Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Frische

Forschungsbereich 4: Dynamik des Ozeanbodens
FE Magmatische und hydrothermale Systeme
Room: 8/E-214
Phone: +49 431 600-2137
Fax: +49 431 600-132137
Email: mfrische(at)geomar.de
Wischhofstrasse 1-3
D-24148 Kiel
Education and career
- since Jan. 2012 Technical staff at the Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research (GEOMAR) in Kiel
- 2010 – 2011 Technical staff at the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR) in Kiel
- 2008 – 2010 Research scientist (Post Doc) at the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences (SFB 574) in Kiel
- 2005 – 2008 Research scientist (Post Doc) at the Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel (SFB 574)
- 2001 – 2005 Research scientist (PhD) at the Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel (SFB 574)
- 1994 – 2000 Studying mineralogy (Degree: Diplom) at the Georg-August University of Göttingen
Number of items: 38.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed
Meng, X., Li, X., Holzheid, A., Zoheir, B., Chen, L., Frische, M.
, Rout, S. S., Li, W., Chu, F. and Jin, X.
From formation to maturation: Trace element systematics of sulfide chimneys from the Niaochao vent field (East Pacific Rise).
Chemical Geology, 674
Art.Nr. 122584.
DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.122584.

Xiong, F., Zoheir, B., Xu, X., Guo, G., Frische, M.
and Yang, J.
Geochemical characteristics of mineral inclusions in the Luobusa chromitite (Southern Tibet): Implications for an intricate geological setting.
American Mineralogist, 109
pp. 2127-2141.
DOI 10.2138/am-2023-9273.

Yang, M., Wang, Y., Petersen, S.
, Qiu, Z., Li, H., Zhou, P., Cai, Y., Yu, X., Frische, M.
, Liu, J. and Han, X.
Gold mineralization in the hydrothermal field at the termination of a detachment fault: A case study of the Tianxiu Vent Field.
Mineralium Deposita
DOI 10.1007/s00126-024-01323-x.

Gautreau, L. M., Hansteen, T. H.
, Portnyagin, M.
, Beier, C., Frische, M. and Brandl, P. A.
Understanding the links between volcanic systems and epithermal ore formation: A case study from Conical Seamount, Papua New Guinea.
Lithos, 482-483
Art.Nr. 107695.
DOI 10.1016/j.lithos.2024.107695.

Whitley, S., Halama, R., Gertisser, R., Hansteen, T. H.
, Frische, M.
and Vennemann, T.
A record of magmatic differentiation in plutonic xenoliths from Santorini (Greece).
Volcanica, 7
pp. 421-446.
DOI 10.30909/vol.07.02.421446.

Mahdy, N. M., Abd El-Rahman, Y., Frische, M., Ondrejka, M., Mira, H. I., Iizuka, T., Skublov, S. G., Saleh, G. M., Ghoniem, M. M., Mitwally, M., El-Sundolly, H., Eliwa, H., Hassan, M., Nasr, T. and El-Dokouny, H. A.
A remnant root of a Neoproterozoic island arc in the Northern Eastern Desert of Egypt: Evidence from the whole-rock and amphibole chemistry of the Gattar gabbro.
Geochemistry, 84
Art.Nr. 126113.
DOI 10.1016/j.chemer.2024.126113.
Essarraj, S., Zoheir, B., Steele-MacInnis, M., Frische, M., Khalifa, A. and Ouadjou, A.
Polymetallic Sulfide–Quartz Vein System in the Koudiat Aïcha Massive Sulfide Deposit, Jebilet Massif, Morocco: Microanalytical and Fluid Inclusion Approaches.
Minerals, 12
Art.Nr. 1396.
DOI 10.3390/min12111396.

Ronge, T. A., Frische, M., Fietzke, J.
, Stephens, A. L., Bostock, H. and Tiedemann, R.
Southern Ocean contribution to both steps in deglacial atmospheric CO2 rise.
Scientific Reports, 11
Art.Nr. 22117.
DOI 10.1038/s41598-021-01657-w.

Fallon, E., Frische, M., Petersen, S.
, Brooker, R. and Scott, T.
Geological, Mineralogical and Textural Impacts on the Distribution of Environmentally Toxic Trace Elements in Seafloor Massive Sulfide Occurrences.
Minerals, 9
Article 162.
DOI 10.3390/min9030162.

Wang, Y., Han, X., Petersen, S.
, Frische, M., Qiu, Z., Cai, Y. and Zhou, P.
Trace Metal Distribution in Sulfide Minerals from Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems: Examples from the Kairei Vent Field, Central Indian Ridge.
Minerals, 8
DOI 10.3390/min8110526.

Schindlbeck, J. C.
, Kutterolf, S.
, Freundt, A.
, Eisele, S., Wang, K. L. and Frische, M.
Miocene to Holocene marine tephrostratigraphy offshore northern Central America and southern Mexico: Pulsed activity of known volcanic complexes.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19
pp. 4143-4173.
DOI 10.1029/2018GC007832.

Grant, H. L. J., Hannington, M. D., Petersen, S.
, Frische, M. and Fuchs, S. H. J.
Constraints on the behavior of trace elements in the actively-forming TAG deposit, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, based on LA-ICP-MS analyses of pyrite.
Chemical Geology, 498
pp. 45-71.
DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.08.019.

van der Zwan, F. M.
, Devey, C. W.
, Hansteen, T. H.
, Almeev, R. R., Augustin, N.
, Frische, M., Haase, K. M., Basaham, A. and Snow, J. E.
Lower crustal hydrothermal circulation at slow-spreading ridges: evidence from chlorine in Arctic and South Atlantic basalt glasses and melt inclusions.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 172
(11-12, Article Nr. 97).
DOI 10.1007/s00410-017-1418-1.

