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------ 2017 ------

Krause S, Liebetrau V, Joubert A, Jaramillo-Vogel D, Löscher CR, Böhm F, Grob S, Eisenhauer A, Treude T: Carbonate Matrix Formation Resulting from Nitrogen Remineralization and Enzyme Activity, Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, Frankreich, 13.-18.08.2017

D. Jaramillo-Vogel, A. Joubert, S. Krause, E. De Boever: Insights in the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of biofilm lithification revealed with multi-scaled micro-CT, Swiss NanoConvention, Fribourg, Switzerland, 01.-02.06.2017


------ 2015 ------

John Pohlman, Carolyn D Ruppel, Frederick S Cowell, Stefan Krause, Tina Treude, Michael F Graw, Michael Casso, Lee-Gray Boze, Brian Buczkowski and David Brankovits: Sediment and water column geochemistry related to methane seepage along the northern US Atlantic margin, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco,14.-18.12.2015

Michael Franklin Graw, Evan A Solomon, William Chrisler, Stefan Krause, Tina Treude, Carolyn D Ruppel, John Pohlman and Frederick S Cowell: Towards Biogeochemical Modeling of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane: Characterisation of Microbial Communities in Methane-bearing North American Continental Margin Sediments, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco,14.-18.12.2015

Tina Treude, Stefan Krause, Frederic S Colwell, Michael Franklin Graw, John Pohlman and Carolyn D Ruppel: Anaerobic oxidation of methane related to methane seepage along the northern US Atlantic Margin, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco,14.-18.12.2015


------ 2014 ------

Krause, S., Liebetrau, V., Eisenhauer, A. & Treude, T.: Carbonic Anhydrase - A Geological Relevant Enzyme? Goldschmidt Conference, Sacramento, USA, 08.-13.06.2014


------ 2013 ------

Berndt, C.Feseker, T.Treude, T.Krastel, S.Liebetrau, V., Niemann, H., Bertics, V.Dumke, I.Dünnbier, K., Ferre, B., Graves, C., Gross, F., Hissmann, K., Hühnerbach, V., Krause, S.Lieser, K.Schauer, J. and Steinle, L.: Dynamics of the gas hydrate system off Svalbard, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 07.-12.04.2013

S. Krause, G. Aloisi, A. Engel, V. Liebetrau, T. Treude: Enhance Calcite Dissolution in the Presence of Aerobic Methanotrophic Bacteria. Goldschmidt Conference, Florence, Italy, 25.-30.08.2013 

------ 2012 ------

S. Krause, V. Liebetrau, M. Sànchez-Román, S. Gorb, J. A. McKenzie, T. Treude: Mg-dolomite nucleation in biofilm of sulfate-reducing bacteria at modern seawater salinity. Goldschmidt Conference, Montreal, Canada, 24.-29.06.2012

------ 2011 ------

S. Krause, V. Liebetrau, M. Sànchez-Román, S. Gorb, J. A. McKenzie, T. Treude: Dolomite-type-ordered carbonate nucleation in biofilm of a marine sulfate-reducing bacterium: the role of extracellular polymeric substances. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 07.04.2011

S. Krause and T. Treude: Globale Erwärmung und Gashydrate: Was passiert wenn das Methaneis schmilzt? Symposium zur Information der Öffentlichkeit WARNSIGNALE KLIMA: Die Meere - Änderungen & Risiken, Hamburg, Germany, 20.09.2011

------ 2009 ------

S. Krause, Aloisi G., Liebetrau V., Treude T.: Dissolution of carbonates caused by the activity of marine aerobic methanotrophic bacteria. Geologische Vereinigung, annual meeting, 5-7 Oktober, Göttingen









------ 2015 ------

Pohlman, J.W., Ruppel, C., Colwell, R., Krause, S., Treude, T., Graw, M., Casso, M., Boze, L.-G., Buczkowski, B., Brankovits, D.: Sediment and water column geochemistry related to methane seepage along the northern US Atlantic margin, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 14.-18.12.2015

Treude, T., Krause S., Colwell, F., Graw, M., Pohlman, J.W., Ruppel, C.: Anaerobic oxidation of methane related to methane seepage along the northern US Atlantic margin, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 14.-18.12.2015

Graw, M., Solomon, E., Christler, W., Krause, S., Treude, T., Ruppel, C., Pohlman, J., Colwell, F.: Towards Biogeochemical Modeling of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane: Characterization of Microbial Communities in Methane-bearing North American Continental Margin Sediments, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 14.-18.12.2015

------ 2014 ------

Treude, T., Krause, S., Bertics, V., Steinle, L., Niemann, H., Liebetrau, V., Feseker, T., Kristen, S., Berndt, C.: A non-steady-state condition in sediments at the gas hydrate stability boundary off West Spitsbergen: Evidence for gas hydrate dissociation or just dynamic methane transport?, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 15.-19.12.2014

 Krause,S., Liebetrau, V., Eisenhauer, A., Treude, T.: Carbonic Anhydrase - A Geological Relevant Enzyme?, Goldschmidt Conference, Sacramento, USA, 08.-13.06.2014

------ 2013 ------

Treude, T.Krause, S.Bertics, V.Steinle, L., Niemann, H., Liebetrau, V.Feseker, T.Krastel, S. and Berndt, C.: Methane seeps at the gas hydrate stability boundary off West Spitzbergen: Geochemistry, microbial methane turnover, and chemosynthetic communities at the seefloor, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 09.-13.12.2013

Schmale, O., Leifer, I., Schneider von Deimling, J., Stolle, C., Kiesslich, K., Krause, S., Frahm, A. and Treude, T.: Bubble Shuttle: A newly discovered transport mechanism, which transfers microorganisms from the sediment into the water column, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 09.-13.12.2013

Niemann, H., Steinle, L. I., Blees, J. H., Krause, S. Bussmann, I., Treude, T. Lehmann, M. F.: Toxic Effects of Butyl Elastomers on Aerobic Methane Oxidation, Goldschmidt Conference, Florence, Italy, 25.-30.08.2013 

------ 2011 ------

Treude, T.Krause, S., Hamdan, L., Schweers, J. and Coffin, R.: Decoupled anaerobic oxidation of methane and sulfate reduction within the methanogenic zone of Arctic sediments (Beaufort Sea, Alaska), ISEB XX 2011 Frontiers in Biogeochemistry, Istanbul, Turkey,22.-27.09.2011

------ 2010 ------

Maneja, R.Hu, M. Y. A.Melzner, F.Clemmesen, C.Piatkowski, U., Geffen, A., Gutowska, M. A.Krause, S. and Vohrs, H.: Effect of ocean acidification on the statolith calcification of the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis, Gordon Conference on Biomineralization, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, USA, 16.08.2010

------ 2009 ------

S. Krause, Aloisi G, Liebetrau V., Treude T.: Dissolution and formation of authigenic carbonates connected to microbial methanotrophy. Workshop Nordcluster, 26-27.03, Bremen