Prof. Dr. Laura M. Wallace

Helmholtz Distinguished Professorship for Geodynamics
Topic 3
Research devision 4: Dynamics of the ocean floor
Research Unit: Marine Geodynamics

Room: 8D-219
Phone: +49 431 600 2241
E-mail: lwallace(at)

Wischhofstraße 1-3
24148 Kiel



Ines Staben
Phone: +49 431 600 2243
E-mail: istaben(at)

Research Focus

Laura uses geodetic methods to study the deformation of the earth's crust at tectonic plate boundaries. She conducts research in various locations, including New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Japan. She has a particular focus on understanding the spectrum of deformation processes that occur throughout the earthquake cycle at subduction zone plate boundaries. She uses both land-based GNSS methods and seafloor geodetic methods (seafloor pressure, GNSS-Acoustic, IODP downhole observatories) to investigate a range of crustal deformation processes.

She also has a strong interest in using multi-disciplinary observations to gain new insights into the physical processes responsible for active deformation observed geodetically, and has led several large, multidisciplinary experiments. In 2018, Laura was co-leader of IODP Expedition 375 on board the scientific drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution. The expedition investigated the causes of slow-slip events from Hikurangi and collected core samples and geophysical logs from rocks involved in producing slow-slip events at New Zealand’s Hikurangi subduction zone, and installed observatories beneath the seafloor to monitor changes in the crust during the slow-slip cycle. She also led the 2014 HOBITSS (Hikurangi Ocean Bottom Investigation of Tremor and Slow Slip) which was the first experiment to successfully use seafloor pressure sensors to resolve slow slip events on an offshore subduction zone.

Since 2023, Laura has a Helmholtz Distinguished Professorship (HDP) for Geodynamics, which is part of the Marine Geodynamics research unit. She maintains a joint affiliation with the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics.


Tectonics, crustal deformation, earthquake cycle, subduction zones, and seismic and tsunami hazard


  • 2025-2030: SAFATOR (SMART Cables And Fiber-optic Sensing Amphibious Demonstrator)

  • 2022-2026: GONDOR (Geophysical Observations of Near-Trench Deformation and Oceanographic References (International funding: New Zealand, Germany, Japan, United States)

  • 2021-2026: SMART Subsea Cables

  • 2021-2026: Unraveling the habitat and dynamics of slow slip events through integrated borehole observations in the northern Hikurangi subduction margin (U.S. NSF Funded)

  • 2020-2026: MTMOD (Megathrust Modeling Framework) (U.S. NSF Funded)

  • 2020-2025: PULSE (Physical Process UnderLying Slow Earthquakes) (New Zealand Marsden Fund)



since 2023:
Helmholtz Distinguished Professorship (HDP) for Geodynamics at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel/Kiel University Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

Principal Scientist at GNS Science, New Zealand.

since 2012:
Research Scientist (currently Research Professor) at the University of Texas, Institute of Geophysics, Austin, USA

Research Scientist (Senior Scientist from 2007-2012), GNS Science, Lower Hutt, NZ


PhD., Geosciences, University of California, Santa Cruz (Supervisor: Eli Silver)
Dissertation: Tectonics and 'arc-continent' collision in Papua New Guinea: New insights from geodetic, geophysical and seismological data

B.S. (with honors), Geology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Publications (OceanRep)

Number of items: 32.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed

[thumbnail of JGR Solid Earth - 2024 - Aden‐Antoniów - Low‐Frequency Earthquakes Downdip of Deep Slow Slip Beneath the North Island of.pdf] [thumbnail of 2023jb027971-sup-0001-supporting information si-s01.pdf]

Aden‐Antoniów, F., Frank, W. B., Chamberlain, C. J., Townend, J., Wallace, L. M. and Bannister, S. (2024) Low‐Frequency Earthquakes Downdip of Deep Slow Slip Beneath the North Island of New Zealand. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129 (5). e2023JB027971. DOI 10.1029/2023JB027971.

[thumbnail of Arnulf.pdf] [thumbnail of Supplementary information]

Arnulf, A. F., Biemiller, J., Lavier, L., Wallace, L. M., Bassett, D., Henrys, S., Pecher, I., Crutchley, G. and Plaza Faverola, A. (2021) Physical conditions and frictional properties in the source region of a slow-slip event. Nature Geoscience, 14 (5). pp. 334-340. DOI 10.1038/s41561-021-00741-0.

