Dr. Martha Gledhill

Research Division 2: Marine Biogeochemistry
Research Unit: Chemical Oceanography

Room: 307 / Build. 12 - 3. floor
Tel.: + 49 (0) 431 600 1293
Fax: + 49 (0) 431 600 1292
E-mail: mgledhill(at)geomar.de


GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research
Wischhofstrasse 1-3, Build. 12
D-24148 Kiel - Germany


Current Position

  • Senior Scientist, GEOMAR, Kiel (November 2013)

Memberships, Services, Activities

  • Member of the Task Group of Chemical Speciation within the Joint Committee on the Properties of Seawater (JCS)
  • Contributing to the development of BioGeoSCAPES.
  • Member of American Society for Limnology and Oceanography
  • Member of The Royal Society of Chemistry; Chartered Chemist

Research Interests

Marine Bioinorganic Chemistry

Marine bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary research field in marine science that links elemental biogeochemical cycles and the chemistry of elements in the ocean with microbial cellular metabolism. I focus on the trace element iron, as it limits phytoplankton productivity in about 30% of the surface ocean. I develop and apply novel analytical approaches to make chemical discoveries that improve our understanding of the way the chemistry of the ocean influences biological productivity in the context of ocean heating and increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations.

Current funding

  • 2019-2022: NICA - Development of a consistent thermodynamic model of trace element - organic matter interactions in the ocean (DFG).
  • 2023-2025: NEUROMETALLE - Element and isotope signatures in proteins as a diagnostic tool for neurodegenerative diseases (BMBF).


The complete list is available on OceanRep