Wang, Y., Han, X., Petersen, S.
, Frische, M., Qiu, Z., Li, H., Li, H., Wu, Z. and Cui, R.
Mineralogy and trace element geochemistry of sulfide minerals from the Wocan Hydrothermal Field on the slow-spreading Carlsberg Ridge, Indian Ocean.
Ore Geology Reviews, 84
pp. 1-19.
DOI 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.12.020.

Schindlbeck, J. C.
, Kutterolf, S.
, Freundt, A.
, Andrews, G. D. M., Wang, K. L., Völker, D., Werner, R., Frische, M. and Hoernle, K.
Alkalic marine tephra layers at ODP Site 1241 - Major explosive eruptions from an oceanic volcano in a pre-shield stage?.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 328
pp. 96-104.
DOI 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.10.009.

Fietzke, J.
and Frische, M.
Experimental evaluation of elemental behavior during LA-ICP-MS: influences of plasma conditions and limits of plasma robustness.
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 31
pp. 234-244.
DOI 10.1039/c5ja00253b.

Jamieson, J. W., Hannington, M. D., Tivey, M. K., Hansteen, T.
, Williamson, N. M. B., Stewart, M., Fietzke, J.
, Butterfield, D., Frische, M., Allen, L., Cousens, B. and Langer, J.
Precipitation and growth of barite within hydrothermal vent deposits from the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 173
pp. 64-85.
DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2015.10.021.

Freundt, A.
, Grevemeyer, I.
, Rabbel, W., Hansteen, T. H.
, Hensen, C.
, Wehrmann, H., Kutterolf, S.
, Halama, R. and Frische, M.
Volatile (H2O, CO2, Cl, S) budget of the Central American subduction zone.
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 103
pp. 2101-2127.
DOI 10.1007/s00531-014-1001-1.

Magath, V., Marohn, L., Fietzke, J.
, Frische, M., Thiel, R. and Dierking, J.
Migration behaviour of twaite shad Alosa fallax in the river Elbe assessed by otolith Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca profiles.
Journal of Fish Biology, 82
pp. 1871-1887.
DOI 10.1111/jfb.12115.

John, T., Scambelluri, M., Frische, M., Barnes, J. D. and Bach, W.
Dehydration of subducting serpentinite: implications for halogen mobility in subduction zones and the deep halogen cycle.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 308
pp. 65-76.
DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2011.05.038.
Fietzke, J.
, Frische, M., Hansteen, T.
and Eisenhauer, A.
A simplified procedure for the determination of stable chlorine isotope ratios (δ37Cl) using LA-MC-ICP-MS.
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 23
pp. 769-772.
DOI 10.1039/b718597a.

Garofalo, K., Tassi, F., Vaselli, O., Delgado-Huertas, A., Tedesco, D., Frische, M., Hansteen, T.
, Poreas, R. J. and Strauch, O.
Fumarolic gases at Mombacho Volcano (Nicaragua): presence of magmatic gas species and implications for volcanic surveillance.
Bulletin of Volcanology, 69
pp. 785-795.
DOI 10.1007/s00445-006-0108-z.

Frische, M., Garofalo, K., Hansteen, T.
and Borchers, R.
Fluxes and origin of halogenated organic trace gases from Momotombo volcano (Nicaragua).
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 7
DOI 10.1029/2005GC001162.

Frische, M., Garofalo, K., Hansteen, T.
, Borchers, R. and Harnisch, J.
The origin of stable halogenated compounds in volcanic gases.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 13
pp. 406-413.
DOI 10.1065/espr2006.01.291.

Conference papers
Follmann, J., van der Zwan, F. M.
, Petersen, S.
and Frische, M.
Hydrothermal mineralization at continental breakup – geochemical insights from sulfide minerals from the South China Sea.
In: Goldschmidt Conference 2022. , 10.07.-15.07.2022, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA .

Buchner, E., Hölzel, M., Schmieder, M., Rasser, M., Fietzke, J.
, Frische, M. and Kutterolf, S.
A meteorite fragment trapped between positive and negative shatter cones in a limestone block stored at the Meteorkrater-Museum Steinheim, Germany.
In: 80. Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2017. , 23.-28.07.2017, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA .

Conference posters
Follmann, J., van der Zwan, F. M.
, Frische, M., Hansteen, T.
and Petersen, S.
Hydrothermal fluids at continental breakup – insights from sulfide trace elements and fluid inclusions from the South China Sea continent-ocean transition.
In: Goldschmidt Conference 2023. , 9.-14.07.2023, Lyon, France .

Buchner, E., Hölzel, M., Schmieder, M., Ferriere, L., Koeberl, C., Rasser, M. W., Fietzke, J.
, Frische, M., Meier, M. M. M., Busemann, H., Maden, C. and Kutterolf, S.
The meteorite from Steinheim, SW Germany: probably a pallasite.
In: 81. Conference of the Meteoritical Society. , 22.-27.07.2018, Moscow, Russia .

Theses - not published by a publisher
Frische, M.
Halogenated trace compounds in fumarolic gases of the Nicaraguan subduction zone volcanoes: variation patterns, budgets and impact on the Earth's atmosphere.
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany, 97 pp.