[thumbnail of eaay3314.full.pdf]

Barnes, P. M., Wallace, L. M., Saffer, D. M., Bell, R. E., Underwood, M. B., Fagereng, A., Meneghini, F., Savage, H. M., Rabinowitz, H. S., Morgan, J. K., Kitajima, H., Kutterolf, S. , Hashimoto, Y., Engelmann de Oliveira, C. H., Noda, A., Crundwell, M. P., Shepherd, C. L., Woodhouse, A. D., Harris, R. N., Wang, M., Henrys, S., Barker, D. H. N., Petronotis, K. E., Bourlange, S. M., Clennell, M. B., Cook, A. E., Dugan, B. E., Elger, J. , Fulton, P. M., Gamboa, D., Greve, A., Han, S., Hüpers, A., Ikari, M. J., Ito, Y., Kim, G. Y., Koge, H., Lee, H., Li, X., Luo, M., Malie, P. R., Moore, G. F., Mountjoy, J. J., McNamara, D. D., Paganoni, M., Screaton, E. J., Shankar, U., Shreedharan, S., Solomon, E. A., Wang, X., Wu, H. Y., Pecher, I. A. and LeVay, L. J. (2020) Slow slip source characterized by lithological and geometric heterogeneity. Open Access Science Advances, 6 (13). eaay3314. DOI 10.1126/sciadv.aay3314.

[thumbnail of s41561-024-01617-9.pdf]

Bassett, D., Shillington, D. J., Wallace, L. M. and Elliott, J. L. (2025) Variation in slip behaviour along megathrusts controlled by multiple physical properties. Nature Geoscience, 18 (1). pp. 20-31. DOI 10.1038/s41561-024-01617-9.

Gerstenberger, M. C., Bora, S., Bradley, B. A., DiCaprio, C., Kaiser, A., Manea, E. F., Nicol, A., Rollins, C., Stirling, M. W., Thingbaijam, K. K. S., Van Dissen, R. J., Abbott, E. R., Atkinson, G. M., Chamberlain, C., Christophersen, A., Clark, K., Coffey, G. L., de la Torre, C. A., Ellis, S. M., Fraser, J., Graham, K., Griffin, J., Hamling, I. J., Hill, M. P., Howell, A., Hulsey, A., Hutchinson, J., Iturrieta, P., Johnson, K. M., Jurgens, V. O., Kirkman, R., Langridge, R. M., Lee, R. L., Litchfield, N. J., Maurer, J., Milner, K. R., Rastin, S., Rattenbury, M. S., Rhoades, D. A., Ristau, J., Schorlemmer, D., Seebeck, H., Shaw, B. E., Stafford, P. J., Stolte, A. C., Townend, J., Villamor, P., Wallace, L. M. , Weatherill, G., Williams, C. A. and Wotherspoon, L. M. (2024) The 2022 Aotearoa New Zealand National Seismic Hazard Model: Process, Overview, and Results. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 114 (1). pp. 7-36. DOI 10.1785/0120230182.

Gerstenberger, M. C., Rhoades, D. A., Litchfield, N., Abbott, E., Goded, T., Christophersen, A., Van Dissen, R. J., Bannister, S., Barrell, D., Bruce, Z., Fry, B., Hamling, I., Holden, C., Horspool, N., Kaiser, A. E., Kaneko, Y., Langridge, R. M., Little, T. A., Lukovic, B., McBride, S. K., McVerry, G. H., Nicol, A., Perrin, N., Pettinga, J., Stirling, M. W., Houtte, C. V. and Wallace, L. (2023) A time-dependent seismic hazard model following the Kaikōura M7.8 earthquake. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 66 (2). pp. 192-216. DOI 10.1080/00288306.2022.2158881.

Gerstenberger, M. C., Van Dissen, R., Rollins, C., DiCaprio, C., Thingbaijim, K. K. S., Bora, S., Chamberlain, C., Christophersen, A., Coffey, G. L., Ellis, S. M., Iturrieta, P., Johnson, K. M., Litchfield, N. J., Nicol, A., Milner, K. R., Rastin, S. J., Rhoades, D., Seebeck, H., Shaw, B. E., Stirling, M. W., Wallace, L. , Allen, T. I., Bradley, B. A., Charlton, D., Clark, K. J., Fraser, J., Griffin, J., Hamling, I. J., Howell, A., Hudson-Doyle, E., Hulsey, A., Jurgens, V. O., Kaiser, A. E., Kirkman, R., Langridge, R. M., Maurer, J., Rattenbury, M. S., Ristau, J., Schorlemmer, D., Townend, J., Villamor, P. and Williams, C. (2024) The Seismicity Rate Model for the 2022 Aotearoa New Zealand National Seismic Hazard Model. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 114 (1). pp. 182-216. DOI 10.1785/0120230165.

