Dr. Marc Seidel
Geophysicist, SAM project
Research Division 2: Marine Biogeochemistry
Research Unit: Marine Geosystems
Working group: DeepSea Monitoring
Office: 8A-209, phone (office): +49 431 600-2561
E-mail: mseidel(at)geomar.de
Address: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Wischhofstraße 1-3, 24148 Kiel, Germany
Publications (ORCID)
Publications (OceanRep)
Number of items: 13.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed
Seidel, M.
, Frey, T.
and Greinert, J.
Underwater UXO detection using magnetometry on hovering AUVs.
Journal of Field Robotics, 40
pp. 848-861.
DOI 10.1002/rob.22159.

Rochlitz, R., Seidel, M.
and Börner, R. U.
Evaluation of three approaches for simulating 3D time-domain electromagnetic data.
Geophysical Journal International, 227
pp. 1980-1995.
DOI 10.1093/gji/ggab302.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review
Kampmeier, M., Michaelis, P., Wehner, D., Frey, T., Seidel, M.
, Wendt, J. and Greinert, J.
Workflow towards autonomous and semi-automized UXO Survey and Detection.
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics , 44
Art.Nr. 070025.
DOI 10.1121/2.0001492.

Frey, T., Kampmeier, M. and Seidel, M.
Uncovering the Secrets of German Marine Munition Dumpsites.
Hydro International, 24
pp. 14-17.

Book chapters
Frey, T.
, Seidel, M.
, Koschinski, S., Strehse, J., Wehner, D., Wichert, U., Kampmeier, M., Andresen, C. and Greinert, J.
Kampfmittel im Meer – Der Umgang mit Belastungsschwerpunkten.
In: Handbuch Altlastensanierung und Flächenmanagement.
, ed. by
Franzius, V..
Rehm, Heidelberg, Kapitel 2812.
93. Aktualisierung, 3. Aufl.
ISBN 978-3-8073-2397-8

Frey, T., Kampmeier, M., Michaelis, P., Wehner, D., Seidel, M.
and Greinert, J.
Tackling Cost Drivers of Maritime UXO Surveys.
In: TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS - Influencing Future EOD and Related Capabilities: a book of papers.
NATO EOD Centre of Excellence, Trencin, Slovak Republic, pp. 81-88.
ISBN 978-80-89261-93–2

Conference posters

Frey, T.
, Beck, A. J.
, Kampmeier, M., Esposito, M., Gosnell, K., Gledhill, M.
, Seidel, M.
, Martinez-Cabanas, M., Greinert, J.
and Achterberg, E. P.
Geophysikalische und chemische Kartierung von Munitionaltlasten in der Ostsee.
In: Meeresumwelt-Symposium 2022. , 18.05.-19.05.2022, Hamburg, Germany .

Reports - Cruise Reports
Greinert, J.
, Kampmeier, M., Barradas, F., Beck, A. J.
, Diller, N., Seidel, M.
and von See, T. B.
Mine Monitoring in the German Baltic Sea 2021;
Dumped munition monitoring - AL567, 17th – 31st October 2021, Kiel (Germany) – Kiel (Germany), „MineMoni‐III 2021“.
Alkor Berichte, AL567
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, 54 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CR_AL567.

Greinert, J.
, Kampmeier, M., Beck, A.
, Diller, N., Seidel, M.
, von See, T. B., Raupers, B.
and Arinaitwe, K.
Mine Monitoring in the German Baltic Sea 2022; AL583, 18th - 31st October 2022, Kiel (Germany) – Kiel (Germany) „MineMoni-IV 2022“.
ALKOR-Berichte, AL583
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 34 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CR_AL583.

Kampmeier, M., Greinert, J.
, Beck, A.
, Diller, N., Seidel, M.
and Frey, T.
Mine Monitoring in the German Baltic Sea 2020; Dumped munition monitoring AL548, 03rd – 16th November 2020, Kiel (Germany) – Kiel (Germany) „MineMoni-II 2020“.
ALKOR-Reports, AL548
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 39 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CR_AL548.
