Archive 2023

GEOMAR Director Professor Dr. Katja Matthes and Sebastian Unger, German Federal Government Commissioner for the Ocean

Joining forces for our ocean

Federal Government Commissioner for the Ocean Sebastian Unger and GEOMAR researchers discuss important issues of protection and sustainable use of the ocean

A young woman stands in front of an expanse of water, harbour facilities in the background

When the ocean becomes a source of carbon dioxide

GEOMAR researcher Ivy Frenger receives ERC Starting Grant for her project OSTIA

A research vessel on a river

How does the River Elbe affect the German Bight?

Helmholtz researchers comprehensively analyse the transport of climate gases, environmental chemicals, nano- and microplastics and nutrients from the Elbe to the North Sea

[Translate to English:] Ein rauchender eingestürzter Vulkankegel im Meer

Rare but devastating: When volcanoes trigger tsunamis

Expedition to Indonesia to study the landslide of the Anak Krakatau volcano

Phytoplankton bloom in the North Pacific Ocean, imaged by the MODIS Aqua satellite. Photo: LANCE/EOSDIS Rapid Response Team, NASA

Assessing controls on ocean productivity – from space

Nature publication describes a novel approach to observe nutrient limitations in the ocean using satellite remote sensing technologies

On their expedition with research vessel METEOR, scientists collected lava samples from the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea.

SUAVE brings new discoveries in the Mediterranean Sea

International expedition revealed new volcanic structures and a ship wreck

A drill ship on the open sea

Past climate warming driven by hydrothermal vents

New study shows volcanism 56 million years ago released more methane than thought

A map of the North Atlantic with colour-coded ocean currents

Winter storms over Labrador Sea influence Gulf Stream system

New study on Atlantic current variability published

Research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN at the island of Tristan da Cunha

The geochemical fingerprints of hotspot volcanism

On-site work confirms numerical models for the formation of different expressions of volcanic chains


PERBAS: In search of safe carbon dioxide storage in offshore basalt rocks

In a new project, ten partners from industry and science investigate technologies for the storage of carbon dioxide in marine basalt structures