[thumbnail of JGR Solid Earth - 2024 - Johnson - Inverting Geodetic Strain Rates for Slip Deficit Rate in Complex Deforming Zones An.pdf] [thumbnail of 2023jb027565-sup-0001-supporting information si-s01.pdf]

Johnson, K. M., Wallace, L. M., Maurer, J., Hamling, I., Williams, C., Rollins, C., Gerstenberger, M. and Van Dissen, R. (2024) Inverting Geodetic Strain Rates for Slip Deficit Rate in Complex Deforming Zones: An Application to the New Zealand Plate Boundary. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129 (3). e2023JB027565. DOI 10.1029/2023JB027565.

[thumbnail of Geophysical Research Letters - 2023 - Maubant - Imaging the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Plate Coupling With Interferometric.pdf] [thumbnail of 2023gl105388-sup-0001-supporting information si-s01.pdf]

Maubant, L., Frank, W. B., Wallace, L. M., Williams, C. A. and Hamling, I. (2023) Imaging the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Plate Coupling With Interferometric Radar (InSAR) in the Hikurangi Subduction Zone. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 50 (19). e2023GL105388. DOI 10.1029/2023GL105388.

Maurer, J., Johnson, K., Wallace, L. M., Hamling, I., Williams, C. A., Rollins, C., Gerstenberger, M. and Van Dissen, R. (2024) Geodetic Strain Rates for the 2022 Update of the New Zealand National Seismic Hazard Model. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 114 (1). pp. 57-77. DOI 10.1785/0120230145.

[thumbnail of JGR Solid Earth - 2023 - Perez‐Silva - Characteristics of Slow Slip Events Explained by Rate‐Strengthening Faults Subject.pdf]

Perez‐Silva, A., Kaneko, Y., Savage, M., Wallace, L. and Warren‐Smith, E. (2023) Characteristics of Slow Slip Events Explained by Rate‐Strengthening Faults Subject to Periodic Pore Fluid Pressure Changes. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128 (6). e2022JB026332. DOI 10.1029/2022JB026332.

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Plaza-Faverola, A., Henrys, S., Pecher, I., Wallace, L. and Klaeschen, D. (2016) Splay fault branching from the Hikurangi subduction shear zone: Implications for slow slip and fluid flow. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17 (12). pp. 5009-5023. DOI 10.1002/2016GC006563.

[thumbnail of science.adf4930.pdf] [thumbnail of science.adf4930_sm.pdf]

Shreedharan, S., Saffer, D., Wallace, L. M. and Williams, C. (2023) Ultralow frictional healing explains recurring slow slip events. Science, 379 (6633). pp. 712-717. DOI 10.1126/science.adf4930.

[thumbnail of Geophysical Research Letters - 2024 - Truttmann - Slow Slip Events in New Zealand Irregular yet Predictable.pdf]

Truttmann, S., Poulet, T., Wallace, L., Herwegh, M. and Veveakis, M. (2024) Slow Slip Events in New Zealand: Irregular, yet Predictable?. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 51 (6). e2023GL107741. DOI 10.1029/2023GL107741.

Van Dissen, R. J., Johnson, K. M., Seebeck, H., Wallace, L. M. , Rollins, C., Maurer, J., Gerstenberger, M. C., Williams, C. A., Hamling, I. J., Howell, A. and DiCaprio, C. J. (2024) Upper Plate and Subduction Interface Deformation Models in the 2022 Revision of the Aotearoa New Zealand National Seismic Hazard Model. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 114 (1). pp. 37-56. DOI 10.1785/0120230118.

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Wang, M., Barnes, P. M., Morgan, J. K., Bell, R. E., Moore, G. F., Wang, M., Fagereng, A., Savage, H., Gamboa, D., Harris, R. N., Henrys, S., Mountjoy, J., Tréhu, A. M., Saffer, D., Wallace, L. and Petronotis, K. (2023) Compactive deformation of incoming calcareous pelagic sediments, northern Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand: Implications for subduction processes. Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 605 . Art.Nr. 118022. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118022.

