Dr. rer. nat. Sven Petersen

Senior Scientist (Topic 8)
RD 4: Dynamics of the Ocean Floor
RU: Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems
- Marine Mineral Resources Group (MMR) -

Room: 8/A-107
Phone: +49 431 600 2110
Email: spetersen(at)geomar.de

GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Wischhofstrasse 1-3
D-24148 Kiel

since 10/2024: Chairperson of the staff council

2019-2024: Vice chairperson of the staff council

Research Focus

  • Formation, evolution and regional distribution of marine mineral resources
  • Significance of marine mineral resources for future global metal supply
  • Toxic metals in the marine environment


  • 2023 - 2026 KIMERA - Artificial intelligence for seabed mapping and marine spatial planning (PI). Funded by the state of Schleswig-Holstein
  • 2023 M194 HEXPLORES - Hydrothermal EXPLOration of the REd Sea - The Effect of Spreading Rate on the Frequency Distribution of Hydrothermal Vent Sites and Volcanic Activity in the Red Sea Rift (PI); Funding DFG
  • 2017 – 2023 INDEX - Geological mapping in the INDEX area, Central Indian Ocean (PI); funding BGR
  • 2018 – 2021 SO267 Archimedes - Arc Rifting, Metallogeny and Microplate Evolution: An Integrated Geodynamic, Magmatic and Hydrothermal Study of the Fonualei Rift System, NE Lau Basin (co-PI); funding BMBF
  • 2015 – 2018 OASIS WTZ China – Germany; Characteristics of tectonics and magmatism and their control on the occurrence of hydrothermal sulfide deposits in the Indian Ocean (PI); funding BMBF
  • 2014 – 2018 Blue Mining: Breakthrough Solutions for the Sustainable Deep Sea Mining Value Chain (FP7-NMP.2013.4.1-2) (PI); funding EU-FP7


  • since Aug. 2004 Research scientist at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel
  • 2002 – 2004 Research scientist at the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg
  • 2001 – 2002 Research scientist at the Umweltforschungszentrum Halle
  • 2001 Postdoc at the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg
  • 1994 - 2000 PhD thesis at the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg. Supervisor: Prof. Peter M. Herzig (TU Freiberg), Prof. Peter Stoffers (University Kiel) and Dr. Mark D. Hannington (Geological Survey of Canada)
    Subject: "The Geochemical and Mineralogical Evolution of the TAG Hydrothermal Field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26°N"
  • 1993 - 1994 Grant of the DAAD for work at the Geological Survey of Canada (Ottawa)
  • 1993 Research scientist at the Geological Survey of Canada
  • 1988 - 1992 Studying mineralogy at the RWTH Aachen
    Degree: Diplom-Mineraloge
    Subject: "Mineralogy and Geochemistry of gold-bearing massive sulfides of the Lau Back-Arc (Southwest Pacific)" In German. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. G. Friedrich, PD Dr. W. Plüger
  • 1985 - 1988 Studying mineralogy at the Christian-Albrechts University Kiel (BSc)

Publications (OceanRep)

11 First-author and 110 co-authored publications in peer-reviewed journals and books. 44 other publications and over 300 conference abstracts plus public talks
(Clarivate Web-of-Science h-index: 37; google scholar h-index: 50; Sven Petersen at Google Scholar).

For a complete list of publications click here


Publications (Highlights)

Torres-Rodriguez, N., Yuan, J., Petersen, S., Dufour, A., Gonzalez-Santana, D., Chavagnac, V., Planquette, H., Horvat, M., Amouroux, D., Cathalot, C., Pelleter, E., Sun, R., Sonke, J.E., Luther III, G.W., and Heimbürger-Boavida, L.-E. (2024) Mercury fluxes from hydrothermal venting at mid-ocean ridges constrained by measurements. Nature Geoscience 17(01): 51-57. doi: 10.1038/s41561-023-01341-w

Graber, S., Petersen, S., Yeo, I., Szitkar, F., Klischies, M., Jamieson, J., Hannington, M.D., Rothenbeck, M., Wenzlaff, E., Augustin, N., and Stobbs, I. (2020) Structural control, evolution, and accumulation rates of massive sulfides in the TAG hydrothermal field. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 21(9): 389-25. doi: 10.1029/2020GC009185

Hannington, M.D., Petersen, S., and Krätschell, A. (2017) Subsea mining moves closer to the shore. Nature Geoscience 10: 158-159. doi: 10.1038/ngeo2897

