Sören Lorenz
Chief Information Officer (CIO) in the Directorate
Head of Ocean Research Technology Centre (ORTC)

Room: 5-5.112
Phone: +49 431 600 2270
Email: slorenz(at)geomar.de
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Wischhofstr. 1-3
24148 Kiel
Digital transformation in research, management and administration
IT Strategy and IT Management -Strategie und IT-Management
Digital Science @GEOMAR
Joint Projects & Initiatives
DataHub Earth and Environment
- MareHub
- Cross-institutional data infrastructres
- Cross-institutional data services
DAM Pilot Underway Data
- Alignment of data flows
- Optimization of vessels-to-land connection of research data
Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC)
- HMC MetadataHub Earth and Environment
- HMC Office
NFDI4Earth (Participant)
- Measure 2.2 User Support Network
- Measure 3.2 Common Standards for FAIR ESS data
Boards & Committees
since 2021 | Data Management Working Group - Deutsche Allianz für Meeresforschung (DAM), Co-Chair
since 2021 | NFDI4Earth, Steering Board Member
since 2022 | Base4NFDI, Co-Spokesperson
since 2022 | Hauptausschuss DINI e.V., Member
since 2016 | Hochschul-CIO e.V., Board Member
Helmholtz Association
since 2019 | HMC - Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration Platform, Spokesperson
since 2019 | WG Digitalization Earth and Environment, Spokesperson
since 2018 | Data Hub Earth and Environment DataHub, Steering Board
since 2018 | Helmholtz Inkubator Information and Data Science, Member
since 2020 | Task Force Digitalisation, Member
since 2021 | Task Force Research Data Management, Member
since 2018 | KODA (Committee for data and computation), Member
since 2017 | Chief Information Officer (CIO) at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research at Kiel and Head of the Information, Data and Computing Centre (IDCC)
2012-2017 | Managing Director Director at the Service Centre for Research, IT and strategic Innovation and Head of the Data Centre, Kiel University
2009-2012 | Head of IT Management, University of Kiel
2007-2009 | E-Learning Coordinator for the Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean”, University of Kiel.
1997-2007 | Research Staff and project coordinator, Department of Neurobiology, Bielefeld University. Educational Simulation for Neural and Cognitive Science; peer-to-peer system for open neural simulations, open access publication of simulations.
1990-1996 | Study of Computer Science and Biology, Diploma in Computer Science (Dipl. Inform.), Focus on Biological Cybernetics and Neural Networks, Bielefeld University
Conference Contributions
- A Road to Data Liberation in Helmholtz. Christine Lemster, Constanze Curdt, Sören Lorenz. (2022). Open Science Conference 2022, Online Conference. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6382454
- Interoperability of institutional data management systems. Mehrtens, H., Springer, P., Schirnick, C., Faber, C., Maicher, D., Paglialonga, L., & Lorenz, S. (2021). IMDIS 2021.
- The Helmholtz Earth and Environment Data Hub – connecting people and integrating data infrastructures for Earth System Sciences. Roland Bertelmann, Peter Braesicke, Sören Lorenz (2019). 15. RDA Plenary, Helsinki, 2019.
- The Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) - adressing the metadata problem. Lorenz, Sören; Emanuel Söding; Denker, Michael; Finke, Ants; Langenbach, Christian; Stotzka, Rainer; Ückert, Frank. 15. RDA Plenary, Helsinki, 2019.