Workshop "Rock Deformation"

Marco Herwegh, Erik Rybacki and Rüdiger Kilian  

Owing to the high abundance of polymineralic rocks in the earth’s crust an mantle, knowledge of their deformational behavior and associated rheology is fundamental for a profound understanding of deformation in the lithosphere in general and the localization of strain in shear zones in particular. In this light, this workshop will deal with the following three major subjects: 

(i) Microstructural evolution and related processes in the case of polymineralic rocks undergoing static overprint and/or deformation under natural conditions.

(ii) Detecting the rheology of polymineralic rocks using high temperature and high-pressure rock deformation experiments. 

(iii)  Extrapolation of experimentally obtained flow laws to natural conditions.

The participants will be introduced into these topics by the presentation of the theoretical backgrounds and selected key examples. Open questions and problems of the state of the art approaches will be discussed. Furthermore, there will be the opportunity to present own research results or questions related to the topic of polymineralic rocks. In this way we hope to rise a stimulating ambiance and fruitful discussions.

Please find further information about the three major subjects here.