel, S. and Bornemann, A.. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, p. 20. DOI 10.48440/gfz.b103-22074.

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Homrighausen, S., Geldmacher, J. , Hoernle, K. and Rooney, T. (2021) Intraplate Volcanism. In: Encyclopedia of Geology. , ed. by Elias, S. and Alderton, D.. Elsevier, London, pp. 52-59, 8 pp. 2nd edition ISBN 978-0-08-102909-1 DOI 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.12498-4.

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Buchs, D. M., Hoernle, K. and Grevemeyer, I. (2016) Seamounts. In: Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences. , ed. by Harff, J., Meschede, M., Petersen, S. and Thiede, J.. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 754-760. ISBN 978-94-007-6239-4 DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6644-0_34-2.

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Portnyagin, M. , Hoernle, K. , Werner, R., Baranov, B. and Yogodzinski, G. (2016) BERING - A new international marine research project to investigate the magmatic and tectonic evolution of the Bering Sea and its margins. Open Access In: 9th Biennial Workshop on Japan-Kamchatka-Alaska Subduction Processes (JKASP 2016): Abstract volume. . University of Alaska Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute , Fairbanks, pp. 40-41.

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Buchs, D. M., Hoernle, K. and Grevemeyer, I. (2015) Seamounts. Open Access In: Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences. , ed. by Harff, J., Meschede, M., Petersen, S. and Thiede, J.. Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 1-11. ISBN 978-94-007-6644-0 DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6644-0_34-1.

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Nakanishi, M., Nakamura, Y., Coffin, M. F., Hoernle, K. and Werner, R. (2015) Topographic expression of the Danger Islands Troughs and implications for the tectonic evolution of the Manihiki Plateau, western equatorial Pacific Ocean. In: The Origin, Evolution, and Environmental Evolution of Oceanic Large Igneous Provinces. , ed. by Neal, C. R., Sager, W. W. and Sano, T.. Geological Society of America Special Papers, 511 . Geological Society of America, Boulder, Colo., pp. 195-220. ISBN 978-0-8137-2511-6 DOI 10.1130/2015.2511(11).

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Graham, D. W., Hanan, B. B., Lupton, J. E., Hoernle, K. , Werner, R., Christie, D. M. and Sinton, J. M. (2014) Helium Isotope Variations and mantle plume-spreading ridge interactions along the Galápagos Spreading Center. In: The Galápagos: A natural laboratory for Earth Sciences. , ed. by Harpp, K., Mittelstaedt, E., d'Ozouville, N. and Graham, D. W.. AGU Geophysical Monograph, 204 . Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 393-414. ISBN 978-1-118-85241-5 DOI 10.1002/9781118852538.ch18.

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Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Werner, R. and Barckhausen, U. (2010) Bruchzonen: Ursprung für große Erdbeben und Archiv der Geschichte des Ozeanbodens. In: Mit der SONNE die Erde erforschen. , ed. by Kudrass, H.. RF Forschungsschiffahrt, Bremen, pp. 44-47.

Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Werner, R. and Barckhausen, U. (2010) Fracture zones: large earthquakes, tsunamis and the evolution of the seafloor. In: The Research Vessel SONNE - Surveying the Oceans. , ed. by Kudrass, H.. RF Forschungsschiffahrt, Bremen, pp. 44-47.

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Werner, R., Hauff, F. and Hoernle, K. (2010) Marine supervulcanoes. In: The Research Vessel SONNE - Surveying the Oceans. , ed. by Kudrass, H.. RF Forschungsschiffahrt, Bremen, pp. 39-43.

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Hoernle, K. and Carracedo, J. C. (2009) Canary Islands geology. In: Encyclopedia of Islands. , ed. by Gillespie, R. D. and Clague, D. A.. University of California Press, Berkeley, California, USA, pp. 133-143. ISBN 978-0-5202-5649-1

Hoernle, K. and Hauff, F. (2007) Oceanic igneous complexes. In: Central America: geology, resources and hazards. ; 1 , ed. by Bundschuh, J. and Alvarado, G. E.. Taylor & Francis, London [u.a.], pp. 523-547. ISBN 978-0-415-41648-1

Portnyagin, M. , Bindeman, I., Hoernle, K. and Hauff, F. (2007) Geochemistry of primitive lavas of the Central Kamchatka Depression: magma generation at the edge of the Pacific plate. In: Volcanism and Subduction: The Kamchatka Region. , ed. by Eichelberger, J., Gordeev, E., Kasahara, M., Izbekov, P. and Lees, J.. Geophysical Monograph Series, 172 . AGU (American Geophysical Union), Washington, DC, pp. 199-239. ISBN 978-0-875-90436-8

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Hoernle, K. A. , Werner, R., Hauff, F. and van den Bogaard, P. (2005) The Hikurangi Oceanic Plateau: A Fragment of the Largest Volcanic Event on Earth. Open Access In: IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report 2002-2004 From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere - Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -. , ed. by Villwock, A.. IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 51-54.

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Hoernle, K. , van den Bogaard, P., Duggen, S., Mocek, B. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (1999) Evidence for Miocene subduction beneath the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean) from 40Ar/39Ar age dating and the geochemistry of volcanic rocks from holes 977A and 978A. In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Projekt, Scientific Results Vol. 161. , ed. by Zahn, R., Comas, M. C. and KIaus, A.. Ocean Drilling Project, College Station, TX, pp. 357-373.

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