Marine litter on the north-west coast of Sørkappland, Svalbard.
ICEBERG Project Collaborates with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
Ice floes on blue water in a fjord. Mountains in the background.
MERIAN expedition MSM130 investigates meltwater runoff from Greenland glaciers, the loss of Arctic sea ice and the interfaces of ice, ocean and…
Meer und Himmel nach dem Sonnenuntergang
Current study involving GEOMAR calls for aquatic oxygen loss to be recognised as another Planetary Boundary
Research network DynaSym investigates relationships in plankton communities


[Translate to English:] Beobachtete und projizierte Temperaturänderung. Quelle: IPCC.

1.5 Degree Goal: our Carbon Budget is shrinking?

International research consortium publishes new estimates

Group photo. Photo: Bradley Weymer, GEOMAR.

Groundwater at the sea floor

Maltese-German summer school on freshwater resources in the ocean

The attendees of the groundwater-workshops at GEOMAR. Photo: Jan Steffen/GEOMAR

New approaches to explore submarine groundwater reservoirs

Workshop at GEOMAR discusses opportunities and risks of newly discovered fresh water resources

Members and guests of the GOOS Steering Committee at GEOMAR. Photo: J. Steffen, GEOMAR.

Urgent Demands for Ocean Observations and Services

The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) held its Steering Committee meeting at GEOMAR

Commercial trawling (left) and catches of elasmobranch (right) outside and inside of protected areas. Graphics: M. Dureuil, Dalhousie Univ.

Marine Protected Areas not safe

Bottom trawling endangers many species

On the last day of the OceanDeoxygenation conference, Prof. Dr. Andreas Oschlies, spokesperson of the SFB754, presents the 'Kiel Declaration'. Photo: Waldimir Haase/GEOMAR

Urgent appeal for more marine and climate protection

Marine scientists publish "Kiel Declaration"

Typhlocaris ayyaloni. Photo: Sasson Tiram.

Solving the cave shrimp mystery: geology and evolution in action

A new study found genetic link between rare cave shrimps in Israel and Italy

[Translate to English:] Konzeptionelles Diagramm der Datenintegration in DigitalEarth. Quelle: GEOMAR.

Data floods our Earth

New project "Digital Earth" aims to better structure research data

Having fun: Early career scientists of RD1. Photo: A. Villwock, GEOMAR.

What's your research about?

Early career scientists in Research Division 1 gather to share their experiences