Dr. Tim Fischer

Wischhofstr. 1-3
24148 Kiel
Building 5 (ENB), Room 3.114
Phone +49431-600-4110
Email tfischer@geomar.de

Research focus

  • Mixing processes
  • Air-sea interaction
  • Upwelling systems
  • Mesoscale eddies


  • SOPRAN (2007-2015)
  • FOR 1740 (2016-2018)
  • REEBUS (2019-2022)   
  • NextGEMS (2022-2025) 




Kopte et al. (2024): FAIR ADCP data with OSADCP: a workflow to process ocean current data from vessel-mounted ADCPs. Front. Mar. Sci. 11, 1425086

Browning et al. (2021): Iron regulation of North Atlantic eddy phytoplankton productivity. Geophys. Res. Lett. 48, e2020GL091403

Fischer et al. (2019): Gas exchange estimates in the Peruvian upwelling regime biased by multi-day near-surface stratification. Biogeosciences 16, 2307-2328

Stramma et al. (2016): Observed El Nino conditions in the eastern tropical Pacific in October 2015. Ocean Sci. 12, 861-873

Fischer et al. (2013): Diapycnal oxygen supply to the tropical North Atlantic oxygen minimum zone. Biogeosciences 10, 5079-5093

All publications


Stages of academic career

1994    Diploma in Environmental Engineering, TU Berlin
2011    PhD in Physical Oceanography, Kiel University
2011 - recent   Postdoctoral researcher and researcher at Leibniz Institute of Marine Science and Geomar

Field Expeditions

2023    R/V Merian MSM117 (Tropical Atlantic, Circulation and coastal processes)
2022    R/V Merian MSM106 (Tropical Atlantic, WASCAL floating university)
2019    R/V Meteor M160 (Tropical Atlantic, REEBUS/MOSES eddy study)
2018    R/V Alkor AL510 and AL516 (Baltic Sea, Surface microlayer and gas exchange)
2018    R/V Meteor M145 (Tropical Atlantic, Circulation)
2017    R/V Meteor M138 (Tropical Pacific, Peruvian upwelling system)
2015    R/V Sonne SO243 (Tropical Pacific, Peruvian upwelling system)
2014    R/V Meteor M106 (Tropical Atlantic, Circulation)
2013    R/V Meteor M97 (Tropical Atlantic, OSTRE tracer survey)
2012    R/V Meteor M91 (Tropical Pacific, Peruvian upwelling system)
2011    R/V Merian MSM18/3 (Tropical Atlantic, equatorial upwelling)
2009    R/V Meteor M80/2 (Tropical Atlantic, GuTRE tracer survey)
2008    R/V Merian MSM10/1 (Tropical Atlantic, GuTRE tracer survey)
2008    R/V Islandia (Cape Verde time series station, gas transport and mixing)
2008    N/O Atalante GEOMAR4 (Tropical Atlantic, Circulation)
2007    R/V Poseidon POS357 (Gotland basin, BaTRE tracer survey)
2006    R/V Atlantis ATL15-14 (Tropical Pacific, deep sea tracer survey)
2006    R/V Meteor M68/2 (Tropical Atlantic, Circulation)
2005    N/O Thalassa (Labrador Sea, Circulation)
2004    R/V Meteor M60/5 (Subtropical North Atlantic, transient tracers, CO2 uptake)
2003    R/V Meteor M59/2 (Subpolar North Atlantic, Circulation)
2003    R/V Alkor AL217 (Sill overflow into the Baltic Sea)