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Woodhouse, A., Barnes, P. M., Shorrock, A., Strachan, L. J., Crundwell, M., Bostock, H. C., Hopkins, J., Kutterolf, S. , Pank, K., Behrens, E., Greve, A., Bell, R., Cook, A., Petronotis, K., LeVay, L., Jamieson, R. A., Aze, T., Wallace, L., Saffer, D. and Pecher, I. (2022) Trench floor depositional response to glacio-eustatic changes over the last 45 ka, northern Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 65 . pp. 312-335. DOI 10.1080/00288306.2022.2099432.

[thumbnail of JGR Solid Earth - 2024 - Woods - Spatiotemporal Evolution of Slow Slip Events at the Offshore Hikurangi Subduction Zone in.pdf] [thumbnail of 2024jb029068-sup-0001-supporting information si-s01.pdf]

Woods, K., Wallace, L. M. , Williams, C. A., Hamling, I. J., Webb, S. C., Ito, Y., Palmer, N., Hino, R., Suzuki, S., Savage, M. K., Warren-Smith, E. and Mochizuki, K. (2024) Spatiotemporal Evolution of Slow Slip Events at the Offshore Hikurangi Subduction Zone in 2019 using GNSS, InSAR, and seafloor geodetic data. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129 (8). e2024JB029068. DOI 10.1029/2024jb029068.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review

Saffer, D. M., Wallace, L. M. , Barnes, P. M., Pecher, I. A., Petronotis, K. E. , LeVay, L. J. , Bell, R. E. , Crundwell, M. P. , Engelmann de Oliveira, C. H., Fagereng, A. , Fulton, P. M., Greve, A. , Harris, R. N., Hashimoto, Y. , Hüpers, A., Ikari, M. J. , Ito, Y. , Kitajima, H. , Kutterolf, S. , Lee, H., Li, X., Luo, M., Malie, P. R., Meneghini, F. , Morgan, J. K. , Noda, A. , Rabinowitz, H. S. , Savage, H. M. , Shepherd, C. L. , Shreedharan, S. , Solomon, E. A., Underwood, M. B. , Wang, M. , Woodhouse, A. D., Bourlange, S. M., Brunet, M. M. Y., Cardona, S., Clennell, M. B., Cook, A. E., Dugan, B. , Elger, J. , Gamboa, D., Georgiopoulou, A., Han, S., Heeschen, K. U., Hu, G., Kim, G. Y., Koge, H., Machado, K. S., McNamara, D. D., Moore, G. F. , Mountjoy, J. J., Nole, M. A. , Owari, S., Paganoni, M., Rose, P. S., Screaton, E. J. , Shankar, U., Torres, M. E. , Wang, X. and Wu, H. Y. (2019) Expedition 372B/375 summary. Open Access Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 372B/375 . pp. 1-35. DOI 10.14379/iodp.proc.372B375.101.2019.

Book chapters

[thumbnail of wallace_rollins_transient_deformation_GNSS.pdf]

Wallace, L. M. and Rollins, C. (2024) GNSS observations of transient deformation in plate boundary zones. In: GNSS Monitoring of the Terrestrial Environment: Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Climate Change. , ed. by Aoki, Y. and Kreemer, C.. Elsevier, San Diego, pp. 83-110. ISBN 978-0-323-95507-2 DOI 10.1016/B978-0-323-95507-2.00009-8.

Reports - Cruise Reports

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Saffer, D. M., Wallace, L. M., Petronotis, K., Barnes, P. B., Bell, R. B., Crundwell, M. C., De Oliveira, C. H. E., Fagereng, A., Fulton, P. F., Greve, A., Harris, R. H., Hashimoto, Y., Hüpers, A., Ikari, M. I., Ito, Y., Kitajima, H., Kutterolf, S. , Lee, H., Li, X., Luo, M., Malie, P. M., Meneghini, F., Morgan, J. M., Noda, A. and Fatouros, T. A. (2018) International ocean discovery program expedition 375 preliminary report: Hikurangi subduction margin coring and observatories unlocking the secrets of slow slip through drilling to sample and monitor the forearc and subducting plate, 8 March - 5 May 2018. Open Access . Integrated Ocean Drilling Program: Preliminary Reports, 375 . UNSPECIFIED, 38 pp. DOI 10.14379/


Wallace, L. M. (2015) Distinguished lecturer for the NSF GeoPRISMS Program. [Award]

Wallace, L. M. (2016) Distinguished lecturer for the NSF GeoPRISMS Program. [Award]

Wallace, L. M. (2018) Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand. [Award]

Wallace, L. M. (2014) Kavli Foundation Frontiers of Science Fellow. [Award]

Wallace, L. M. (2015) Kavli Foundation Frontiers of Science Fellow. [Award]

