Running projects
CLIPA: Offshore Algal Culture for sustainable biomass production, de-eutrophication and carbon sinking.The project is funded by DBU for three years starting on March 1st, 2023. We aim at cultivating the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus offshore and at large scale by co-use of windpark areas. During their in situ growth phase the algae bind nutrients in their biomass and sink carbon in the form of released fucoidan. After harvest, we plan to exploit them sequentially for cosmetics, food additives, biogas production and as fertilizer. (Culture effects). (funded by DBU) (see German site for the English project description)
FIRMA: Development, testing and application of a new index ("Finctional Integrity and Resilience in Marine Assemblages) evaluating the health and robustness of marine communities based on the diversity and redundancy of functional groups.This is an alternative to the traditionally taxonomy-based evaluations and takes account of the presence and persistence of ecosystem functions and services. (funded by LFU)
Past projects
EBu30: Reality Lab for the restoration and environmental upgrade of the Eckernförde Bight, coordinated by Kiel University (EOEB-focus = Nutrient Reduction by Macroalgal Culture),
BIOMOD: Biological modulation o fenvironmental pressures (BMBF, Germany-Israel)
Modelling of the Fucus community responses to environmental pressure (DFG, BMBF, various donors)
Invasion ecology and genetics of Gracilaria vermiculophylla (DFG)
Nano-ecology: life in the diffusive boundary layer (DFG, EU)
The importance of environmental fluctuations for the modulation of stress (DFG)
Re-structuring and re-functioning of benthic communities under the interactive influence of acidification, warming, eutrophication and sporadic hypoxia. (BMBF, DFG, LLUR)
Shifts of structure, diversity, functioning and sensitivity of benthic communities in a meso scale salinity gradient (LLUR)
Interdisciplinary Projects
GAME: Global Approach by Modular Experiments, a novel tool for macro-ecological research and international capacity building