Petersen, S., Krätschell, A., Augustin, N., Jamieson, J., Hein, J.R., Hannington, M.D. (2016) News from the seabed – geological characteristics and resource potential of deep-sea mineral resources. Marine Policy 70: 175-187. doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2016.03.012

German, C., Petersen, S., and Hannington, M.D. (2016) Hydrothermal exploration of mid-ocean ridges: Where might the largest sulfide deposits occur? Chemical Geology 420(1): 114-126. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2015.11.006

Petersen, S., Monecke, T., Westhues, A., Hannington, M.D., Gemmell, J.B., Sharpe, R., Peters, M., Strauss, H., Lackschewitz, K., Augustin, N., Gibson, H., and Kleeberg, R. (2014) Drilling shallow water massive sulfides at the Palinuro Volcanic Complex, Aeolian Island Arc, Italy. Economic Geology 109(8): 2129-2158. doi: 10.2113/econgeo.109.8.2129

Hasenclever, J., Theissen-Krah, S., Rüpke, L., Morgan, J.P., Iyer, K., Petersen, S., and Devey, C. (2014) Hybrid shallow on-axis and deep off-axis hydrothermal circulation at fast spreading ridges. Nature 508 (7497): 508-512. doi: 10.1038/nature13174

Hannington, M.D., Jamieson, J., Monecke, T., Petersen, S., and Beaulieu, S. (2011) The abundance of seafloor massive sulfide deposits. Geology 39: 1155-1158. doi: 10.1130/G32468.1

Petersen, S., Kuhn, K., Kuhn, T., Augustin, N., Hekinian, R., Franz, L., and Borowski, C. (2009) The geological setting of the ultramafic-hosted Logatchev hydrothermal field (14°45’N, MAR) and its influence on massive sulfide formation. Lithos 112: 40-56. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2009.02.008

Teaching and Relevance

since 2020: Co-Lecturer of the annual course "Introduction to Ocean Sustainability" (mageoMaCSus-01a) within the English Master-degree "Marine Geosciences".

2005-2019 and 2024: Lecturer for "Marine Resources" at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg.

2010-2018: Lecturer of the annual course "Marine Resources" (MNF-geo-MR, 3 SWS) within the English Master-degree "Marine Geosciences".

Since 1997 Supervision of 3 PhD theses, 14 Master theses, 9 Diplom theses, 7 project theses, 6 Bachelor theses, and Co-supervision of 6 PhD theses and 3 Diplom theses.

Co-Editor "Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences" (Springer-Verlag, 2016)

since 2019: Board of Directors for International Marine Minerals Society (IMMS)
since 2019: Member of the Expert Group for the "World Ocean Assessment (WOA)"
since 2018: Councillor of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA)
2018-2019: Member of the German Expert Group "Round table - Seas and Ocean" for Marine Mineral Resources
since 2015: Member of the KDM Strategy Group "Mineral Resources"

Researcher-ID: N-9528-2016
ORCID: 0000-0002-5469-105X


Research cruises

Over 40 research cruises on various national and international research vessels in the Atlantic, Pacific, Indic, Mediterranean, and Antarctica to investigate hydrothermal processes at divergent plate margins and in island arc areas (>40 months at sea). Including 9 cruises as chief scientist and 30 cruises with large-scale equipment (ROV, AUV, submersible, mobile drilling rigs).