Wallace, L. M. (2018) McKay Hammer Award from the Geoscience Society of New Zealand. [Award]


Wallace, L. M. (2024) American Geophysical Union / Incoming President of the Geodesy section. 2024 - 2025 [Committee]

Wallace, L. M. (2025) American Geophysical Union / President of the Geodesy section. 2025 - 2026 [Committee]

Wallace, L. M. (2018) Board of Directors for UNAVCO / Member (Vice-Chair in 2021). 2018 - 2021 [Committee]

Wallace, L. M. (2024) EPOS-France / Member Scientific Advisory Board. 2024 - [Committee]

Wallace, L. M. (2009) Tsunami Experts Panel (TEP) / Member. 2009 - 2023 [Committee]

This list was generated on Thu Mar 6 16:04:28 2025 CET.

Publications (Highlights)

Wallace, L.M. (2020), Slow Slip Events in New Zealand, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences; annurev-earth-0717190055104.

Wallace, L.M., Y. Kaneko, 2017, Large-scale dynamic triggering of shallow slow slip enhanced by overlying sedimentary wedge, Nature Geoscience, 10, 765-770 doi: 10.1038/ngeo3021

Wallace, L.M., S.C. Webb, et al., 2016, Slow slip near the trench at the Hikurangi subduction zone, Science, 352(6286), 701-704

Saffer, D.M. and L.M. Wallace, 2015, The Frictional, Hydrologic, Metamorphic, and Thermal Habitat of Shallow Slow Earthquakes, Nature Geoscience, 8, 594-600, doi:10.1038/ngeo2490.

Wallace, L.M., Beavan, J., McCaffrey, R., and Darby, D., 2004b, Subduction zone coupling and tectonic block rotation in the North Island, New Zealand, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, 2004JB003241

Bassett, D., Shillington, D.J., Wallace, L.M. and Elliott, J.L., 2025. Variation in slip behaviour along megathrusts controlled by multiple physical properties. Nature Geoscience, pp.1-12.

Wallace, L.M. and Rollins, C., 2024. GNSS observations of transient deformation in plate boundary zones. In GNSS Monitoring of the Terrestrial Environment (pp. 83-110). Elsevier.

Johnson, K.M., Wallace, L.M.,, 2024. Inverting geodetic strain rates for slip deficit rate in complex deforming zones: An application to the New Zealand plate boundary. J. of Geophys. Res.: Solid Earth, 129(3), p.e2023JB027565.

Shreedharan, S., Saffer, D., L.M. Wallace, and C. Williams, 2023, Ultralow frictional healing explains recurring slow slip events, Science, 379(6633), 712-717.

Barnes, P.M., L.M. Wallace, D.M. Saffer et al. (2020), Slow slip source characterized by lithological and geometric heterogeneity, Science Advances, 6, aay3314.

Publications (Google Scholar)

Prof. Laura M. Walalce on Google Scholar


Cited by:

  All Since 2020
Citations 10.975 > 5550
h-index 51 38
i10-index 126 106



Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand

2020, 2012 & 2007:
Editor’s citation for excellence in refereeing, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth

McKay Hammer Award from the Geoscience Society of New Zealand

2018, 2019, 2016 & 2005:
New Zealand Geophysics Prize (awarded by the Geoscience Society of NZ for best paper on NZ geophysics for the current and/or preceding year)

Distinguished lecturer for the NSF GeoPRISMS Distinguished Lecturer series

2014 & 2015:
Kavli Foundation Frontiers of Science Fellow

Editor’s citation for excellence in refereeing, Geophysical Research Letters


Supervised students and scientists

  • Elizabeth Meaghan Sherrill (PostDoc, GEOMAR, 2025-present)
  • Erik Frederickson (PostDoc, University of Texas, Institute for Geophysics, 2023-present)
  • Srisharan Shreedharan (PostDoc, University of Texas, Institute for Geophysics, 2020-2022)
  • Lada Dimitrova (PostDoc, University of Texas, Institute for Geophysics, 2012-2016)
  • McKenzie Carlson (PhD Student, University of Texas, 2023- present)
  • James Biemiller (PhD Student, University of Texas, 2015- present)
  • Katherine Woods (PhD Student, Victoria University of Wellington, 2018-2022)
  • Nicholas Benz (Bachelor thesis, Univ. Texas, 2013)
  • Member of the examination committee for doctoral students at the University of Texas, Alissa Kotowski und Kimberley McCormick.

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