Marine Research connects Baltic Region
Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves visits GEOMAR
The Baltic Sea is a marginal sea with high ecological as well as economic importance. This has previously been recognized by the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea which in turn led to close cooperation, specifically in the field of marine research. In this sense the Baltic Sea is an outstanding example for international cooperation which already resulted in agreements for the protection of this ecologically sensible and in part highly endangered marginal sea. Reason enough for the President of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, to include a stop at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in his official visiting programme in Germany. GEOMAR Director Prof. Dr. Peter Herzig informed his Excellency and the high-level political delegation about the tasks and goals of the research centre. The presentation was followed by a visit to the Technology and Logistics Centre, including demonstrations of GEOMAR’s large-scale science equipment.
President Ilves was impressed by the capabilities of the GEOMAR centre, and he encouraged the continuation and extension of the existing cooperation between Estonian and German scientists. For many years, GEOMAR scientists have cooperated with Estonian colleagues on a bilateral basis as well as within the framework of larger joint projects. A major focus is on the ecology of the Baltic Sea, the human impact, and the effect of climate change in the Baltic region.
Dr. Andreas Villwock (Communication & Media), Phone: +49-431 600-2802, presse(at)