Metro - Subproject "Mapping"

Identification and Quantification of Methane Vents in the Black Sea

Chief Scientists: Dr. Wilhelm Weinrebe (IFM-GEOMAR) and Dr. Heiko Sahling (marum, University of  Bremen)
Cooperator: Dr. Ingo Klaucke
Project period: 1.10-2004 - 30.09.2007
Sponsored by: BMBF
Participating institution: Center of Marine Environmental Sciences, marum

This subproject includes different methods for seafloor mapping and investigations. The aim is to differentiate the various facies and environments which are related to shallow gas hydrates and to quantify their extend. The applied are multibeam bathymetry, deep-towed sidescan sonar and video mapping. In co-operation with other subprojects and the measurements of local gas and gas hydrate contents an estimate of the methane flux will be calculated. The particular aims are:

  • Detect sediments with gas and gashydrate using acoustic mapping methods
  • Determination of the extend of those locations
  • Definition of the sedimentological environments, their tectonic and structural contexts
  • Calibration of sidescan sonar records in respect to gas and gas hydrate contents using discrete measurements

Please find more information about the project and the research area here