  • 2023; M194 (HEXPLORES), Red Sea, RV Meteor/ROV Kiel6000, 10.10 - 06.11.2023
  • 2023; SO299 (Dynamet), New Ireland fore-arc, RV Sonne/ROV Kiel 6000, 07.06 - 29.07.2023
  • 2022; JC224 (ULTRA-1), Mid-Atlantic Ridge, RV James Cook/Rockdrill-2, 03.03 - 20.04.2022
  • 2021; PE494 (INDEX2021), Indian Ocean, RV Pelagia, 03. - 29.11.2021
  • 2018; SO267 (Archimedes), Lau Basin, RV Sonne/AUV Abyss, 11.12. 2018 - 26.01.2019
  • 2018; MSM75 (Reykjanes),RV Maria S. Merian/ROV Phoca/ AUV Abyss, 29.06. - 09.08.2018
  • 2017; POS510 (Anydros), Aegean Sea, RV Poseidon/ AUV Abyss, 06. - 29.03.2017
  • 2017; POS509 (ElectroPal2), Tyrrhenian Sea, RV Poseidon, 15.02. - 02.03.2017
  • 2016; JC138, TAG Field, RRS James Cook/ Rockdrill, 08.07. - 23.08.2016 (Co-chief Scientist)
  • 2016; M127, TAG Field, RV Meteor/AUV Abyss, 25.05 - 28.06.2016 (Chief Scientist)
  • 2016; POS494 (HierroSeis2), Canary Islands, RV Poseidon/JAGO, 07. - 14.02.2016
  • 2015; POS483 (ElectroPal), Tyrrhenian Sea, RV Poseidon, 28.03. - 15.04.2015
  • 2013; ODEMAR, RV PourquoiPas?/ ROV Victor/ AUV Abyss, 16.11. - 19.12.2013
  • 2013; MSM25(SMART), SouthAtlantic, RV Maria S. Merian/ AUV Abyss, 24.01. - 05.03.2013
  • 2012; POS442(AUVinTYS), Tyrrhenian Sea, RV Poseidon, 31.10. - 09.11.2012 (Chief Scientist)
  • 2012; M86/4, Tyrrhenian Sea, RV Meteor, 06. - 20.02.2012 (Chief Scientist)
  • 2011; SO216 (Bambus), Manus Basin, RV Sonne/ROV Quest, 15.06. - 14.07.2011
  • 2011; POS412, Tyrrhenian Sea, RV Poseidon/ROV Mohawk, 19.04. - 07.05.2011 (Chief Scientist)
  • 2010; M82/3 (MenezMar),RV Meteor/ROV Quest, 06.09. – 11.10.2010
  • 2010; Search for AF447, Central MAR, Seabed Worker/AUV Abyss, 29.03. – 28.04.2010
  • 2009; SO203 (Woodlark), Woodlark Basin, RV Sonne/AUV Abyss, 27.10. – 06.12.2009
  • 2009; M78/2 (MarSüd V), RV Meteor/ROV Kiel6000/AUV Abyss, 01.04. – 11.05.2009
  • 2008; POS376, AUV Abyss test, RV Poseidon, 18.11. – 03.12.2008 (Chief Scientist)
  • 2007; HYDROMAR-V, RV Atalante/ROV Kiel 6000, 04.12.2007 – 02.01.2008 (Chief Scientist)
  • 2007; M73/2, Tyrrhenian Sea, RV Meteor / Rockdrill 1, 14. - 30.08.2007 (Chief Scientist)
  • 2006; MSM03/2, Logatchev, RV Maria S. Merian/Rockdrill2, 08. – 30.11.2006 (Chief Scientist)
  • 2006; POS340, Tyrrhenian Sea, RV Poseidon/ROV Cherokee, 06. - 17.07.2006 (Chief Scientist)
  • 2005; DA105-17A, Indian Ocean, RV Dayang Yi Hao, 23.11. 2005 - 06.01.2006
  • 2005; M64/1 (Marsüd II), MAR, RV Meteor/ROV Quest, 01.04. – 03.05.2005
  • 2004; M60/3 (HydroMar), Logatchev Field, MAR, RV Meteor/ROV Quest, 15.01. – 13.02.2004
  • 2003; TN-157 (Sulfide Insert), Endeavour, RV Thompson/ROV JASON2, 18.06. – 01.07.2003
  • 2002; SO-166 (Condrill), New-Ireland/Manus Basin, RV Sonne/Rockdrill, 14.09. – 05.10. 2002
  • 2001; SO-157 (Foundation III), Pacific-Antarctic Ridge 37°S, RV Sonne, 15.06. - 14.07.2001
  • 2001; SO-155 (HydroArc), Bransfield Strait, RV Sonne, 26.02. – 18.03.2001
  • 1999; NBP99-04, Bransfield Strait, RV Nathaniel B. Palmer, 14.04. – 12.05.1999
  • 1998; SO-133 Edison II, New-Ireland Fore-Arc, RV Sonne, 10.07. – 10.08.1998
  • 1997; ANT XV/2, Scotia Flux 1, Bransfield Strait, RV Polarstern, 09.11.1997 - 11.01.1998
  • 1996; SO-109/2 Hydrotrace, Axial Seamount, RV Sonne/ROV ROPOS, 08. – 25.06.1996
  • 1994; ODP Leg 158, TAG field, RV Joides Resolution, 29.09. – 22.11.1994
  • 1994; SO-94 (Edison I), New-Ireland Fore-Arc, RV Sonne, 11.03. - 05.04.1994
  • 1993; Event Detection and Response, JdFR, RV Discoverer/ROV ROPOS, 08. – 20.07.1993
  • 1993; A-II Leg 129, TAG field, RV Atlantis II/submersible ALVIN, 23.04. - 23.05.1993
  • 1990; SO-67, Valu Fa Ridge, Lau Basin, RV Sonne, 17.03. - 28.04.1990