Technical Expertise


Swath bathymetry (Hydrosweep DS2; SeaBeam 1180, 1150; SIMRAD EM120, EM300, EM1002, EM302, RESON 7125):
              Operation of the system during cruises; data editing, processing and
              visualisation using different software packages (HDP-Edit & Post;
              MB-System; GMT; Fledermaus, Hypack)

ADCP (RDI; Mavs):
              Operation of the system during cruises; technical maintenance; data
              processing and visualization using different software packages (RDI software;
              GMT; Fledermaus)

Sediment echosounder (PARASOUND, KNUDSEN 3.5kHz):
              Operation of the system during cruises; processing and visualisation using
              different software packages (GMT; Fledermaus)

Single-beam echosounder for gas bubble investigations (PARASOUND; SIMRAD EK500, ES60):
              Operation of the system during cruises; processing and visualisation using
              different software packages (SonarView; WaveLens; GMT; Fledermaus)

Side Scan Sonar (Edge Tech DTS 1 with Hydrostar Online Data Acquisition):
              Help in operating the system during cruises; data processing and
              visualization (Caraibes)

Multi-beam echosounder for gas bubble quantification (GasQuant with SeaBeam 1000):
              Development of the lander based GasQuant system in cooperation with L3
              Communications ELAC Nautik, Kiel, Germany; technical and scientific
              maintenance of the system, data processing and interpretation

Sampling & Observations

Sediment sampling (Multi corer; gravity corer; TV-grab):
              Operation and maintenance of the system; sampling of sediment,
              carbonates and gas hydrate for different purposes

CTD (SeaBird; FSI):
              Operation of
the system during cruises; technical maintenance; data
              processing and visualization by different software packages (SeaBird
              software; GMT; OceanDataView; Fledermaus)

Autonomous deep-sea lander - 'in-situ observatories' (IFM-GEOMAR lander):
              Operation of the system; development of special sampling and data-logging

Seafloor observations:
              Observations by towed video systems, ROVs and submersibles;
              establishment of a data base; detailed mapping and visualisation; geological
              interpretation of the data; programming of related software (online visualization
              and logging of the seafloor observations)

Geochemical Methods

Pore water and water column analyses
              Sediment squeezing under inertial atmosphere; photometric and titration
              analyses (e.g. Si, P, NO3, NO2, Cl, H2S, O2) at sea and in onshore laboratories;
              water/gas hydrate degassing and gas analysis by gas chromatography (C1 to
              C4) at sea and in onshore laboratories

XRD analyses (Debye-Scherrer, Guinier, Phillips diffractometer)
              Sample preparation for common powder and special clay mineral investigations;
              mineral identification and quantification

SEM/EDX and EMS analyses (CamScan; CAMECA SX 50)
              Sample preparation, analysis and scientific data interpretation

Computer Skills and Programming

Integration of spatial geological, and geophysical data and their visualization
              using e.g. ESRI GIS, GMT, OFOP, Fledermaus.

Visual Basic 6
              WINDOWS-based online logging software for visual seafloor observations (GPS
              input and visualization of the ship position on a bathymetric map; logging of
              position data; interactive logging of seafloor observations); GMT script editor for
              DOS scripts; WINDOWS-based data logger and control programmes for different
              sensors and tools.